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diet for fast weight loss healthy

diet for fast weight loss healthy

Excess weight is not only the factor that spoils our beauty, provokes the emergence of serious diseases, but also brings a lot of psychological discomfort. Any woman aspires if you do not allow the addition of extra pounds, then at least in the shortest possible time get rid of unnecessary ballast.
A quick weight loss has many supporters and opponents. But when it comes to an almost guaranteed method of losing weight by 20 kg per month, even ardent opponents subsided.


Fast diets simply provide the maximum weight loss when they are observed. This is their main difference from express diets, which are limited by time frames and can not last more than 7 for fast weight loss healthy
Correctly selected fast diet allows you to increase the tone of the whole body, improve the performance of internal for fast weight loss healthy
Such a diet is the basis for the development of proper eating habits.
Often, fast diets include mono-diets or their cycle (a diet consisting of several mono-diets). It is difficult to say how true this is, but there is no doubt that they can get large plumbs at their exit.
The main advantages of such a diet can be considered:
  • Rapid weight loss;
  • It can be built according to taste preferences;
  • The menu usually includes products available to all;
  • Quite cheap scheme of nutrition;
  • Helps to reduce stomach volume.
A balanced fast diet has much more advantages than a mono-diet. Her diet is cut, but quite diverse. And, therefore, a person will not have an acute desire to eat something for fast weight loss healthy.
A balanced fast diet lessens the psychological state of a person and allows you to do without failures (if you show some willpower).diet for fast weight loss healthy.

Dangers and disadvantages

No matter how positive and effective the diet is, it has its drawbacks. Emergency disposal of extra pounds should be approved by the doctor. Your chronic illnesses can worsen if you follow a fast diet for weight loss of 20 for fast weight loss healthy.
The main dangers of fast diet can be considered:
  • High probability of return of excess weight;
  • Fast diets are harmful for metabolism;
  • Emergency weight loss is always a stress for the body, which can manifest as loss of hair, skin and teeth problems.
It should be noted that the dangers of a fast diet are not proven. It all depends on the characteristics of the body and overall for fast weight loss healthy. A fast diet has many drawbacks.
They are as follows:
  • Most people will feel hunger when they follow this diet;
  • The diet is not scanty, but it can not be fully balanced;
  • Despite the simplicity, requires compliance with the diet and the preparation of certain dishes;
  • Weight loss is not due to fatty tissue, but due to the removal of fluid and loss of muscle mass.
From the point of view of cosmetology, fast diets are harmful. The skin does not have time to recover and sag. There are rashes, stretch marks and other cosmetic for fast weight loss healthy.
That's why, adhering to such a diet, you need to drink plenty of water. It helps to remove toxins, decomposition products and prevents the development of dryness of our upper layers.
Some may call the main drawback of such a diet, the fact that there is no guarantee for everyone in the final loss for a month of 20 kg. The result is not guaranteed for other power modes. It all depends on the characteristics of the for fast weight loss healthy.

Menu fast diet for weight loss of 20 kg

The fast diet menu for 20kg slimming for all three weeks will be the same. It is important to observe the order and not to change the daily rations in some for fast weight loss healthy

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1st day 0.5 L of milk 0.5 L of milk 1 glass of tomato juice, 100 g of black bread
2 nd day 100 g of black bread, 20 g of butter, 1 tsp. Honey, coffee with milk without sugar 100 g of ham (meat) with broth, 100 g of hard cheese, 100 g of black bread 2 boiled eggs
Day 3 2 apples (orange or peach) Vegetable soup with 1ch.L. Vegetable oil Salad of 3 cucumbers and 2 tomatoes without butter, a glass of tea with 1ch.L. Honey
4 th day Coffee with milk without sugar, 100 g of Dutch cheese 100 grams of ham (meat, fish), 100 grams of black bread, 2 boiled eggs A glass of low-fat kefir
5th day 100 g of black bread, 20 g of butter, 1 tsp. Honey, coffee with milk without sugar 100 g of ham (meat) with broth, 100 g of hard cheese, 100 g of black bread 2 boiled eggs
6th day 2 apples (orange or peach) Vegetable soup with 1ch.L. Vegetable oil Salad of 3 cucumbers and 2 tomatoes without butter, a glass of tea with 1ch.L. Honey
7th day Coffee with milk without sugar, 100 g of Dutch cheese 100 grams of ham (meat, fish), 100 grams of black bread, 2 boiled eggs A glass of low-fat kefir
It is very important to start three dietary days before starting the diet, eating light, dietary for fast weight loss healthy.
It's not bad to make an enema with a decoction of herbs: this way it will be easier to tolerate the first period of the diet. It is characterized by headaches and depressed mood, and all because in the first three days will accumulate accumulated for fast weight loss healthy
The most important thing is to hold out this time, and then the body will get used to it, will be reorganized and will launch the regime of "losing weight".diet for fast weight loss healthy.

