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A diet for 1000 calories a day

A diet for 1000 calories a day!


      A diet for 1000 calories a day

    • Diet of 1000 calories
      • What results can be achieved on a 1000 calorie diet
      • Which products to give preference, sitting on a diet of 1000 calories
      • Ten menu options for a diet of 1000 calories per day
      • A video about a diet of 1000 calories a day

Diet of 1000 calories

Those who decided to start losing weight on a diet of 1000 calories will need a table of caloric content of foods, since they will have to calculate the daily calorie content of the diet, which should not exceed 1000 kcal. We also need kitchen scales to weigh portions.
This diet is quite diverse and balanced . The daily ration is divided between three main meals and two snacks. It is this diet regime that modern doctors advise to adhere to in order to maintain proper metabolism.

What results can be achieved on a 1000 calorie diet

For the first time it is desirable to sit on a 1000 kcal diet for no more than seven days a month. During this time, you can determine whether you are suitable for such a power scheme. The maximum is to adhere to such a low-calorie diet can be no more than three weeks and only after a month's break it is allowed to repeat. Otherwise the metabolism will slow down, and the weight will cease to leave. What will be the result of a diet of 1000 calories depends on the initial weight, physical activity and physiological characteristics of the individual and on some other factors. As a rule, after a three-week course, you can lose from 5 to 10 extra pounds.
After successful weight loss, you also need to keep the results. To leave the kilograms are not returned you need to get out of the diet correctly . To do this, you need to gradually increase the caloric content of the daily diet, but for two weeks after the end of the diet, it is necessary to limit the intake of fatty and sweet.
What results can be achieved on a 1000 calorie diet

Which products to give preference, sitting on a diet of 1000 calories

In principle, sitting on a diet of 1000 calories is allowed to eat any food, most importantly, in the end, their calorie content does not exceed the limit of 1000 calories per day. And yet for health and more effective weight loss is better to exclude from the menu:
  • fast food;
  • Starchy vegetables (potatoes, beets);
  • confectionery;
  • Fatty;
  • roast;
  • Smoked;
  • Floury.
It is also desirable to reduce the amount of salt and sugar consumed.
Mayonnaise is also better to refuse, replacing it with vegetable oils or citrus juice.
In the daily set of low-calorie diet products should be present:
  • Lean meat and fish;
  • seafood;
  • Milk and dairy products, skimmed or with the lowest fat content;
  • Nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • Vegetable products;
  • Cereals;
  • Soups.
Which products to give preference, sitting on a diet of 1000 calories
Kasha must be boiled on the water, soups on a thin broth.
From the thermal processing methods you can use steaming, stewing, cooking and sometimes baking.
It must be remembered that calories are contained in drinks. Sitting on a diet of 1000 calories should be completely excluded from the menu of alcoholic and sweet fizzy drinks.

A diet for 1000 calories a day

During weight loss it is allowed to drink no more than two cups of coffee, and it is better and completely to refuse them, replacing them with green tea or with vegetable and herbal decoctions .
During the diet, you must drink at least two liters of water a day. The liquid must be drunk before meals, so the feelings of hunger diminish. But after a meal for two hours, it is worth not to drink, otherwise the liquid, having got into the stomach, will dilute the hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice, as a result of which the digestion will slow down.

Ten menu options for a diet of 1000 calories per day

First option:
  • Breakfast - a slice of rye bread or diet bread, 40 grams of fat-free cottage cheese or 100 ml of kefir (drinking yoghurt, ryazhenka, yogurt);
  • Lunch - one any fruit (orange, pear, apple, peach, apricot or plum);
  • Dinner - bean soup, 100 gr. Chicken (goose, turkey), or 130 g of lean fish;
  • Afternoon snack - 2 walnuts or 9 pieces of almonds, cob of boiled corn or some fruit;
  • Dinner - 100 gr. Buckwheat or oatmeal porridge, boiled egg, vegetable salad from tomato and cucumber.

A diet for 1000 calories a day

  • Breakfast - a soft-boiled egg, a slice of bread with 10 g of butter, half a grapefruit, 200 ml of milk of the least fat content;
  • Lunch - any fruit (pear, apple, orange, peach, a couple of plums or apricots);
  • Lunch - 90 g of low-fat cooked meat, salad of fresh cucumbers and cabbage, 190 g of lean soup or stewed vegetables;
  • Mid-morning snack - 200 ml of minimum fat milk, a slice of bread with 10 g of butter and a slice of cheese or 30 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Dinner - 90 grams of low-fat meat, 200 grams of stewed vegetables, 200 ml of skim milk, a salad of vegetables.
The third menu option:
Distribute for the whole day 400 grams of vegetables, 40 grams of bread, 300 grams of fruit, one egg, half a liter of milk, 170 g of sea fish or meat, 40 grams of cheese or fat-free cottage cheese, 25 g of butter.
The fourth variant of the menu:
  • Breakfast - grapefruit, a slice of bread with 10 g of butter, soft-boiled egg, 200 ml of skim milk;
  • Lunch - vegetable broth, tea or coffee;
  • Lunch - 80 g of boiled or baked lean meat in foil, 200 g of vegetables, 110 g of fruit, a cup of tea or coffee;
  • Snack - 200 ml of skim milk, a slice of bread with 10 g of butter and 25 g of cheese or cottage cheese;
  • Dinner is the same as dinner.
The fifth option:
  • Breakfast - unsweetened coffee and a glass of milk of the least fat content;
  • Lunch - 140 g of stewed or boiled meat or fish of low-fat varieties, 160 g of string beans or peas or any porridge with 400 g of fresh vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, etc.);
  • Snack - 350 g of apples or pears;
  • Dinner - 450 ml of lean soup, missing calories can be obtained with fat-free curd or fruit.
The sixth option:
  • Breakfast - a slice of any bread and coffee (with sugar replacer and milk);
  • Lunch - 300 grams of tomato and 200 stewed pollock;
  • Snack - 400 g of apples;
  • Dinner - 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese with jam, cocoa with sugar.
The sixth option:
Seventh menu option:
  • Breakfast - a couple of cups of coffee with milk and sugar substitute;
  • Lunch - 200 g of tomatoes, 160 g of veal, 140 g of buckwheat;
  • Afternoon snack - 300 g of apples or pears;
  • Dinner - about 500 ml of cabbage soup, 250 g of apples and 180 grams. Low-fat cottage cheese.
The eighth version:
  • Breakfast - soft-boiled egg and coffee with sugar replacer and milk;
  • Dinner - 200 g of red fish steamed, 500 ml of lean soup;
  • Afternoon snack - 300 g of apples;
  • Dinner - a few slices of lean ham (depending on its caloric content) with lettuce leaves are allowed.
The ninth option:
  • Breakfast - two eggs in the form of an omelet, 100 g of any pickles, coffee without sugar;
  • Dinner - 250 ml of soup (lean or on a weak broth), 300 gr. Apples;
  • Dinner - 220 grams of meat with 90 g of potatoes cooked in a double boiler, with one pickled cucumber or tomato, 200 ml of any fermented milk product.
Tenth option:
  • Breakfast - a glass of tea, two soft-boiled eggs, a slice of any bread;
  • Lunch - 120 g of boiled pink salmon and a cup of fish broth;
  • Afternoon tea - curd or grapefruit;
  • Dinner - 120 g. Boiled chicken for garnish 220 grams of stewed or fresh different vegetables.
Now you know exactly how to eat 1000 calories a day and be slim, cheerful and attractive!

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