theme of returning to the sizes of clothes which were before pregnancy,
excites young mums not less, than aspects of development of the kid. The
question is especially acute in the period of breastfeeding, because
some mothers at this time return to the former parameters of the
figures, and some, alas, begin to gain weight even more rapidly than
during the gestation of the child. So
how to lose weight after giving birth to a nursing mother, without
harming your own organism and the body of a child who is sensitive to
the quality changes in breast milk?
Weight loss quickly and effectively: secrets for nursing moms
It goes without saying that the appearance of excess fat deposits
during the bearing of the baby is not only normal, but it is also
necessary for the normal course of the child's bearing process. However, the "baby fat" has its own limitation period, and the statements from the series "I have two children, so I have the right to ten or two extra pounds" - is nothing more than a banal excuse, a reluctance to look at the truth in person and a way to justify for weight loss during breastfeeding.
Important key recommendations on the way to losing weight
If you want to avoid problems in the form of extra kilos after
pregnancy, then adopt recommendations that will definitely contribute to
bringing the figure in order reliably and for weight loss during breastfeeding.
- The
most important thing that you need on the way to finding the former
form (and often - a form much better than before pregnancy) is desire
and motivation. Without these factors, attempts to lose weight will never turn into a system, and therefore - will not bring the result.
Often consider your own photos made in the best periods of life - a
happy, laughing, slender girl from the photo will cause an acute desire
to make every effort to "dump" excess. Regularly measure your favorite swimsuit: how do you look in it now, but how would you like it?diet for weight loss during breastfeeding.
- Do not share your own regime with the baby's day regimen.
Many moms are familiar with this phenomenon: all day, while the child
is awake, all the time is completely devoted to the rituals for caring
for the baby, and by the time he falls asleep, the exhaustion is already
so strong that it is simply impossible to not pounce on the
refrigerator. The way out of this situation will be the combination of meals: accustom yourself to eat when eating and the for weight loss during breastfeeding.
Observing the same diet with a baby, you, in fact, go to a fractional
food, which is considered the key to successful and, more importantly,
smooth and safe weight for weight loss during breastfeeding.
- Try to ensure a proper rest.
Scientists have proved that if you sleep less than 7-8 hours a day,
then even intense exercise and diet will not lead to rapid weight loss.
Of course, the baby makes significant adjustments to sleep, but with
the support of relatives or resorting to a nanny service, you can
certainly "get" the necessary hours of rest during the for weight loss during breastfeeding.
- Keep balance in your desire to get a good shape. On the one hand, when breastfeeding is strictly prohibited rigid diets, significantly reducing the caloric content of the diet, as well as making it unbalanced.
On the other hand, many young mothers rely on "miraculous" feeding,
during which you can eat everything, and the weight will go away by
itself. Remember: the
process of lactation burns only 500-600 calories during the day - it's
just more than one chocolate, so there's absolutely no reason to
"inflate" the diet.
In addition, the myth, which says that the fat content of milk directly
depends on the fat content of the food consumed, can also contribute to
the further weight gain.
This is a false stereotype - the fat content of milk is provided by the
already existing reserves of the body, the fat content of the daily
ration can only affect the appearance of new wrinkles at the waist of
the nursing for weight loss during breastfeeding.
Training for nursing mothers
Fact: moderate exercise is the most effective way to achieve harmony after childbirth.
At the same time, nothing prevents the healthy healing of the uterus and, especially, ruptures, than any for weight loss during breastfeeding.
Therefore, even if the outcome of birth is the most favorable, it is
possible to begin to study not earlier than 6-7 weeks after them. If you start early, the load can have a very negative effect on the healing process, and on for weight loss during breastfeeding.
"Body & Mind" - "Body and Mind"
Experienced trainers, answering the question "how to lose weight after giving birth to nursing mothers?" Are advised to start with the practitioner "Body & Mind" - that is, "Body and Mind": yoga, meditation, pilates, etc.

Lose weight after giving birth through fitness and meditation
It is well known that these practices can significantly transform the
body at any stage of life, in addition, they have virtually no for weight loss during breastfeeding.
The main thing is not even this: the relaxation and immersion in
themselves, which underlie these exercises, will help minimize the
stress that inevitably brings the appearance of the baby.
The great advantage of these techniques is that lessons can be spent at
home, as there is no time for traveling and visiting the sports club
for lactating mothers, and the family budget is often limited in view of
the costs of caring for the for weight loss during breastfeeding.
Natural exercise
Do not underestimate the activity that comes to life with new worries: a
series of pleasant troubles for caring for a child are already
exercises in sufficient volume that burn excess for weight loss during breastfeeding.
