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Diet without restrictions: 90 days of separate nutrition

Diet without restrictions: 90 days of separate nutrition

Diet without restrictions: 90 days of separate nutrition

The content of the article
    • Features of the diet "90 days of separate nutrition"
      • The principle of a 90 day diet of separate nutrition
      • Menu 90 day diet of separate food
      • Additional recommendations of the 90 day diet
      • The exit from the 90 day diet and its results
Many people wanting to lose weight dream of finding a way to get rid of extra pounds and not limit themselves to food. It is for such cases that there is a diet of "90 days of separate nutrition". From other methods of weight loss, it is not only its duration, but also an enviable variety of menus.

Features of the diet "90 days of separate nutrition"

The main principle of a 90-day diet is a separate diet, but when food is allowed to combine different foods. The diet menu "90 days of separate nutrition", unlike other diets, allows the consumption of flour and sweet. The goal of the 90 day diet is to accelerate the metabolic processes and develop the proper eating behavior. At the same time there are no strict gastronomic restrictions.
Features of the diet "90 days of separate nutrition"
As it is obvious from the name of the diet, it lasts three months. At its cost, the diet is comparable to daily expenses for food. You can apply a 90-day diet as a permanent food system. You can combine this method of weight loss with fitness and active physical activity. The results of a 90-day diets of diets differ from 3 to 25 kilograms, depending on the initial weight and goal.
Has a diet of "90 days of separate nutrition" and contraindications. It is not recommended to use it for diseases of the digestive and excretory system, during pregnancy and lactation. With severe obesity, such a diet, as however, and any other, can only be used under the supervision of a specialist.

The principle of a 90 day diet of separate nutrition

All the menu of the 90-day diet is divided into 4-day stages:
  1. On the first day only protein food is used.
  2. The second day is starchy food.
  3. The third day is carbohydrate food.
  4. The fourth day is vitamin food.
At the same time every 29 days of the diet should arrange a discharge day , which is allowed to use only water. The last meal should be no later than 8 pm. The smallest portion of food is taken at breakfast, at lunchtime the amount of food increases, and for dinner a portion equal to half the lunch is consumed. In the intervals between meals, one can eat any fruit.
The principle of a 90 day diet of separate nutrition
The recipes of the diet "90 days of separate nutrition" can be varied. The main condition is the use of only authorized products.
Diet days Permitted Products
Protein Eggs, fish, meat, dairy products, cheese, cottage cheese, vegetables (except potatoes), broth, whole wheat bread.
Starchy Cereals, legumes, any vegetables, vegetable broth, whole grain bread.
Carbohydrates Cereals, flour dishes, any vegetables, bezdzhozhzhevaya pastries without milk and eggs, cake or cookies for dinner + dark chocolate.
Vitamin Soaked dried fruits, fresh fruits, seeds and nuts, fruit and vegetable juices.

Menu 90 day diet of separate food

During the entire 90-day diet, a daily breakfast consists of the same foods. All the rest of the menu is planned on the basis of personal preferences. An approximate meal schedule for 7 days is as follows:
Day of diet Menu for the day
I. Meat, protein Breakfast - a glass of any fresh berries and 1-2 of any fruit. Lunch - 150 grams of salmon steak, 100 grams of green salad. Afternoon snack - a sandwich with tomatoes, chicken and lettuce.
Dinner - a glass of ryazhenka and yogurt.
II. Vegetable, starchy Breakfast - a glass of any fresh berries and 1-2 of any fruit. Lunch - 250 grams of vegetable stew, Snack - 200 g fried with celery and turmeric.
Dinner - a little dried fruit.
III. Delicious, carbohydrate Breakfast - a glass of any fresh berries and 1-2 of any fruit. Lunch - 300 grams of homemade pizza. Afternoon snack - spaghetti with basil and tomato sauce.
Dinner - tea with biscuit.
IV. Fruit, vitamin Breakfast - a glass of any fresh berries and 1-2 of any fruit. Lunch - 250 g of fruit salad. Snack - 200 grams of baked with cinnamon apples.
Dinner - a few slices of melon.
V. Protein Breakfast - a glass of any fresh berries and 1-2 of any fruit. Lunch - 250 grams of salad from green salad, avocado and beans. Afternoon snack - 200 grams of omelette with ham and cheese.
Dinner - low-fat cottage cheese.
VI. Vegetable Breakfast - a glass of any fresh berries and 1-2 of any fruit. Lunch - 200 g of eggplant, braised with carrots and garlic, 50 grams of bread. Afternoon snack - 200 g of potato casserole with greens.
Dinner - one banana.
VII. Carbohydrate Breakfast - a glass of any fresh berries and 1-2 of any fruit. Lunch - 250 grams of vegetable lasagna. Snack - 150 grams of any pie.
Dinner is a cup of sweet hot chocolate.
The exit from the 90 day diet and its results

Additional recommendations of the 90 day diet

For more effective diet "90 days of separate nutrition", you can use some useful recommendations:
  • Use only in boiled or stewed vegetables, minimize fruit consumption and refuse bread;
  • Use the minimum amount of fat;
  • Select foods with a minimum of pre-treatment;
  • Prepare meals independently and, if possible, do not use semi-finished products, while the use of a moderate amount of salt, spices, herbs and various sauces is acceptable.

The exit from the 90 day diet and its results

To consolidate the results obtained after completing a 90-day diet, it is recommended to leave it right. It is necessary to continue to observe the basic rules of the diet:
  • Eat fruit for breakfast;
  • Continue eating under the rules of separate meals ;
  • Observe the meal schedule.
All the reviews on the diet "90 days of separate nutrition" converge in one: for three months the body gets used to a certain diet and the diet becomes a habit, the body does not need a large amount of food, the food consumed is enough to save energy throughout the day and the extra weight is not Is typed.
The end results of a 90-day diet can vary significantly. So if you have a small amount of extra pounds, a month will be a loss of 1-3 kilograms. If the diet is used by obese people, then you can lose up to 25 extra pounds.
The main advantage of a 90-day diet with a separate diet is that excess weight goes away irrevocably, because the metabolic processes are completely restructured.

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