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diet for weight loss diabetic

Diabetes diet for weight loss sugar

Diabetes is a disease that primarily affects the metabolism in the body. The reason for this is the disruption of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for the production of the hormone insulin. With the reduction of this hormone in the blood begin to increase, the indicators of sugar, which subsequently leads to unpleasant complications.
Unfortunately, in our time about 150 million people in the world are ill with this disease. With a properly selected diet, you can reduce, and in some cases completely avoid medication.
In order to control diabetes, you must adhere to three basic rules:
  • A properly balanced diet;
  • Constant weight control;
  • Correctly chosen physical exercises.
  •  diet for weight loss diabetic
Despite the fact that the main goal in this disease is the maximum reduction of sugar, you should not give it up categorically. diet for weight loss diabetic. At least, according to modern nutritionists and endocrinologists.
The most important thing in this diet is the rejection of simple carbohydrates.
These are products like:
  • candies,
  • Sweet berries and fruits,
  • raisins,
  • jam,
  • Dates,
  • honey,
  • Baking.
  •  diet for weight loss diabetic
Diabetes diet for weight loss sweet
But a complete rejection of them is possible only with particularly severe forms of diabetes. Equally important is the rejection of food, which contains a large amount of fat.
The total amount of fats per day should not be more than 40 for weight loss diabetic.
Since it is the high levels of fat in the blood that lead to an accelerated progression of diabetes.
Scientists of American clinics who are studying this problem came to the conclusion that the most important factor is the constant monitoring of glucose in the blood. This helps to minimize the complications of this insidious for weight loss diabetic.
With a low A1C in the blood, the possibility of complications in ophthalmology, neurology and kidney diseases is reduced by almost 40%. This is why you need to carefully approach the choice of diet.

Diabetes diet

List of foods and servings for proper nutrition:
  • Black bread is not more than 200 grams;
  • Vegetable soups - daily, on meat and fish broths no more than once a week;
  • Choose such types of meat and fish, in which a minimum of fat and eat them in a boiled form (100 grams);
  • Do not get carried away with cereals and pasta. You can occasionally: rice, pearl and wheat porridge. We exclude Mancu completely;
  • Cabbage, radish, cucumbers and tomatoes eat without restrictions. But carrots, buryaks and potatoes are rarely no more than 200 grams;
  • No more than 2 eggs a day cooked soft-boiled or in the form of an omelet;
  • Fruits are only sour or sweet and sour. So it is with berries. 300 grams daily portion;
  • Milk only if the doctor permits, but dairy products can be daily, but not more than one glass;
  • Cottage cheese is recommended for daily consumption of 150 grams, since it normalizes the work of the liver;
  • You can use green and black teas, as well as tomato juice.
  •  diet for weight loss diabetic
Diabetes diet for weight loss tomato
And now we will tell you the basic principles of choosing foods for a diet.
Tips for preparing your diet for each day to normalize the glucose level
  • For breakfast, lunch and dinner portions should be the same;
  • Make a meal schedule for each day. Time should be about the same;
  • And also the time of physical exercises should be the same.
  • Your portions should be calculated taking into account the number of calories needed for each day.
  • Neither what passes of eating, everything should be regular.
  • Medication should be taken at the same time every day.
  • Choose a product with a low level of fat to normalize cholesterol and lipids, reducing these substances will reduce the risk of heart disease to 50%.
  •  diet for weight loss diabetic
What is it so important to eat regularly and with an equal amount of food? With every meal, sugar in the blood rises and it's natural. But if every day you eat different amounts of food, then sugar will be allocated in different for weight loss diabetic.
Such changes in sugar level negatively affect your health. Your goal is to keep it on one bar.

Caloric value

 diet for weight loss diabetic

Consumption of calories per day should not exceed 1200-1600, in such cases:
  • If you are a tiny woman with a small height who is actively involved in sports;
  • If you are a woman with a small or medium height, dreaming to lose weight;
  • If you are a woman with medium height, not engaged in regular exercise.
  •  diet for weight loss diabetic
In your diet must be present: foods that contain starch (6 servings), fermented milk products (2 servings), vegetables (3 servings), meat (2 servings), and foods with fat content (maximum 3 servings).
Diabetes diet for weight loss products list
Consumption of calories per day should not exceed 1600-2000, in such cases:
  • If you are quite a full woman, dreaming to lose weight;
  • If you are a man with a small height and your weight corresponds to growth;
  • If you are a man with a height about average, not engaged in regular exercise;
  • If you are a man with a height about average, dreaming to lose weight.
  •  diet for weight loss diabetic
In your diet must be present: foods that contain starch (8 servings), fermented milk products (2 servings), vegetables (4 servings), meat (2 servings), fruit (3 servings), and foods with fat content (maximum 4 Portions).diet for weight loss diabetic.
Consumption of calories per day should not exceed 2000-2400, in such cases:
  • If you are a man with a height above the average, and regularly go in for sports. And also if you have a job that requires high energy costs;
  • If you are a man with more than high growth and weight, which corresponds to growth;
  • If you are a woman more than tall, and regularly go in for sports. Or your work requires high energy costs.
  •  diet for weight loss diabetic
In your diet must be present: foods that contain starch (11 servings), fermented milk products (2 servings), vegetables (4 servings), meat (2 servings), fruit (3 servings), and foods with fat content (maximum 5 Portions).
Eating with diabetes should be at least 4 times a day (preferably 5-6 times). Do not forget that the products must have a sufficient set of vitamins and trace for weight loss diabetic.
Try to diversify your diet as much as possible in diabetes mellitus. Even with such an unpleasant disease, the list of allowed products is quite for weight loss diabetic
Diabetes diet for weight loss diet
And last but not least, an important remark. If after reading the article that either contradicts the recommendations of your doctor, do not contradict him. After all, he, knowing your whole medical history, adequately assesses the current situation. And his recommendations will be more accurate and for weight loss diabetic.
And our article, we hope, will become for you a small helper in this difficult way. diet for weight loss diabetic.
For healthy people and fat burning, it is recommended to use special fat-burning drugs. For diabetics, do not use fasting for weight loss .diet for weight loss diabetic.
Be healthy!

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