And yet another habitual daily action, wearing a baby in the
"kangaroo", serves as a full-length gymnastics for nursing mothers: the
optimal load on the muscles of the abdomen and back allows you to pull
up the figure, and the whole child growing day by day will serve as a
kind of weighting, at the expense of Smoothness of weight gain of the
spine and lower back will not for weight loss during breastfeeding.
Correct physical activities (recommendations)
If you still want to thoroughly deal with the figure, then you need to approach the choice of the load rationally:
- The pool, which was the best kind of physical activity during pregnancy, is recommended even during breastfeeding;
In the gym should be engaged without burdening, since exercises with
weight can trigger a rise in milk concentration of lactic acid, which
will give it a characteristic taste;
Nursing mothers are advised to avoid any aerobic training - classical
aerobics, steppe, running, etc. The fact is that during such exercises
the body loses a lot of fluid, and the vast majority of elements and
exercises have a "shock" for the breast character and can injure it.
In accordance with the previous recommendation, carefully analyze each
exercise, both at home and in the hall - categorically avoid those in
which potentially potentially injuring the breast;
If the classes involve the inclusion of jumps, active hands and other
movements provoking an active "swinging" of the chest, then it is
possible to engage exclusively in a special supporting bra that will
thoroughly fix the breast. Otherwise, it is necessary to refuse such employment.
- diet for weight loss during breastfeeding
Diet of a nursing mother after giving birth
Many women really manage to lose all the weight gained during 9 months, during breastfeeding without any effort.
This is due to the already mentioned energy costs of the lactation
process itself, high metabolic rate, rapid normalization of the hormonal
background, and a number of individual characteristics of the body.
For the same reasons, examples, when during the period of
breast-feeding weight loss did not occur or weight even increased, too, a for weight loss during breastfeeding.
So how to lose weight after giving birth to a nursing mother after a
year or more, when she is still breastfeeding and a number of
requirements and restrictions in nutrition is in force? The answer is banal: resort to a diet. But, of course, for weight loss during breastfeeding.
approach the issue of losing weight by adjusting the diet most
competently, it is important to always remember the principles of
feeding nursing mothers:
Exclusion from the diet of allergen products: vegetables, fruits and
berries of bright color and exotic fruits, coffee, chocolate and cocoa
products, nuts and seeds, honey and dairy products. This list is not final, additions will be made by the doctor who watches mom and baby.
The minimum of chemical additives and industrial processing of food,
the maximum of seasonal vegetables and fruits is the motto of all
breastfeeding women, without exception.
- There is for two - a mistake that the child will not benefit, and my mother will only add centimeters on the hips. During pregnancy, the body has already made reserves of valuable substances for lactation and trace elements. Therefore, during breastfeeding, the emphasis should be on the quality of the diet, and not on its volume.
- Targeted weight loss can begin no earlier than 8-10 weeks after the most bright event in life.
- diet for weight loss during breastfeeding
A young mother rarely has the opportunity to cook favorite and healthy dishes for all members of the family. How, with a total lack of time and extra energy, to eat so that it was really tasty, useful, and also promoted losing weight? Make a family diet from the menu options recommended just for lactating women!
Menu options for dishes to reduce weight
Breakfast options:
- Oatmeal with apples
- Wheat porridge with fruit
- Puree mousse from permissible vegetables and fruits
- Baked fruit
- Cottage cheese casseroles and puddings
- diet for weight loss during breastfeeding
Lunch options:
- Vegetable soup (or cream soup)
- Buckwheat
- Stuffed zucchini or peppers
- Chicken soup with homemade noodles
- Ear
- Braised poultry or beef
- diet for weight loss during breastfeeding
Options for snacks:
- Homemade ice cream
- Omelet
- Cheesecakes
- diet for weight loss during breastfeeding
Dinner options:
- Steam chicken cutlets
- Fish with potatoes baked in a pot
- Ratatouille
Salads with the following ingredients: tuna, chicken liver, beetroot,
string beans, Brussels sprouts, natural yogurt, sour cream, walnuts,
prunes, olive oil.
- diet for weight loss during breastfeeding
First of all, mothers breastfeeding their babies need to ensure that
the baby with breast milk receives all the necessary vitamins and
nutrients, so the main thing is the child, then the figure. A detailed article on the correct diet of a nursing mother (what you can eat, and what to eat is not recommended) - read .
The most important thing for a nursing mother
To quickly lose weight and regain harmony after childbirth is the normal desire of every woman.
But every step you make on your way to the cherished figure should fill
the idea that the most important of the worries in this period is
caring for the baby.
It's great if proper nutrition took up a lasting role in mom's life and pregnancy. In case this is not so, then breastfeeding is the best time to create healthy eating habits and inculcating them to all family members, including the for weight loss during breastfeeding
Let you always accompanied by rationality, optimism and energy! After all, only a healthy, self-confident and happy mother can raise the same baby!