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Gout treatment and diet



PRICE (rubles)

Outpatient reception of an endocrinologist


Intravenous drip infusion (excluding the cost of the drug)


US of joints (1 pair)


Out-patient reception of a rheumatologist

Our clinic is engaged in the treatment of gout. We are not limited to treating only the joints. In most cases, you can improve the state of metabolism, reduce the formation of uric acid and improve its excretion from the body, reduce body weight, improve kidney and liver health. As the correct metabolism is restored, the level of uric acid in the blood decreases,Gout treatment and diet the articular symptomatology goes away.

What kind of doctor should you consult about gout in our clinic:
  • Articular symptoms - a doctor rheumatologist
  • Correction of a metabolism - the therapist or the endocrinologist
  • In difficult cases, you can enroll in a consultation of a rheumatologist with a therapist or an endocrinologist.

What is Gout?

Gout is a chronic illness caused by a metabolic disorder. There is gout in people with a persistent increase in the level of uric acid in the blood. With gout, the crystals of the uric acid derivative, urate sodium, are deposited in the joints and some other organs and systems. Urinate sodium in the joints are deposited in the form of small crystals, which causes damage to the joints , so these arthrites are called microcrystalline. Gout treatment and diet More about arthritis ...

To clarify the diagnosis of gout is very simple - based on a blood test for the content of uric acid, which we will perform for you in 1-2 days.

The deposition of uric acid and arthritis for gout

Gout is one of the oldest diseases described in medicine.Gout treatment and diet In the V century. BC. Hippocrates called "gout" ("under" - the leg, "agra" - the trap) acute pain in the foot. In the middle of the XX century, the connection between gout and deposition of crystals of uric acid salts was proved.

Gout successfully succumbs to modern methods of treatment and we will be happy to help you in the treatment of gout in our clinic!

How and what joints are affected with gout?

Most often gout affects the thumbs of the feet , less often - wrist bands, joints of the hands. But gout can begin with the knee or ankle joints. Do not exclude the possibility of deposition of salts of uric acid in other joints. Gout treatment and diet

The disease is manifested by sudden and intense pain, redness and "heat" in the joint. Appear swelling, a local increase in skin temperature is determined.Gout treatment and diet Often an increase in body temperature. The pain is so strong that it becomes intolerable even when the sheet is touched to the joint.

Gouty Arthritis

Attacks of gout occur, as a rule, at night. Usually, a seizure is preceded by an episode of overeating, drinking alcohol (especially beer), Gout treatment and dietor a stressful situation in combination with hypothermia.

A repeated attack of gout is usually preceded by a tingling sensation in the affected joint.

What can provoke an aggravation of a gift?

Typical causes of gout exacerbation:
  • Taking alcohol (it increases the formation and breaks the excretion of uric acid).
  • Eating foods rich in purine bases (see diet for gout).
  • Exercise stress.
  • Injury.
  • Surgical intervention (usually the attack develops on the 3rd - 5th day of the postoperative period).
  • Bleeding.
  • Various acute diseases, including infectious diseases.
  • Acceptance of certain medicines.
  • Radiation therapy.

Attack of gout. What to do?

1. Complete rest. During an acute attack, hold the affected joint in a raised state, place pads under it. This advice is easy to follow, because the pain is very strong. Gout treatment and diet
2. Drink plenty of water , 5 - 6 glasses a day. A large amount of fluid will help speed up the removal of uric acid from your body. It is better to make tea from herbs, Gout treatment and dietbriar infusion or cowberry mors. Sugar is not added.
3. Avoid aspirin and drugs that include it. Painkillers act in different ways. Aspirin can actually aggravate gout by slowing the release of uric acid. Gout treatment and diet
4. If the affected joint allows you to touch yourself, try attaching a packet of ice to it for ten minutes . The ice will have an anesthetic effect.
5. Avoid foods that increase the concentration of uric acid in the blood. These are high protein animal foods high in purine. In the early days, they restrict or even exclude meat and fish, and every other day they arrange unloading days (vegetable, fruit, juice, milk). Diet for gout - see below. You can not take alcohol. Gout treatment and diet
6. And most importantly. Excess uric acid and its derivatives damage joints, kidneys, vessels and other organs. Therefore, it is necessary to urgently remove from the body excess uric acid and avoid its re-accumulation. For the selection of treatment, contact a rheumatologist.

We will be happy to help you in the treatment of gout! Call us! .

What happens to the body with gout?

The development of gout is associated with an increase in the content of uric acid in the body. The cause of an increase in the level of uric acid can be both an increase in the formation, and a slowing of the excretion of it from the body. Gout treatment and diet Continuous overeating plays a role, especially the use of large amounts of meat and other products containing so-called purine bases (see diet for gout). Hereditary predisposition, a sedentary lifestyle are important.

