Text: Olga Natolina
Photo: TS / Fotobank.ru
All women at all times did not give a rest to the question - how to lose weight quickly and effectively? Are there really effective diets for fast weight loss, or is it just a myth invented by dietary supplements producers? Meanwhile, in life there are moments (and not a few) when you need to quickly climb into your favorite shorts or instantly change before the most important in life celebration ... Are there any better diets for this case? Definitely yes!
  • Эффективные диеты
    The list of effective diets for rapid weight loss is quite extensive, and choosing the most-most is not easy. When choosing it is important to take into account the characteristics of your body and personal eating habits.Diet for weight loss

How to lose weight very fast: the most effective and fastest diet

When choosing diets for fast weight loss, follow the following rules:Diet for weight loss
  • Choose that diet, the main product of which is available to you, because most of the fast and effective diets are mono-diets that are built on one product;Diet for weight loss
  • Products in the diet you should like to taste, otherwise dieting will be doubly difficult;
  • For a more comfortable weight loss choose a diet in which all meals are easy to cook, to be less in the kitchen and not be tempted by food.Diet for weight loss
Of the well-established diets for fast weight loss you can pay attention to:
  • All kinds of mono-diets ;
  • Various variations of kefir diet;
  • A celebrity diet, for example, a Hollywood diet or diet Larisa Dolina ;Diet for weight loss
  • A popular protein diet these days (as well as its variations - the Ducane diet , the Kremlin diet , low-carb diet );Diet for weight loss
  • Egg diet, which recently has firmly established itself as one of the most effective diets for those who are not determined to wait long for the visible result.Diet for weight loss

10 Effective Diets for Fast Weight Loss

  • Hollywood diet is popular among overseas stars, it lasts two weeks, for which you can reduce weight by an average of 7 kilograms. In it, you need to monitor the amount of sugar, salt and fat in the diet, completely remove the bread.Diet for weight loss

  • Cabbage diet is considered very effective: for 7 days you can lose weight to 5 kilograms. Diet for weight lossThe menu is designed so that the dishes are delicious and do not contain fat, except in small quantities.

  • The Japanese diet can give a good result in losing weight to 8 kilograms in two weeks. It is based on the use of seafood, but all dishes should be prepared without salt.Diet for weight loss

  • The Brazilian diet is based on vegetables, fruits and vegetable soups. For seven days you can lose weight to 4 kilograms.Diet for weight loss

  • Interval diet or three-day. It lasts 9 days, but is divided into three stages for three days, when you eat rice, potatoes and vegetables. During it you can drink only pure water. Lose weight on it can be up to 7-9 kilograms, but you need to be careful, and monitor your health.

  • Buckwheat diet usually lasts one or two weeks, during which you can lose weight by 4 or 8 kilograms, respectively. In this case, a very important nuance: buckwheat diet for fast weight loss does not mean that you are preparing all sorts of gastronomic raznosol on the basis of boiled buckwheat. No! Buckwheat in this case can not be cooked or stewed - cereals pre-cook with boiling water and leave to "steam" for 3-4 hours, and then eat without adding any other products or spices ..

  • Diet on soup is based on various soups, including supe-mashed potatoes. The main thing that this soup was not from potatoes or legumes and did not contain butter and spices, bread should also be excluded. Salt is allowed quite a bit. Duration - 7 days, weight loss up to 4 kilograms.

  • Diet top models for 3 days, you can lose weight by 3, sometimes 5 kilograms. The diet is considered heavy, because you eat only one egg and 300 grams of cottage cheese a day, do not have supper and drink only water.Diet for weight loss

  • Kefir diet lasts 7 days and it can lose 4-5 kilograms. Every day you drink half a liter of low-fat kefir.

  • A diet on freshly squeezed juices will provide fast weight loss, but it is not easy to sustain it. Freshly squeezed juice from oranges, grapefruits and lemons should be drunk three times a day. The rest of the time, drink water. Usually the diet lasts up to 3 days, and you can lose up to 3 kilograms.

