How difficult it is to lose weight!
Exhausting diets, mandatory physical activity ... Not always the human
body is ready for this, so many people consider the process of losing
weight too difficult, and refuse it. In fact, getting rid of excess weight can pass completely unnoticed, it is enough to conduct it correctly.
For example, a well-chosen menu for weight loss will allow you to throw
a few pounds without compromising your culinary preferences. It is necessary to buy certain products and use them during the time for which the menu is for weight loss daily
Diet Menu Features
What is a diet menu ?
Many believe that this is a set of tasteless and unleavened dishes,
which you need to use only in case of emergency or serious illness.
In fact, this statement is fundamentally wrong: dietary dishes can also
be very tasty and at the same time contain all vitally important
vitamins and trace elements for the human for weight loss daily.
Features of dietary nutrition are its full value and balance by using the most natural and useful products. At the same time, the calorie content of such products is very low.
diet for weight loss daily.The use of low-calorie food every day will allow you to consume more
calories than enters the body, and this in turn will lead to a gradual
weight for weight loss daily.
The basic rule, which is based on making a menu for weight loss - you should not feel hungry. A person who constantly wants to eat, can not lose weight without harm to his body.
As a result - not a slim and beautiful figure, and problems with skin
and hair, insomnia, irritability and susceptibility to for weight loss daily.
Correctly compiled diet for weight loss for each day will allow you to
get rid of excess weight, while remaining vigorous, energetic, cheerful
and for weight loss daily.
What does that require?
To do this, you should eat so that all dishes during the application of
the diet menu were fresh, varied and competently for weight loss daily.
Of course, it is necessary to be guided in some way by taste
preferences, because a person who does not tolerate, for example, fish
or stewed carrots, can not enjoy them when eating. In this case, the dish will bring not favor and satisfaction, but disgust and bad mood.
If necessary, some components of the menu for weight loss can be
replaced with products that are close in terms of the original
properties and the number of for weight loss daily.
Approximate menu for slimming for 7 days
Wanting to lose weight, you can use the menu, calculated for a week. It was developed by nutritionists for people who want to adhere to the principles of proper and healthy nutrition , therefore the composition of products contains the highest possible amount of substances beneficial for the body. So, the composition of the menu, designed for 5 meals a day during the day, is as for weight loss daily.
Breakfast: buckwheat porridge on water or skim milk, vegetable salad, tea without sugar. The second breakfast: a banana or a pear, a glass of yogurt. Lunch: soup with fish, boiled chicken breast with stewed vegetables, compote of dried fruits. Snack: low-fat cottage cheese or natural yogurt. diet for weight loss daily.
Supper: ragout of vegetables or fresh vegetable salad, boiled fish, bread with bran, tea.
Breakfast: cereal cereal, natural yogurt, pear or unsweetened apple, coffee. Second breakfast: cottage cheese, seasoned with low-fat sour cream, a glass of wild rose broth. Lunch: cereal soup on vegetable broth, baked fish with boiled brown rice, vinaigrette, juice or compote. Afternoon snack: figs or dried apricots with yoghurt. Dinner: a piece of lean meat, a salad of fresh vegetables, for weight loss daily.
Breakfast: porridge of oatmeal with milk or water, baked apple, tea or coffee with 1 tsp. Honey. Second breakfast: several nuts, yogurt. Lunch: soup from fresh cabbage on a meat broth, mashed potatoes, fish cutlets, fruit juice. Afternoon snack: fruit salad, 2-3 unsweetened crackers. diet for weight loss daily.
Supper: ragout of vegetables, a slice of lean ham, a glass of tea.
Breakfast: casserole from cottage cheese with dried fruits or candied fruits, toast with butter, coffee, fruit juice or tea. The second breakfast: an apple, natural yoghurt. diet for weight loss daily.
Lunch: borsch, chicken cutlet with buckwheat, compote. Snack: a few nuts, yogurt, a handful of dried fruits. Supper: stewed chicken fillet with vinaigrette, tea.
Breakfast: rice porridge on milk with sugar, a handful of dried fruits, coffee or tea. The second breakfast: a glass of yogurt or kefir, a banana. diet for weight loss daily.
Lunch: vegetable soup, goulash with mashed potatoes, fresh vegetable salad, fruit juice or compote. Snack: low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of cocoa, a few crackers or 1 toast. Dinner: vegetable salad with fish, cooked on a grill or baked, natural yogurt.
Breakfast: an omelet, a salad of fresh vegetables, a slice of cereal bread or toast, tea or coffee with milk. Second breakfast: 2-3 pieces of marmalade or 2 pineapple rings, natural yoghurt. diet for weight loss daily.
Lunch: vegetable soup on chicken broth, chicken breast with vinaigrette, compote or fruit juice. Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with sour cream of low fat content, a handful of different dried fruits. Dinner: boiled chicken with vinaigrette, juice or tea.
