Is there a best The best diet for weight loss? American publicist Julia Bellaz, who calls herself the "enthusiast of evidence", summarized the information received from twenty-odd leading experts on nutrition and excess weight, added her personal experience of fighting for a slender waist and came to the conclusion that the really well-known and very simple rules . But what and why?
The best diet for weight loss is one that you can adhere to without suffering, discomfort and waiting for the end of "torture".
The best diet for weight loss is one that you can adhere to without suffering, discomfort and waiting for the end of "torture".

Rule 1. Indeed and certainly: the best diet for weight loss does not exist, whoever says anything

It is not necessary to closely follow the events in the world of weight loss, in order to understand:The best diet there are constantly emerging new favorites. That all " lose weight on Dyukan ", then they drink gallons of green coffee , then they flatly refuse from gluten .
Each new dietary fashion is proclaimed as the result of "that very last and true discovery" that will lead humanity to an era of harmony. However, it is obvious that we are still trampling in the beginning of the road.
American doctors conducted a study in which more than 300 women with a motley weight loss story took part: they experienced most popular diets, including low-carb , low- fat, protein . The best dietThe result surprised: it turned out that in two months on any of the diets you can lose weight by 2-4 kg. If you are determined and willing to limit yourself to nutrition by the rules of any system for at least six months, you will like the effect of a protein low-carb diet - the average "plumb" on it for six months will be about 6 kg.
However, the most unexpected thing is that in the second half of the year following any of the common diets, losing weight again a little, but getting better, and the effect of diets of different types is equalized.The best diet
Simply put, it does not matter which weight loss plan you choose, meat or vegetable, the result of following it for the year will be approximately the same. That is the best diet for weight loss does not exist.The best diet
According to the researchers, their work is important for understanding that the diet needs to be selected individually, and the approach of the category "one size fits all" does not work here. The best diet can not just be bought in the form of a book - well, or you should be prepared for the fact that the praised meal plan will not bring any benefit to you personally.

Rule 2. To lose weight, you have to eat, you can not help it

Dr. Arya Sharma, director of the Canadian Obesity Society, suggests choosing the best diet for weight loss in the following simple way.The best diet
"The first thing you need to do to lose weight is to eat regularly," says the doctor. - The choice that involves hunger is an unreasonable choice.The best diet This does not mean that you need to chew all the time, but you should not suffer from an empty stomach between meals. "
The easiest way is to achieve the desired result if there is more variety of vegetable food containing fiber and exclude sweet drinks and snacks stuffed with "empty calories" from processed foods, because it is they that fuel appetite.The best diet
Matt Fitzgerald, author of the sensational book "The Cult of the Diet," on the other side of the ocean, has developed an even more vivid way of thinking about a better diet. He made a hierarchy of products, in which everything is obvious: the lower the product on the list, the more harmful it is to your health and lightning on the skirt.The best diet
  • Vegetables
  • Fruit
  • Nuts, seeds, natural oils and fats (not trans-)
  • Meat and seafood of high quality
  • Whole grain
  • Milk and derivatives
  • Products from peeled and ground grain
  • Meat and seafood of poor quality (frozen, processed, of doubtful origin)
  • Sweets
  • Roast

Rule 3. Control - not a threat to totalitarianism, but the key to success

The best diet for weight loss involves getting a predictable result, and preferably in the foreseeable future. Therefore, it is not a place for accidents and influxes: a diet is a job, and you need a tool for monitoring and analyzing what is happening with your body, habits, life.The best diet
The National Weight Registry of the United States is an initiative that brought together more than 10,000 participants who lost at least 15 kg of weight and who retained this result for a year or more. They agreed to a periodic questionnaire; Statistics are interesting habits and behaviors of lucky people.The best diet
It turned out that, in addition to remarkable results in the struggle for harmony, these people are united by several points: for example, they are weighed at least once a week, they are engaged in the gym with varying degrees of intensity,The best diet but regularly or just walk a lot, control the size of portions and run From fast food as devil from incense. In addition, they necessarily eat breakfast, and even consider calories - although today many experts also urge to abandon the mathematical practice in the diet and eat properly "intuitively" without calculating calories, indices and percentages. But calories work well as a unit of account, which means it's too early to write them off.The best diet
"Start to keep a food diary," Dr. Yoni Friedhof recommends. "This may not seem like a particularly amusing and attractive idea, but before you start a diet, you must know exactly where you are in order to clearly understand what is desirable to change. The best dietWhen you keep a diary, you can not forget that you need to make only a healthy choice. "

Rule 4. Salvation of fattened - the handiwork of the fat ones themselves

If someone still imagines a better diet in the form of a detailed menu and a plan-forecast of a loss of a kilo, then it's time to think about the motivation for losing weight and a clear idea of ​​your own capabilities and barriers. Studies have shown that kilograms that "beautify" people who are not slimming are able to demonstrate a rare resistance even in the face of the most advanced and advanced ways to lose weight.
The head of the Cornwall Food Laboratory, Professor Brian Wansink, says: "When people ask me how to lose weight, The best dietI have a whole bunch of counter questions for them. And very often it turns out that the full as if want to look slimmer, but when they find out what they have to give up in the name of this, they are no longer so confident in the power of their dreams. "
Doctors know that the best diet is not a panacea for excess weight. The best dietFirst of all, we need to find out why he appeared at all. The causes can be genetic, medicamentous; And the amount of surplus directly depends on the social environment and the level of education of one who needs to lose weight, and even his closest associates. Some of these barriers can be overcome relatively easily, with some have to tinker, so the slimming should be reserved for patience.

Rule 5. Do not give too high expectations to drive yourself into a trap

Surprisingly, it's a fact: quite often people at the stage of choosing the best diet program themselves to fail, either expecting instant results,The best diet or choosing a plan of nutrition that they definitely do not fit.
"A short-term approach to losing weight does not work," says Mayo Maria Collazo-Clavelle, an expert on obesity in the clinic. - If you want to lose weight for a wedding or a vacation, then do not change anything in your life, kilograms, or will not go anywhere, or go away and return. " Dr. Gilman of Harvard clarifies:
"No one is gaining weight in two days, but often people want to lose weight precisely during this time."
All sorts of fast diets give the only stable result - the weight returns to the "hard places".The best diet And this is not just insulting: such a pattern is perceived as a personal failure, undermining the faith of the slimming one in oneself, one's own strength and the ability to change something. "Often we demand too much from ourselves, we want to be perfect, and this is a problem," complains Dr. Friedhof. "But you do not need to be a saint to lose weight,"The best diet continues his thought, Dr. Lawrence Cheskin. "It's enough just to be an intelligent sinner."