How to lose weight effectively: simple diets

Among the great variety of diets, there are the fastest and most effective express diets that are designed for quick weight loss.Diet for weight loss They last up to 5 days. During them, the amount of food is greatly reduced and there is no dinner at all. This can also be mono-diets, which are built on a single product. For example, kefir, juice, or a certain fruit. The express diet menu can look like this:
  • Breakfast: chicken egg, unsweetened tea;
  • The second breakfast till 12 days - curd low-fat with kefir;
  • Lunch: fish for a couple -150g with a salad of vegetables, seasoned with lemon juice, but without butter, fruit;
  • Dinner: unsweetened tea.
Also there is such a form of the fastest and most effective diet, as fasting days. For a three-day unloading period, you can lose weight to 4 kilograms. The first day - the entrance to the diet, the second day - starvation, the third day - the way out of the diet. The diet is constructed as follows: preparing for starvation, you need to limit the consumption of fatty and carbohydrate food. Do not eat cereals, legumes. For breakfast, drink only green tea, for lunch there are fruits and vegetables in raw form, salad can be filled with olive oil without salt. From dinner, you should refuse and drink only water and green tea without sugar after 7 pm. The whole second day - starvation, you can only drink water - 3-4 liters. The third day is a gradual withdrawal from the diet. On this day, you eat the same foods as in the first, then gradually begin to add low-fat protein foods and switch to a normal diet.Diet for weight loss

Diet for a week: effective and safe

You can even arrange potato days for yourself - for a week you will only eat potatoes cooked in a uniform without the addition of spices. Lose weight on this diet can be 2-3 kilograms. There is also a diet for rapid weight loss on bananas and milk, which is also considered the most effective. It lasts also up to 7 days, you can lose weight by an average of 3 kilograms. The daily diet consists of two bananas and milk in the amount of 3 glasses.Diet for weight loss
Both these diets are effective enough to lose weight and reduce the volumes, however, it is rather difficult to observe them in reality - after all, no matter how much you love boiled potatoes without a hint of spices or salt, or bananas, there are very few people who seem to " Holiday belly. "

An example of the most effective diet for rapid weight loss

It is believed that the most effective diet for rapid weight loss - the so-called " carbohydrate diet models". For three days on such a diet you can lose 5 kilograms, depending on the metabolism and weight. The menu is as follows:
  • Breakfast: an egg in a pouch;
  • After 3 hours: 150g of low-fat cottage cheese, unsweetened tea;
  • After another 3 hours - repeat the meal with cottage cheese and tea;
  • Not to have supper;
  • Drink as much water as possible.Diet for weight loss
This diet is very similar to a low-carbohydrate diet, or rather it is a tougher version of it, as in the "diet mannequins" carbohydrates are absent in the diet, and the amount of protein is also cut down. An easier version of a low-carb diet, which is also considered the fastest and most effective one, looks like this:
  • Breakfast: 30 g of low-fat cheese of hard varieties, a slice of rye bread, unsweetened green tea;
  • Lunch: boiled beans, a slice of rye bread, 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese, unsweetened tea;
  • Dinner: 100g chicken breast for a couple, 1 cucumber and 1 tomato, unsweetened green tea.
A great variety of diets makes it difficult to choose the fastest and most effective method for losing weight. Often, nutritionists are advised to choose not one specific mono-diet, but a series of one-day (sometimes three-day) mono-rations. By this principle, for example, a diet of 6 petals and a diet of Margarita Koroleva were built .Diet for weight loss But, before you sit on any fastest and best diet, you need to consult a doctor for contraindications. It is also important to remember that the exit from any diet should be smooth, otherwise all the dropped weight will return very quickly.
Perhaps you will find our list of effective diets not complete enough. Then it makes sense to add to it a tender pumpkin diet , a nourishing and easily tolerated chicken diet and to some extent even a curd Diet for weight lossthat is healthy for the body. Now you definitely have plenty to choose from! And do not forget to add tea for weight loss to the diet - it will not only encourage and speed up the metabolism, but will make any diet much more effective.Diet for weight loss
However, it should be strictly remembered - even if you could choose an effective diet for weight loss, and stayed on it just enough to achieve the desired result, this does not guarantee you a final victory over the extra pounds. It is extremely important to keep the weight achieved! And for this purpose, the right balanced food system, excluding consumption of convenience foods and fast food, sweet soda of flour products, etc., can not be better suited. Weight is considered stable if it does not survive abrupt changes within 6-7 months.
And finally, do not forget that no, even the most effective diet for weight loss, will not give you such a strong and stable weight control as a healthy lifestyle, proper eating habits (and not dependence!) And moderate food intake.Diet for weight loss