First week

The first week will have to suffer a feeling of hunger and drowsiness. The body will get used to the new diet. The diet consists of a series of mono-diets that alternate every other day. So if you are tuned to the result of 20 kg, you need to observe the diet of each day and do not change the for fast weight loss healthy.
The first day must be necessarily hungry.
Instead of breakfast and lunch small cups drink a liter of for fast weight loss healthy.
For dinner, you can drink a little tomato juice and eat 100 grams of bread. It is forbidden to drink alcohol, sweet juices, sugar-containing foods, bakery products. Cheese is acceptable to eat only Dutch. Cottage cheese and processed cheese are excluded from the diet. It is advisable to buy a fitness cheese with a low percentage of for fast weight loss healthy.
Vegetable soup must be prepared from grated tomatoes, bell pepper and onions. In its composition and consistency, it should resemble Bonn for fast weight loss healthy.

The second week

The second week will be more pleasant on sensations. The first crisis period is over. But the regime and products can not be changed. The most active weight loss and the breakdown of fat begins exactly with the 2nd week. An acute sense of hunger will occur less and less, satiety will begin to come even after a glass of ordinary for fast weight loss healthy.
The menu for the second week of the diet is similar to the first.
The week should begin with a hungry day. Some nutritionists believe that with such a diet for a more effective diet can skip certain meals. For example, on Monday - to refuse breakfast, and on Tuesday - from dinner.

Video: How to lose weight by 20 kg

This method is effective, as there will be a gradual decrease in the amount of calories consumed, and a change in the time of intake of nutrients will help disperse the for fast weight loss healthy.

The third week

The third week can upset the plumb line. But do not forget about the effect of the "plateau" and the fact that it is normal for a human body to stop an emergency weight loss at certain for fast weight loss healthy.
The menu this week is similar to the first two. The third week can also be characterized by an emergency weight loss, if at first the indicators were for fast weight loss healthy.
It will also be necessary to exit the diet correctly. A fast 20-day diet provides 1 week for fixing the results. On its length you can expand the existing menu every day, adding forbidden products.
Another and less correct option is to replace the dietary menu with normal, but with limited portions.


Fast diet for fast weight loss of 20 kg has the following contraindications:
  • Heart disease, kidney and excretory system;
  • Diseases of the digestive tract;
  • Infectious ailments;
  • pregnancy;
  • Anemia, exhaustion;
  • Metabolic disorders, endocrine diseases;
  • obesity.
Contraindications in this diet - a very controversial thing. Fast diets are used even by physicians in preparation for surgery and for general medical purposes. But with obesity of the 3rd and 4th degree, endocrinologists usually do not appoint them. The question of the permissibility of a diet should be decided by a personal physician. Contraindications also depend on chronic human diseases.
If a person suffers from a stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, esophagitis or gastritis, such a diet is categorically unacceptable. Nursing mothers should also choose a more gentle diet.
Cosmetologists consider most fast diets harmful and destroying the beauty of the skin and hair. In their opinion, such diets are always great limitations that can provoke a violation of metabolic processes. They are the most common cause of hair loss, their fragility, dullness, and the appearance of skin defects.

Your feedback

On the same topic
Discussion: 4 comments
  1. Kukushonok4 :
    I sit 7 day. The famine remained the same. I really want something to eat. But, I think, at the end of next week and this desire will pass. At first I really wanted to sleep. Therefore, a saw at work coffee with milk in breaks. But it did not affect the plumb bows: 8,300 in the end. I will try to continue to follow the scheme of nutrition. I'm glad that there is honey in the diet, otherwise it's hard for me without sweet. Psychological relief, so to speak))
  2. VeraVera :
    The diet is delicious and balanced enough. I only sit the second day. The feeling of hunger does not actually arise. Plumb bows are very modest so far: only half a kilogram has been lost. But I hope that further indicators will be higher. I try to drink at least 8 glasses a day. But hard cheese decided to replace fat-free cottage cheese. From it, the benefits for teeth and hair will be greater))
  3. Natalka :
    My personal opinion: one of the best diets. I sit on it for only three days, and everyone already observes how well the volumes go and how my gray complexion has become more vital. I try to follow the scheme. But the tomato juice I drink packaged. I read that this diet can not be observed for more than one month. But this is very tempting, because I already lost 3 kg. It is transferred easily enough, especially if you find for this period an occupation to your liking.
  4. This surprised me
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