The 90 day diet of separate nutrition, coined by Breda Hrobat and Mojce Polanshek from Slovenia, differs from many other nutrition plans for weight loss, not only in duration but also in an enviable variety in the menu. The authors aim to make the metabolism of the losing weight work more intensively and accustom it to a certain discipline in matters of food intake, but do not seek to deprive the person of gastronomic joys. Meet the recipes for each of the four phases of the diet for 90 days - protein, starch, carbohydrate and vitamin.
  • Рецепты 90 дневной диеты
    Diet 90 days is not accidentally loved by modern working women, preparing for the whole family: delicious dishes with Central European color, prepared according to recipes for any of the phase days, even the most choosy households will appreciate!

Recipes 90 day diet: you can eat everything! But in due time

The 90-day diet is organized very simply: it consists of repeated cycles of days, the sequence of which can not be changed.
1 day - albuminous
2 day - starchy
3 day - carbohydrate
4 day - vitamin (fruit).
At the end of the cycle, it is repeated again, after each seventh cycle (ie every 29th day of a 90-day diet), it is necessary to carry out an unloading aqua-day, during which one should not eat anything and drink plain still water.

Diet recipes 90 days: allowed products by days

  • 1 Protein day on a 90 day diet: meat, fish, seafood, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, any dairy products without additives. All vegetables except starchy. No more than one slice of whole grain bread (only for lunch!).
  • 2 Starchy day on a 90 day diet: legumes (including lentils and soybeans), cereals, vegetables, including starchy and potatoes, one slice of whole-grain bread (for lunch).
  • 3 Carbohydrate day on a 90 day diet: pasta, bread, crackers, vegetable pizza, buckwheat and barley cereals, millet,
    Any vegetables and tomato sauce, bezdzhozhzhevaya baking without eggs, sweets.
  • 4 Vitaminic day on a 90 day diet: fruits, dried fruits, vegetables, fruit and vegetable juices, seeds and nuts (no more than 25 gr).

Diet menu 90 days: less exotics, more realism

The names of the days eloquently indicate which ingredient is today in priority. However, when calling their diet for 90 days a diet of separate food, the authors establish not strict rules for the selection of products - it is allowed to use salt, spices, some additives (including bouillon cubes).
When combining products, it is important not to consume protein foods with carbohydrate, except non-starchy vegetables and tomatoes, to which the authors treat with great piety, believing that tomatoes and simple tomato sauce without additives can be eaten almost any day, except for unloading. It is also not recommended to mix protein foods from different sources in one meal - for example, eat fish with cottage cheese or meat and eggs.
By drawing up recipes for the 90 day diet, Breda and Moitz came up with the practicality of experienced housewives: all meals are easy to prepare at home from ingredients that can be found in any store and offer to the whole family.

Daily diet menu for 90 days: scheme of compilation

Every day (except for unloading) - two any fruit or fruit + a glass of any berries
300 ml broth (on a protein day - meat, in starch and carbohydrate - vegetable) + hot dish or salad of allowed ingredients
In the carbohydrate day - 1 strip (20 g) of dark chocolate + a portion of ice cream, 1 cake or 3 small biscuits
In protein and starchy days - ½ serving hot dish or salad, which you ate for lunch
On a vitamin day - ½ portion of the dish you ate for lunch or 1 grapefruit (or 2 slices of watermelon, a portion of dried dried fruit, fresh from fresh fruit to choose from).
Thus, in fact, on a diet of 90 days, one must choose and prepare in a day only one full dish with the calculation of the amount to be enough for lunch and dinner. It is better to imagine what this food can be and inspired by the Slovenian flavor, our recipes for a 90 day diet will help.

Diet recipes 90 days, protein day: chicken paprika

Ingredients: large chicken breast (or three thighs, all without skin), 2 onions, 1 clove of crushed garlic, olive oil, 1 tsp red paprika, pinch of marjoram, a little chili pepper or Tabasco sauce.

  • 1 For 1 h of olive oil fry the finely chopped onions until soft, add the chicken cut into large cubes, fry until lightly browned.
  • 2 Add the garlic and all the spices, mix well.
  • 3 Pour the paprika with hot water, reduce the heat to a minimum, leave the dish stewed under the lid for 15-20 minutes. Serve with fresh herbs or a lettuce.

Diet recipes 90 days, carbohydrate day: noodles-dumplings

Ingredients: 120 gr of flour, 125 ml of water, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, a little salt, 1 onion, tomato sauce.
  • 1 Knead the dough from flour, water and salt - one must have a consistency, allowing it to easily pass through a colander with sparse round holes.
  • 2 In 2-3 liters of boiling water add olive oil and through a colander, stirring constantly, pour the dough.
  • 3 Cook until done (about 5 minutes), flip the dumpling noodles into a small colander or catch a whisk, serve with a browned onion, optionally adding greens.

Diet 90 days, starchy day: potato casserole-moussaka

Ingredients: 6 medium-sized potatoes, 3 medium tomatoes (or several cherry tomatoes, 1 glass of boiled lentils or beans, 1 grated carrot, 100 ml of any broth, salt, pepper, 1 tbsp chopped parsley, 1 tbsp olive oil.
  • 1 Boil the potatoes in a uniform, cool, peel, cut into slices.
  • 2 In a refractory, slightly oiled form, lay the layers of potatoes, lentils, carrots, sliced ​​tomatoes, sprinkle with olive oil, season with ground pepper.
  • 3 Pour the future moussaka with broth (can be replaced with skim milk), bake at 200 C until browning. Serve with parsley or green onion.

Diet recipes 90 days, vitamin day: pears with honey

Ingredients: 3 large yellow pears, 3 inflorescences of spicy cloves, vanilla extract, cinnamon, honey, nuts.
  • 1 Cut the pears into thin slices and lightly sit in a frying pan with water, cloves and vanilla.
  • 2 Allow to cool, add 1 tablespoon honey and cinnamon on the tip of the knife.
  • 3 Gently stir so that the slices are not broken, and the honey is sold, sprinkle the dish with nuts (no more than 25 gr).