Breakfast: porridge from oat flakes on water or milk, banana or other sweet fruit, coffee or tea. Second breakfast: toast, several unsweetened crackers or biscuits, a glass of fruit or vegetable juice. Lunch: soup of buckwheat on meat broth, baked with vegetables lean meat, compote or fruit juice. Afternoon snack: 2-3 fresh fruits, natural yogurt, tea. diet for weight loss daily.
Dinner: fish or meat with boiled brown rice, salad of fresh vegetables, tea.
It must be said that the above menu for weight loss can only become the
basis that you will adjust, depending on your weight, age, daily
calorie consumption.
With large physical loads leading to a high calorie expenditure, and
the weight of portions can be slightly larger than with a passive
Recommended weight of portions for people with different lifestyles
If you spend most of the day at a computer or an office table, the following portions of food can be recommended for you:
- Lean meat or fish - 100 g;
- Low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g;
- Porridge of oatmeal or other flakes - 200 g;
- Boiled rice - 100 g;
- Boiled vegetables or vegetable stew - 300 g;
- Salad from fresh vegetables - 200 g;
- Black bread - 30 g;
- Natural yoghurt - 150 g.
If your activity is associated with active or heavy physical exertion,
portions can be slightly increased or include some more high-calorie
foods. So, for example, athletes or people who devote sufficient time to fitness, every day should consume a large number of proteins.
In this regard, portions of fish, meat or cottage cheese can be
increased to 200 g, but reduce the consumption of cereals to 100 g.
It should also be noted that if you follow the menu for weight loss,
you can drink any amount of mineral and plain water or herbal tea
without sugar.
But at the same time it is necessary to observe the main rule: you can
drink liquid one hour before meals and 30 minutes after it, drink
directly before meals and during it is extremely for weight loss daily.
What if I need to lose weight fast?
It's no secret that excessively fast weight loss is considered harmful to health. Doctors, nutritionists warn that you need to lose weight by no more than 5 kg per month. Let the process be more prolonged, but as sparing as possible for the organism. Meanwhile, there are diets that allow you to throw more than 20 kg within a month. These diets have many fans who have already tried them on themselves and have remained happy with the for weight loss daily.
Of course, there are cases when it is necessary to quickly get rid of a
few kilograms: for example, it was possible to fly to hot countries on a
burning tour, and your favorite sarafan is too small. Here, such diets will be very welcome.
If it is a question of a global weight loss, it will not be superfluous
to consult a dietitian about the use of this type of diet. What includes the diet slimming menu designed for rapid weight loss? First of all, it is based on the use of products that stop the growth of fat cells. It:
- White cabbage and broccoli;
- Greens and unsweetened apples;
- Chicken eggs and chicken meat;
- sea fish;
- Beans;
- Brown rice;
- buckwheat grain;
- Fresh cucumbers and tomatoes;
- milk;
- cottage cheese;
- green tea;
- Fructose in its pure form.
- diet for weight loss daily
There are also products that are subject to the strictest ban, they must be completely excluded from use. The list includes:
- Excessively salty and sweet foods;
- Flour products;
- Fried and fatty foods;
- Hot sauces and seasonings that increase appetite;
- Smoked products and canned food;
- Coffee and black tea.
- diet for weight loss daily
Before using this menu, you need to prepare your body.
It should be for 2 days to eat only 2 small pieces of rye bread or
bread with bran, and drink 1 liter of low-fat yogurt or kefir. Then follows a diet for each day. In this case, it is based on the alternation of two vegetable days with two protein days. This alternation occurs within 20 days.
The approximate menu of the protein day is as follows:
- For breakfast you can eat a piece of rye bread, 1 tsp. Butter, 1 tsp. Natural honey, drink a cup of coffee without sugar and milk;
- For dinner - a little meat broth on the bone, a piece of rye or bran bread, 100 g of chicken white meat, 2-3 sprigs of greens;
- For a snack, take 1 glass of green tea with 1 tsp. Honey;
Dinner should consist of a small slice of lean ham or meat (or 2 boiled
soft boiled eggs), a small piece of rye bread and 1 cup of yogurt.
- diet for weight loss daily
The daily vegetable menu includes:
- Breakfast: 2 unsweetened apples or orange;
- Lunch: a choice - soup from vegetables, cabbage soup with fresh cabbage without meat or vegetable stew, 1 slice of rye bread;
- Afternoon snack: fresh vegetables - no more than 300 g;
Dinner: 200 grams of salad with fresh vegetables, a slice of rye bread,
2 times a week, salad can be filled with low-fat sour cream.
- diet for weight loss daily
Using such a composition of products, helping to lose weight , it is mandatory to drink at least 2 liters of liquid a day. diet for weight loss daily.
At the same time 70% of it must be clean water, the rest can be juices and other. Using this or that sample menu, you should remember that there are no universal recipes. Someone will help them more, someone less - it all depends on your age, weight and activity. In any case, it is necessary to remember the famous phrase - the road will be mastered by the going. Persistently go to your goal, and the result will not keep you waiting!