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vitamin b diet weight loss

vitamin b diet weight loss

The group of vitamins includes 12 chemical compounds, without which no human body can function properly. A poorly functioning body system can not support a person in a stable weight. Therefore, B vitamins are necessary for weight loss and normalization of metabolic processes.vitamin b diet weight loss
As you know, the process of losing weight, the consequences of which do not threaten the loss of health and the rapid return of hated kilograms, is not based on a refusal to eat. In the acquisition and maintenance of optimal harmony, metabolic processes in the body play an important role: appetite, hunger, metabolism, loss of calories, metabolism, and others. Vitamins B are indispensable catalysts of these processes in the human body. Consider the main compounds from the group of vitamins B.
Thiamine, or vitamin B1, refers to the essential substances for the life support of the nervous system. It improves memory by supplying the brain with enough glucose. But, in addition to an even state of mind, thiamine is able to give a person energy, which is so necessary for the rapid pace of modern life. B1 is involved in the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It normalizes acidity, which improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract,vitamin b diet weight loss and increases immunity to infectious diseases. And this is important for health and general well-being. vitamin b diet weight lossThiamine is found in grains of sprouted wheat, in bread from wholemeal flour, in nuts, beans, bran.
Riboflavin (B2) is responsible for the normalization of the metabolism, as well as for the thyroid gland. Without riboflavin, it is impossible to assimilate many nutrients from food. He is involved in the process of metabolism - the splitting of fats and the release of active energy. The benefits of B vitamins in general, and riboflavin in particular, are undeniable for effective weight loss. The lack of B2 leads to chronic fatigue. Unlike thiamine, this substance is not afraid of heat treatment. It is found in eggs, liver, hard cheeses, fish, broccoli and spinach.vitamin b diet weight loss
Close to the characteristics of B2 vitamin Niacin (B3), which produces hormones of the thyroid gland and regulates the level of sugar in the blood. In large quantities, this vitamin is present in chicken, turkey, barley, brown rice, oats and dried fruits.vitamin b diet weight loss
A person is not able to store and store previously obtained vitamins. Therefore, it is important to always maintain a balanced diet, vitamin b diet weight losseven by reducing your weight. During the diet, special attention should be paid to the saturation of the diet with different vitamins, especially from group B.
Vitamin pyridoxine B6 enhances the production of the hormone serotonin, responsible for a good mood, sound sleep and a healthy appetite. It would seem, to increase appetite during a diet to anything. But the lack of this vitamin can lead to cardiovascular diseases.vitamin b diet weight loss After all, it regulates the amino acid metabolism in the body and promotes the formation of red bodies in the blood, which is necessary for normal life. In addition, to absorb useful dietary foods, too, a good appetite is needed. And a man without a hormone of joy will be sullen and unhappy, even staying at the optimal weight. Therefore, B6, like other B vitamins, is necessary and useful to everyone. B6 is found in milk, by-products, beef, eggs and cabbage.
It should be more closely focused on vitamin B12 - cobalamin. vitamin b diet weight loss This substance promotes the synthesis of proteins and is responsible for the processing of fats, proteins and carbohydrates that enter the body together with food. In addition, this chemical compound, vitamin b diet weight losslike other B vitamins, brings the nervous system in order, strengthens the immune system, and participates in the process of hematopoiesis. Regular absorption with food B12 promotes the concentration of vital energy throughout the day. Cobalamin is necessary for people who regularly experience physical stress. But the diet is powerless before the extra pounds without regular visits to the gym. B12 helps to be always in good shape and not get tired during the day.vitamin b diet weight loss It is found in products of animal origin: meat, fish, seafood, eggs,vitamin b diet weight loss liver, in dairy products.
Vitamins of energy include folic acid or vitamin B9. It normalizes fat metabolism and slows down the aging process. Folic acid does not tolerate heat treatment. When heat treatment of products containing B9, up to 60% of the vitamin is lost. To get the right amount of B9, you need to include in your diet onions, parsley and raw carrots.vitamin b diet weight loss
The benefits of vitamins B, all without exception, are obvious.vitamin b diet weight loss
B vitamins are able to fight seasickness. The use of alcohol leads to a deficiency of vitamins B6 and B9. Increase intake of B6 is also necessary in the case of a meal with a high protein content. This applies to those who wish to replace the fatty layer with muscle tissue.vitamin b diet weight loss
It is important to choose from products containing vitamins of group B, such that they will saturate the body with substances useful for its vital activity, without interfering with the process of losing weight. Vitamins of this group are widely represented in many products.vitamin b diet weight loss To create a balanced diet to reduce body weight and preserve vital energy will not be difficult.vitamin b diet weight loss

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