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velocity diet for weight loss

velocity diet for weight loss

So, the summer is in full swing, many are preparing to rest by the sea, after all, July-August are the best months, not to mention the "velvet season" in September. And many women now have to solve a truly difficult task: how to lose weight, because you want to brag of beautiful forms or flatter in a bikini.
Can I lose weight quickly, preferably so that the lost pounds do not return after a diet, taking a couple of friends? Experts are sure: you can, the main thing: clearly follow the instructions and be patient.

High-speed diet

It is designed for 3-4 weeks, excessive passion is fraught with unpleasant consequences: from weakness and drowsiness to depression.velocity diet for weight loss
1 . Reduce the daily intake of carbohydrates, this will significantly lose weight by losing fluid. We exclude fruits, sweets, honey, jam, cereals,velocity diet for weight loss vegetables, especially sweet ones, because they provoke the release of insulin, velocity diet for weight lossthanks to which thick sides are formed.velocity diet for weight loss By the way, milk also contains sugar - lactose, so it's better not to use it.velocity diet for weight loss Be sure to eat rice and oatmeal to compensate for the strength.
2. Minimum fat: 25-30 grams per day. So, we refuse meat, sausages, butter, eggs and, of course, cakes and pastrievelocity diet for weight losss. How to calculate 25 grams? Simply simple: one tablespoon of fish oil a day, if you eat this well, it's impossible, you can get by with fresh vegetable oil.
3. We exclude macaroni, chips, cola, juices and compotes, there are many preservatives in these "long-playing" products, which do not contribute to a good figure at all. In addition, chips (and also ketchup, sauces and mustard), as a rule, have a lot of salt, which during the diet should be consumed in a limited way.

Now about the "pleasant": what you can and should eat

4. Be sure to include in the diet of proteins, velocity diet for weight loss this is all the indispensable food for your muscles. But here there is a problem. After all, proteins are found in meat, and there are plenty of fats in it, which are absolutely irrelevant for a diet. What to do? Buy powdered protein, plant a cocktail and drink in 5-6 receptions, a break - 2,5-3 hours. It is best to take a thermos to work. A couple of times a week you can eat boiled fish.
5. This method is borrowed from a water diet. velocity diet for weight loss  As much as possible drink water, it is very important when processing protein, and the adrenal glands will work to burn fat much more actively. Your rate: about 8 glasses of water a day, only - non-carbonated! It is best to drink two glasses of water in the morning and in the middle of the day, as well as before, during and after training. What does the training have to do with it? But this will be discussed in the next reception.velocity diet for weight loss
6. No matter how you limit your diet, reclining on the couch or sitting in front of the computer in the office, you lose weight excessively. Half an hour of exercises (best aerobics) in the morning and half an hour - in the evening - the all-important condition for success. If you can not strain the body in the morning, transfer the load to the evening.velocity diet for weight loss
The best option: 20 minutes on the treadmill , 20 - on the elliptical simulator, and as much - on the rowing machine. You work at an average pace. Kohl did not get training simulators, limit yourself to exercises on the press and shoulder girdle, you can include a complex for the hips. The main thing: do not get carried away, increase the load gradually.velocity diet for weight loss
7. Change the calorie content of the diet. For example, eat 1500 calories for three days (it's best to divide the portion into four meals), then for one day - 1900 calories, and go back for 3 days to 1500. If you feel bad, go for three days instead of three days two. To calculate caloric content will help any directory energy intensity of products.velocity diet for weight loss
8. Since you are depriving the body of essential proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it is necessary to take multivitamin and multimineral complexes. In a protein cocktail you can add fiber in powder. From food additives will suit the amino acid glutamine.velocity diet for weight loss Some women, following a diet, drink diuretics, but it is better not to resort to these remedies, or even to choose those that are made on a plant basis.
Once again we recall: this diet is good only for a certain period, to make such a diet constant - it is dangerous for health. And further. Do not think that on a "high-speed" diet you will become "thin, ringing and transparent" very quickly. According to doctors, the physiological limit of weight loss: 1.5 cm of fat tissue per week, even if you refuse to eat at all, the body will not give up any more. So be patient.velocity diet for weight loss
If you do not like such a radical "mockery of the body", try a more sparing version of the diet.
Its secret: to consume no more than 1000 kcal per day, it is best to combine fiber in each dish (or proteins) with carbohydrates, this will help satisfy hunger and maintain energy. Sweet and floury, of course, you need to exclude.velocity diet for weight loss

