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u diet weight loss

The fact that the issues associated with losing weight are asked quite often - it is quite natural, because there are a lot of people who are dissatisfied with their excess weight. But many people do not just want to lose weight, but also quickly, or even urgently! That with voluntaristic "zayavochkami" from those who want to lose weight, the author had to face in practice: "At 10 kg per month", "At 10 kg for 21 days," "At 5 kg for 10 days," "At 15 kg per month, "5 kg for 7 days", "5 kg for 3 days", "14 kg for 7 days", "3 kg per day"! etc. It seems that people do not think at all whether this is possible.u diet weight loss
So, many people want to lose weight quickly. But let's figure it out as far as possible.
The law of conservation of energy is applicable to the physiology of the human body to the fullest. In order for a person's weight to remain at the same level, it is necessary that the arrival of energy with food be equal to its expenditure. And if someone wants to lose weight, then he must secure a negative energy balance, that is, that the energy expenditure exceeds its arrival.

And how much fat can you lose in a day to the maximum?

As practice shows, with complete starvation, a person loses about 200 grams of fat per day (fat, not total weight). Since the caloric content of 1 kg of fats is 9300 kcal, it is easy to calculate that the energy consumption of a starving person is about 1860 kcal per day. Of course, every person will have
Their numbers, and, in addition, the hunger-stricken organism tries to spend less and less every day.
A hard diet also allows you to lose 200 grams of fat a day. Other, more "high-calorie" diets, respectively, are less effective.u diet weight loss
The desire to lose weight faster than it is possible in principle - perhaps the most common mistake in the fight against obesity. There is another misconception, closely associated with a thirst for rapid weight loss, but even more adventurous is an urgent weight loss.u diet weight loss
Urgent weight loss can be considered as an option for rapid weight loss, in which the achievement of the result is timed to a calendar date: the New Year, the birthday, the wedding, etc. So,u diet weight loss for example, one girl asked how she could lose weight as quickly as possible , Because in two weeks the wedding and you need to look good. Alas, no matter how much you want to look good, but in this situation, you can not even start a diet! Firstly,u diet weight loss for two weeks you will not lose weight much,u diet weight loss and it is unlikely that this will affect the figure. Secondly, how can you start a plentiful wedding feast right after a tough diet ?! It can be very dangerous! In history, there are many cases where a person died immediately after a complete starvation. And ate a bit like a little, u diet weight lossbut for the hungry and it was too much. But, in addition, there are numerous cases of death from "sudden overeating" and after a limited diet, when there was no complete starvation.u diet weight loss
So although a strict diet is less dangerous than complete starvation, a sharp exit from it is unacceptable! But anyone can object: there are a lot of fast diets,u diet weight loss for example a jockey diet, chocolate, English, an angel, 5 cheerful melted cheeses, etc. And they also work! And people lose weight on them almost per kilogram per day! I agree, there are many such "fast" diets. And the weight on them, really, is lost with good speed - up to a kilogram a day.u diet weight loss But weight loss does not always mean fat loss! Many such "fast" diets, in fact, u diet weight losshave one basis: a small amount of protein food, coffee, less liquid. Due to protein and coffee, metabolism is maintained at a normal level, and due to the small amount of food and water intake, there is an active decrease in the mass of the contents of the gastrointestinal tract. So the drop in body weight occurs mainly due to loss of water, not fat. This process of water loss can be accelerated with the help of a sauna or diuretics.u diet weight loss
The question is, who needs such self-deception? If the fat is not discharged, but water, then nobody cares!
So, the maximum rate of fat loss, as we discussed above - about 200 grams per day. And if you want to lose weight faster, you should understand that nothing will come of it.

On the other hand, is it really necessary to lose weight quickly?

As practice shows, after a quick weight loss,u diet weight loss a quick rollback to the previous weight is obtained, and often to a larger one. So, what is next? To lose weight again? But chasing a lot of fat back and forth - this is a big stress for the body, and causes serious damage to health. That's why more and more people are against fast diets.u diet weight loss
Meanwhile, the rigid diet proposed by the author of these lines is also among the fastest. Although the loss of fat in the amount of 200 grams per day seems to many impatient citizens is very slow, for the body it is actually very fast. Therefore, the author warns that in the case of a one-stage transition from a rigid diet to a patient's usual diet
The weight will roll back to previous or even increased values. And in order to avoid a rollback, you need to organize a long transition period, during which the caloric content of the daily ration will rise gradually.
Summarize.u diet weight loss Do not try to lose weight quickly! This is adventurous, in many cases simply impossible, fraught with a rollback to the former or greater weight, and can even be dangerous for health and life! And the rigid diet offered by the author of these lines, although it provides the maximum rate of fat loss, is actually not so fast.u diet weight loss After all, after it you need to organize a fairly long transition period to avoid rollback.

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