The slimming menu for a week according to a vegetarian diet has strict principles. The basic rules are the exclusion of food of animal origin, and the production of protein, vitamins and amino acids from vegetable or lacto-vegetarian food.vegetarian diet for weight loss 7 day plan
  • Регулярное соблюдение вегетарианской диеты с целью похудения, помогает удержать вес в норме.
    Vegetarian diet will help cleanse the intestines from harmful toxins, improve mood and improve overall health. It is ideal as a slimming menu for a week.vegetarian diet for weight loss 7 day plan

How useful is vegetarianism for weight loss and health

The benefits and harm of vegetarianism are expressed by doctors, nutritionists and scientists. Vegetarian diet is good for health, because it provides a minimum intake of cholesterol and saturated fat. The main food of vegetarians is plant food, which is rich in dietary fiber , vitamins and nutrients.vegetarian diet for weight loss 7 day plan
Vegetable food takes first place in many weight loss systems, as it contains far fewer calories and fats than animal products . Moreover, fruits and vegetables strengthen immunity and improve health. Vegetarians are less likely to suffer from high blood pressure , cancer, and strokes with them occur much less often. Observance of a weekly vegetarian diet for weight loss allows you to lose 2 to 4kg of excess weight. In this case, the body will receive a large amount of fiber by high blood pressure ,vegetarian diet for weight loss 7 day plan which will help normalize digestion.
Vegetarian diet will help to cleanse the intestines from harmful toxins,vegetarian diet for weight loss 7 day plan increase the mood and tone of the body. For people who regularly eat meat products, it is not necessary to switch sharply to a vegetarian style of food, and it is recommended to change your diet gradually. The body needs time to get used to a new composition of food, so the proportion of animal products should be reduced within two weeks.vegetarian diet for weight loss 7 day plan

Basic principles of a vegetarian diet

Nutritionists agree that the regular adherence to the vegetarian diet for weight loss helps to keep the weight in the norm and, at the same time, performs a preventive function. However, a vegetarian diet for weight loss is not recommended for children, adolescents and pregnant women.vegetarian diet for weight loss 7 day plan
The basic principles of a vegetarian diet and a menu for losing weight for a week:
  • Replacement of food of animal origin with vegetable - for example, a protein of animal origin is excluded from the diet, it must necessarily be replaced by a vegetable one: more beans, nuts, cauliflower;

  • Consumption of a large amount of liquid - as with any diet, it is necessary to drink plenty of mineral water, on average 2 liters daily;

  • The exclusion of the sweet - vegetarians are allowed to include some types of sweets in the menu, but still it is a diet, and "lean" on the sweet is not worth it, otherwise results from a vegetarian diet will be much worse;

  • Since a vegetarian diet does not provide for complete or partial fasting, then during the day you need to eat as usual (three meals a day), the loss of extra pounds will be a simple and pleasant procedure, without feeling hungry.

Vegetarian diet menu for the week

Vegetarian diet will help you lose weightvegetarian diet for weight loss 7 day plan, improve your health and improve your body. Its menu is composed in such a way that the diet includes the maximum amount of useful and nutritious substances necessary for normal body functioning. All portions should be weighed, salads recommended to fill with olive oil or lemon juice, cook better in dishes with non-stick coating. The vegetarian diet menu for the week may look like this.vegetarian diet for weight loss 7 day plan
The first day:
  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge - 150 g, it is possible with skim milk or kefir;
  • Lunch: vegetable soup - 200 ml, 1 toast from rye bread, salad from fresh vegetables - 200 g;
  • Dinner: vegetables on the grill - 200 g, boiled brown rice - 150 g.
vegetarian diet for weight loss 7 day plan Second day:
  • Breakfast: two hard-boiled eggs, toast with cheese and tomato;
  • Dinner: salad of celery, apples and grated low-fat cheese, seasoned with olive oil, lemon juice and spices - 200 g;
  • Dinner: two baked potatoes, squash caviar - 150 grams, 2 toast from whole grain bread.
vegetarian diet for weight loss 7 day plan Day Three:
  • Breakfast: milk rice porridge - 150 g, fat-free drinking yogurt - 150 ml, two pears;
  • Lunch: soy soup with tofu - 200 ml, bun with sesame, stewed vegetables - 150 g, orange;
  • Dinner: vegetables, stewed with mushrooms and onions - 200 g.
vegetarian diet for weight loss 7 day plan Day four:
  • Breakfast: toast with boiled egg, cucumber and herbs, a glass of kefir;
  • Dinner: pepper stuffed with rice and vegetables - 200 g, two apples;
  • Dinner: two boiled potatoes "in uniform", string beans - 150 g, two tomatoes.
vegetarian diet for weight loss 7 day plan Day five:
  • Breakfast: oat flakes - 100 grams, a glass of low-fat kefir, a banana;
  • Dinner: soup with lentils - 200 ml, salad from cabbage and carrots - 150 g, two kiwi;
  • Dinner: vegetable stew - 250 g.
vegetarian diet for weight loss 7 day plan Day Six:
  • Breakfast: granular cottage cheese -100 g, low-fat yogurt -150 ml, berries -100 g;
  • Lunch: lean borsch - 200 ml, vinaigrette - 150 g, apple;
  • Dinner: stewed cabbage with mushrooms - 150 g, two slices of rye bread, a glass of kefir.
vegetarian diet for weight loss 7 day plan Day Seven:
  • Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole - 150 g, drinking yogurt - 150 ml, orange;
  • Lunch: barley porridge, cauliflower salad, a glass of tomato juice;
  • Dinner: potato casserole with vegetables, asparagus baked - 150 g.

Disadvantages of a vegetarian diet

Despite its effectiveness, a vegetarian diet has some drawbacksvegetarian diet for weight loss 7 day plan. The main thing is the absence in the diet of a number of those nutrients, microelements and vitamins, which are necessary for the body, but are absent in plant foods. Also, vegetable food is considered to be carbohydrate, but the body needs to receive animal fats and proteins, especially in the cold season, which is why they must be actively replaced with vegetable fats.vegetarian diet for weight loss 7 day plan