Excess uric acid is converted into tiny crystals of salts that are deposited inside the joints and cause inflammation.
Sharp as needles, crystals are absorbed by blood cells - neutrophils. Needle urates injure cells, resulting in their destruction. The contents of the cells are thrown into the joint tissues, causing an acute inflammatory reaction and unbearable pain. Gout treatment and diet
Along with acute attacks of pain in the joints, gout is characterized by the deposition of salts of uric acid in the tissues, due to which gouty nodules - tofusi are formed. A favorite place for the appearance of tofus are ears, brushes, feet, an elbow area. Gouty knots without treatment can increase with time and change the shape of the joint. Gout treatment and diet

Gout is often associated with diseases associated with metabolic disorders. This obesity, diabetes, cholelithiasis and kidney stone disease (occurs in 40% of patients with gout). The so-called "gouty nephropathy" without treatment can lead to chronic kidney failure. Violation of kidney function, in turn, leads to an increase in blood pressure - hypertension. In connection with the disturbance of metabolism, blood vessels are affected, usually the vessels of the kidneys, of the heart; In the vessels there are sclerotic changes. Gout treatment and diet

Gout flowed paroxysmally. Usually, after a violation of the diet (feast) or a provoking episode, a gout attack occurs, then after 1 to 2 weeks a gradual decrease in pain and inflammation, and a calm period (remission). The heavier the course, the shorter the remission.

Who is more likely to have gout?

The disease is more common in middle-aged men (40 - 50 years). Perhaps the appearance of gout in women after menopause. Predisposition to metabolic disorders is inherited.

There is a connection between the occurrence of gout with certain diseases and the intake of certain medications, for example, diuretics, which, like alcohol, disrupt the excretion of uric acid from the body. Often taken without medical indications drugs cause similar effects.

How to treat gout?

The key to treating gout is the control of uric acid.Gout treatment and diet Uric acid is the product of the disintegration of substances called purines contained in a number of products. Therefore, the treatment of gout is aimed at suppressing the production of uric acid, and accelerated removal of it from the body.

Gout is well suited to dietary, medicinal and physiotherapeutic treatments. The doctor of rheumatology deals with the treatment of gout in our clinic. Drugs that affect the level of uric acid, analgesics with the most rapid effect. It is very important to take into account possible undesirable effects of drugs with concomitant diseases.

Treatment of gout: at a rheumatologist's appointment

Basic rules for a patient with gout

  • The main rule - taking drugs that reduce the level of uric acid and its periodic laboratory control. That is - your reasonable interaction with the doctor.
  • Compliance with diet. It is important not to overeat and not to starve.
  • Never stop taking prescribed medications without consulting a doctor. Abrupt withdrawal will lead to an exacerbation of gout.Gout treatment and diet
  • Try to protect from joint injuries , limit physical activity. Do not wear very narrow shoes that can predispose the joints to minor damage.
  • Avoid hypothermia and colds.
  • Monitor blood pressure. If in addition to gout you also have high blood pressure, you are at double risk.Gout treatment and diet Because some medications taken to reduce pressure, for example diuretics, actually raise the level of uric acid. It is important to try to reduce the pressure naturally: reduce intake of salt, fight overweight. We will help you with this.

Diet for gout

The development of gout is facilitated by excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages (especially beer, cognac drinks, effervescent and dessert wines), meat dishes and in general overfeeding.

If the disease is exacerbated, meat or fish is restricted or even completely excluded, and a day later, unloading days are arranged. (1,5 kg of allowed vegetables or fruits), curd-kefir (400 g of low-fat cottage cheese + 500 g of kefir), milk or kefir (1 - 2 liters) .This diet promotes alkalinization of urine and increases the solubility of uric acid .

Outside the exacerbation,Gout treatment and diet meat and fish are allowed (not more than 3 times a week), but only boiled, as more than half of the purine substances go into the broth. From boiled meat (fish) it is good to make cutlets, meatballs, souffle, you can cook dishes and steamed, and bake. Vegetables, potatoes boil or steamed.

It is important not to overeat and not to starve. Starvation, as well as foods rich in animal fat or high purines, causes a sharp increase in the production of uric acid, and this can cause a gout attack. And although the excess weight affects the level of uric acid, extremely sharp weight loss is undesirable.

When gout is required, intake of sufficient quantities of fluid. Do not conserve drinks and alcohol (it delays the release of uric acid), and alkaline mineral water, teas, compotes and fruit drinks. Water is useful in patients with gout, as it prevents the formation of kidney stones. Take no less than 1 cup 4 - 5 times a day for an hour before meals, during the whole period of exacerbation (up to 2-3 liters per day). Reduce the amount of table salt. Gout treatment and diet

In all periods of the disease, diet No. 6 and occasional unloading days (compote, cottage cheese, milk, apple, carrot, watermelon) are recommended.