Diets for lovers of sweet

It's no secret that for many women, it's hardest to give up sweet stuff. Girls, rejoice! Doctors have developed a diet for sweet tooth . There are several options, so that without problems you can choose one that is more to your liking. But! Since these diets are considered extreme, it is better to consult your doctor beforehand, whether you have any contraindications to their use.velocity diet for weight loss
The most delicious, but also the most tough - chocolate diet.
You need to eat only 90 grams of chocolate a day, preferably - bitter, so that the abundance of sweet here does not boast. This portion should be divided into three meals, eat with unsweetened black coffee, in which you can add a fraction of skim milk. Green tea or water is allowed to drink only three hours after a meal, but the amount of liquid drunk per day should not exceed 1.2 liters.velocity diet for weight loss
During 4-5 days of such nutrition, a loss of 3-6 kilograms is provided, but it is not recommended to delay the diet. You can organize yourself once a week unloading days.velocity diet for weight loss
For those to whom coffee and chocolate are contraindicated, a lollipop diet is best suited, which, in turn, promises a loss of 4-5 kilograms in three days.velocity diet for weight loss
You buy 75 grams of sugar candies (they do not play a role), and dissolve them during the day, when hunger will become very hot. The amount of liquid is not limited. If it is hard to endure such "abundance", you can replace candies with a dinner or even a dinner, if it falls on time after 16.00.
For fans of exotic fruits, experts developed a banana diet.
So, your daily diet: three bananas and three glasses of milk, of course, fat-free. If you do not like milk, you can replace it with light yogurt. By the way, bananas are allowed to stew or cook, but this is a recipe for an amateur. Terms of the diet are the same: three days, the result: minus 3-4 kilograms.
Those who love grapes will have to taste the grape diet .velocity diet for weight loss
Within three days you only eat this fruit, the choice of variety is to your taste. Daily portion is preferably divided into five parts, on the first day you eat half a kilogram of berries, in the second - one and a half, on the third day you can afford a half kilogram of grapes. Do not forget about drinking: at least two liters per day, water and herbal tea are best. True, the result is somewhat more modest than previous diets: 2 kilograms for three days.velocity diet for weight loss
There is a softer diet, which can be adhered to for up to two weeks, promises to save 3-4 kilograms. This is a honey diet .
Unlike the previous sweet "weight loss recipes", when using a honey diet, only honey is not needed, this product is taken by a teaspoon in breakfast, lunch and dinner, the menu should consist of skim milk products and boiled vegetables that do not contain starch. You can add citrus fruits, berries, sour juices. Each serving is no more than 200 grams.velocity diet for weight loss
All "sweet" diets provide for the use of vitamin-mineral complexes to compensate for the lack of substances beneficial to the body. If you have problems with the intestines and there is a threat of dysbiosis, it is better to insure yourself with drugs that maintain the state of the intestinal microflora.velocity diet for weight loss
In addition, doctors recommend starting diets in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, because an elevated level of estrogen helps maintain energy in the body. And to get out of the limited diet should be gradually, carefully increasing the number of products, the advantage of giving fruits and vegetables.
Well, of course, it is not necessary after effective diets - it is unimportant, hard or sweet - to return to the usual menu, if it abounds with fatty and high-calorie food. At such rates, no diets will help, it is best to limit your diet to fruits and vegetables, good, there is no shortage in summer. And do not forget about physical exercises to keep your muscles toned. Good luck!

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