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How to lose weight by 10 kg per month

How to lose weight by 10 kg per month

How to lose weight by 10 kg per month

  • Proper nutrition and exercise
  • Down with bad habits!
  • Uncomplicated Diet
  • Contraindications

Learn how to lose weight fast
Without much effort!

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Winter - it's not just vacations and holidays with all sorts of goodies, but also the inevitable extra pounds. And now the desire to soon put on a favorite skirt or dress is maturing, but the forms are far from ideal. Is there any "first aid", some method of emergency weight loss? To the great delight of many, yes! Lose weight for a month at 10 kg - it is quite real. However, no one canceled the fact that it would be necessary to make efforts: without difficulty, as before, neither fish from the pond, nor weight loss.

How to lose weight in a month: proper nutrition plus exercise

Nutritionists are working on new diets, discovering the uncharted properties of familiar and unfamiliar products that help to "burn" the accumulated fats, but the basic principles of healthy eating have not been canceled. The desired mark on the scales can be achieved by carefully reviewing their eating habits and increasing daily exercise. How to lose 10 kg a month without it?
Do you want to lose 10 kilograms per month? Down with bad habits!
Why do not many people manage to part with extra pounds and volumes? Often, because people do not even think about their daily eating habits, which, like the anchor, they are firmly held in a certain weight category. At the same time, bad habits not only do not allow to lose weight, they slowly, but very methodically destroy health. 

How to lose weight by 10 kg per month

So, are you ready to deal with such enemies? Let's start!

1. Insufficient amount of liquid. Water in the amount of up to 2 liters is needed for any adult, let alone losing weight. Without a liquid to lose weight for a month for 10 kg, and in general it will not turn out to lose weight. It just helps to get rid of all the excess that has accumulated in our body. Start a new habit - to drink a glass of clean water, preferably a little warm, before each meal.
2. Late last meal. Although everyone talks about how they do not eat after 6 pm, most people dine late: at 20.00 or 21.00. Well, even if you do not have dinner, then snack. And what if the horror how to lose weight in a month like, but hunger tortures in the evening? Drink a glass of herbal or green tea without sugar or a bit of low-fat kefir! You can also eat one vegetable, for example, a cucumber.
3. Incorrect combination of products. Carbohydrates are not categorically combined with fats! Therefore, there are, for example, potatoes (carbohydrates) with pork chops (fats) and at the same time wanting to lose weight in a month for 10 kg - it is unrealistic, no matter what excuses were invented.
4. Lack of proper rest. According to scientists, in the period from 21 hours to 2 am, during sleep, in the body of an adult human growth hormone is produced, which is involved in the breakdown of fats. That's why we do not want to eat in a dream. If we go to bed late, respectively, we deprive ourselves of such an important hormone. 

How to lose weight by 10 kg per month


Simple diet: for a month 10 kg will go without a trace

In addition to the right combination of products, you need to remember that you can lose weight to a person and what not . What foods should form the basis of the diet?
  • Vegetables, fresh and cooked, except potatoes.
  • Fruits and freshly squeezed juices, except bananas and grapes.
  • Eggs are cooked.
  • Low-fat dairy products: kefir, cottage cheese, cheese.
  • Cereals.
  • Whole wheat bread.

    How to lose weight by 10 kg per month

What should I forget if you want to look stunning in a month?
  • Confectionery and bakery products.
  • Salt.
  • Oil, fat and any fat.
  • Fried and smoked products: meat, chicken, fish.
  • Alcohol.
  • Spices, ketchup, mustard.
  • Sugar and sweets. 

    How to lose weight by 10 kg per month

    How to lose weight by 10 kg per month

More movements!

Hypodinamy will not be a good addition to even the strictest diet. If you want to lose 10 kg per month, try to increase physical activity. Not everyone can immediately enroll in a fitness club and attend training three times a week for two hours. But to give up the elevator and take one or two stops of public transport every day - everyone can do it. And if you add morning exercises and evening jumping rope to it, then you can say goodbye with 500-600 calories a day, which will have a big impact on the volumes in the waist and hips.


Having set a goal - to lose weight within a month by 10 kg,

How to lose weight by 10 kg per month

you should remember about contraindications. Any changes in the diet and diet are contraindicated to anyone who has problems with the gastrointestinal tract. And increased physical activity can negatively affect the health of those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system. Emergency weight loss is absolutely contraindicated in pregnant, lactating women, and also in adolescents

How to lose weight by 10 kg per month


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