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Highly Effective Modern Diet 1200 calories

Highly Effective Modern Diet 1200 calories

    • Why is the diet 1200 Kcal per day?
    • Diet menu option 1200 calories per day
    • Who does not like it, there is another version of this diet in stock for the day:
    • Advantages and disadvantages of the diet 1200 kcal:
    • Safe Diet 1200 calorie specialist reviews
    • History of a thin woman from Ekaterinburg
    • Video from the menu for 1200 kcal

Why is the diet 1200 Kcal per day?

Such a diet is considered the most harmless and adequate for any organism, after all such quantity of calories is necessary for the person leading an not too active way of life. If you use a lesser amount of saturation of foods with vitamins and trace elements , the metabolism level will decrease and the muscle tissue will be recycled to obtain the necessary daily energy.
To prevent this, it is important to adhere to the indicator of 1200 Kcal per day. This balance is useful not only for those who lose weight, but also those who are forced to adhere to proper nutrition due to illness and many other reasons.
The main advantage of a 1200 calorie diet is the fact that it has no contraindications. Of course, pregnant and lactating breast should independently control the reaction of the body and use an individual complex of foods, well, in general, this food system is simply wonderful for every person.
Highly Effective Modern Diet 1200 calories
All efforts during the diet will go on with the brand, if you neglect important important points:
  1. There are no fat, fried, sweet, carbonated, fast food and alcohol at any dose.
  2. Lack of exercise and daily exercise.
  3. Change the diet on your own, the wrong way out of the diet .
  4. Lack of consultation with a doctor or dietitian.
  5.  Highly Effective Modern Diet 1200 calories
To properly adhere to a diet of 1200 calories a day and get high results, you need to learn how to chew food slowly, this will allow you to satiate the body faster and get the necessary amount of energy. Many different products can be consumed in this diet, you can experiment and eat interesting, delicious foods every day. Drink a lot of liquid, water removes toxins and cleanses the body , facilitating the rapid digestion of food. Vitamins and trace elements are found in fresh fruits and vegetables, which must be included in the daily diet.
How many days to follow a diet, depends only on YOU! The main thing is not to abuse calories and not dehydrate the body.
You can safely say that a diet of 1200 calories is completely safe for the physical and mental condition of a person.
She watches calories

Diet menu option 1200 calories per day

For breakfast, two slices of rye bread, one sweet - with jam, and the other with chicken or ham, 150 g of spring salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and onions, dressed with olive oil. We wash down everything with a cup of cocoa, without sugar.
The snack is this: 150g skimmed yogurt and a few spoons of oatmeal. 1 cup of grapefruit juice.
Lunch from cucumber soup with potatoes, 100 grams of turkey with raisins, 200 grams of celery salad, apples and carrots. A glass of low-fat milk.
Snack. Lowfat kefir and kiwi.
For dinner, cook 2 potatoes in a uniform, 100 g of salad from a tomato and an onions. A cup of yoghourt.

Who does not like it, there is another version of this diet in stock for the day:

We have breakfast omelet from two eggs, a slice of rye bread, 100 grams of vegetable salad and olive fat, a glass of cocoa.
For the second breakfast, 180 grams of cabbage, corn and tomato salad, 100 grams of fruit low-fat yogurt, a bit of wheat bran and two mandarins.
For dinner, cook beetroot from potatoes, 180 g cabbage rolls, 200 grams of salad. A cup of water.
Afternoon snack with fresh fruit, 100 grams of cheese, three spoons of oat bran.
For dinner, a little fish, about 150 grams, stewed vegetables, two pieces of rye bread and an apple.
Here's an approximate diet of 1200 calories per day.
During nutrition and rationing for a day, you need to monitor the amount of calories with the help of acquired knowledge or a special cheat sheet, which should be placed on the refrigerator. It helps not to get off the right track, and not to violate the rules of the diet.

Unique calorie designer Advantages and disadvantages of the diet 1200 kcal:

Pros - the guaranteed high effectiveness of the diet, harmlessness, stability of the goal, no contraindications and high motivation, due to the variety of foods in the diet.
Cons - you need to consider and strictly adhere to 1200 Kcal per day. Possible fatigue and drowsiness, but this is only at first, after the body adapts and these signs disappear. For physically active people is not suitable.
You can keep to a diet almost all the year round, it all depends on your intended goals, during the first month to go a huge amount of extra pounds, and in the subsequent all normalizes and the effect is firmly fixed. 5 kg without harm to health at the beginning of the weight loss phase is guaranteed!

Safe Diet 1200 calorie specialist reviews

Katerina Markovna, leading nutritionist, 10 years work experience.
"Such a diet is not only harmless to humans, but also useful. Cleansing the body, removing toxins and toxins, improving blood circulation, stable metabolism. And a lot of positive factors lead to a 1200 Kcal diet on the pedestal of respect and practicality. I'll even say that you can make a diet for yourself and begin to lose weight immediately. The only thing is to know for sure that you have no problems with the intestines, liver and stomach. I wish you all a wonderful mood, strength of mind and a harmonious body. "

History of a thin woman from Ekaterinburg

Lyudmila, 45, mother of three children, housewife.
"What to say, with each birth of my son, I gained weight to 10 kg, and when I stood on the scales and saw the figures of 110 kg with my height of 165 cm, I was horrified. At this moment, I firmly decided that I would change the diet and started to work. It is difficult to control food when you are at home all the time and are in the kitchen. Children are already schoolchildren, I'm at home alone, my husband is at work. How can you force yourself to return the old forms. 75 kg. I read about the diet 1200 Kcal. Everything suited me, I was glad that you can eat almost all the products. Made a meal schedule, strictly counted calories and began to lose weight. For the first month I did not recognize myself, minus 7 kg. I was delighted, my husband and children supported me and motivated me. Then I did not want to stop. Weight normalized, I'm used to such a diet, even my family began to eat less harmful foods and follow a healthy lifestyle. Everything is great. Dreams Come True!"
All I wish successes and correct motivation at first.Highly Effective Modern Diet 1200 calories

Highly Effective Modern Diet 1200 calories


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