  • Meat of young animals and all parts of the animal, giving sticky broth (head, legs, etc.);
  • Bouillons (meat, chicken, fish, mushroom), meat sauces, jelly;
  • Meat extracts (package soups);
  • Meat smoked products;
  • By-products (heart, kidneys, liver, brains, etc.) and dishes from them;
  • Fatty varieties of fish - when exacerbated, salted fish, fried fish; Canned fish (anchovies herring, sardines, sprats, sprats), caviar;
  • Salty and spicy cheeses;
  • Spices (pepper, horseradish, mustard) with the exception of bay leaf, vinegar and salt,
  • Products that excite the nervous system: strong tea, coffee, cocoa;
  • Culinary and other fats of animal origin;
  • Cream cakes, pastries, chocolate;
  • Pork and products from it;
  • Products containing preservative (canned food, juices, water);
  • Legumes (lentils, peas, beans, beans, soybeans);
  • Raspberries, figs, grapes and all products from grapes (raisins, wines, cognac, etc.);
  • Alcoholic beverages, which increase the content of uric acid and worsen its excretion by the kidneys.

  • Salt;
  • Sausages;
  • Boiled meat and fish. Preference is for poultry, salmon, salmon, haddock, trout, mackerel. There are a lot of purines in these products, but they also contain unsaturated fatty acids, which is very good for fat metabolism);
  • Cauliflower, asparagus, sorrel, spinach, rhubarb, celery, pepper, radish, turnip (as gout is almost always accompanied by a violation of the exchange of other salts - oxalates); Tomatoes (maximum 2-3 pieces per day);
  • Green onions, parsley;
  • Mushrooms (white, mushrooms, champignons);
  • Pickles and marinades;
  • Plum;
  • Fat;
  • Butter;
  • Milk (allowed in porridge, tea).
  • Soups - vegetarian: borsch, cabbage soup, vegetable, potato, with the addition of cereals, dairy, cold;Gout treatment and diet
  • Chicken, turkey, rabbit;
  • Squids, shrimps;
  • Fish - low-fat varieties, boiled, 160-170 g to 3 times a week;
  • Dairy products: sour-milk drinks, cottage cheese, dishes from it, sour cream, cheese (low-fat varieties, since cheese contains highly saturated fats that disrupt fat metabolism);
  • Milk in small quantities when added to cereals and drinks;
  • Eggs (from three pieces per week to 1 per day for any cooking);
  • Cereals, pasta - any, in moderation;Gout treatment and diet
  • White cabbage, carrots, potatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant; Allowed vegetables - in increased amounts, raw or in any cooking treatment; Vegetable roe, squash, eggplant (freshly prepared);
  • Dried fruits (except raisins), honey;Gout treatment and diet
  • Nuts (cedar, avocado, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts), seeds;
  • Sweets - non-chocolate candy, jam, marmalade, pastille, marshmallow;
  • Drinks - green tea, tea with lemon, milk, coffee (substitute) with milk is not strong, broths of dogrose, wheat bran, fruit juices, berries, vegetables, fruit drinks, kvass, compotes. Especially valuable are the cockles of cranberries and cranberries;Gout treatment and diet
  • Promotes the removal of excess purines from the body of cucumber juice (up to 1 cup per day), alkaline mineral water (little mineralized), as well as containing organic substances (Naftusya, Essentuki No. 17, Narzan, Borjomi);Gout treatment and diet
  • Apples are green, citrus, gooseberries, berries (except raspberries), watermelons;
  • Bread white, black;
  • Dill;
  • Vegetable oil (necessarily olive, linseed), creamy.

Myths about gout

Myth 1.
Sometimes a "gout" is called a specific deformation in the area of ​​the big toe, the so-called "bone on the thumb." These changes are manifestations of subluxation, deformation of the joint of the big toe (Hallux Vallus, subluxation of the 1st metatarsophalangeal foot joint). This orthopedic disease is often found in women, from time to time the joint can ache and deform; The cause of arthritis in this case is not associated with the deposition of salts of uric acid.Gout treatment and diet

Myth 2.
There is an opinion that beer with gout helps to "wash the kidneys." Beer is categorically forbidden for gout patients, since it contains a significant amount of purine (more than wine or other alcoholic beverages), and, like any alcohol, enhances production and delays the excretion of uric acid from the body.

How to contact the clinic?

To treat the gift, sign up for an outpatient appointment with a rheumatologist. The doctor will examine you and, if necessary, perform an ultrasound joint . Then the doctor will discuss and agree with you the treatment plan. Stock up on time: examination and consultation can take up to 1.5 hours. During the course of treatment, you can keep in touch with your doctor in person, by email and by phone.
We will be happy to help you!
Our clinic phone: +7 (495) 649-68-68 .
The clinic consultant will pick you up a convenient day and an hour of visit to the doctor.
The clinic is open 7 days a week from 9:00 to 21:00.
Record on reception online
Our coordinates are here .
If you do not have the opportunity to come to the clinic, you can get a doctor's advice on skype for the same cost.
If you have previously performed any studies, be sure to consult their results. If the research was not performed, we recommend and follow through the results of the survey, which will avoid unnecessary research and save money.
Full price list with the prices of the clinic .

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