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type o diet for weight loss

Types of diet slimming protein

A beautiful, slim figure is a dream, perhaps, of any girl. To quickly and effectively reduce weight, and to maintain the result already achieved, a beautiful half of humanity follows certain rules of eating, that is, diets. At the same time, a great number of them have been developed,type o diet for weight loss however, mankind has not yet invented the same diet that would suit absolutely everyone.
Below is a list of the main types of diet for weight loss,type o diet for weight loss built on different principles of nutrition. Select the appropriate option should be based on the individual characteristics of the body and preferably after consultation with a doctor-nutritionist.type o diet for weight loss
Practically all methods of nutrition can be divided into several categories:

  • Low-carbohydrate
  • Low-fat
  • Low-calorie
  • Mono-diet
Types of diets for slimming a carbohydrate

Low-carbohydrate diet

This type of diet for weight loss is also called a protein diet .type o diet for weight loss It has been known for a long time and has its origins since ancient Greece, type o diet for weight losswhen athletes before the competition specifically refused certain products, while giving preference to others in larger quantities.type o diet for weight loss
Choosing this type of food does not necessarily exclude absolutely all products containing carbohydrates, it is enough just to bring the consumption of some products to the minimum. The main thing to remember is that the daily intake of carbohydrates should not exceed 250 calories.type o diet for weight loss But some products must be discarded.
These include:
  • bread
  • pasta
  • potatoes
  • Cereal cereals
  • confectionery
  • sugar
  • alcohol
  • Sweet fruits (except for sour berries)
In addition, it is necessary to drink more water (green tea or coffee without sugar),type o diet for weight loss as water burns fat and removes toxins.type o diet for weight loss
One of the main advantages of this technique is that you can eat the usual food:
  • meat
  • Eggs
  • vegetables
  • Fish and more
Types of low fat diets

Low fat diet

Its principles are very similar to those outlined above, however, the main rule here is the rejection of products with a high fat content.type o diet for weight loss Again, there is no need to completely exclude from the diet all foods containing fats, on the contrary, it is necessary to eat fully, remembering at the same time about a daily fat rate of 30-50 grams.type o diet for weight loss
The peculiarity of this technique is the burning of the body's own fats with their shortages during food intake. This type of diet for weight loss also contains a certain list of products not recommended for use.type o diet for weight loss
It is necessary to exclude:
  • Fatty meat and offal
  • Fatty fish
  • Fatty dairy products
  • alcohol
If the listed products are not fat (lean, fat-free), then they may well be part of your menu.type o diet for weight loss Also, do not forget about drinking enough water!type o diet for weight loss

Low-calorie diet

The whole point of this technique is counting calories when eating food and fractional meals. It must be remembered that the daily requirement of the female body for calories is 1,300 kcal, with a great physical load - 1500 kcal. The effectiveness of this principle of nutrition is the loss of extra pounds in a fairly short period of time (3-4 kg per week). type o diet for weight loss
Types of diets for slimming mono-diet


The monodiet is based on eating only one specific product, or two or three, but not more. It is the most rigid in comparison with others, but it provides maximum weight loss for a minimum amount of time (on average 5-7 days).type o diet for weight loss
There is an extensive list of mono-diets:
  • Kefir
  • Watermelon
  • Apple
  • Cottage cheese
  • Buckwheat, etc.
Monodieta is perfect for an urgent need to "lose a few extra pounds" before an important event.type o diet for weight loss However its minus consists in insufficient saturation of an organism by those or other vitamins and the substances necessary for its optimum maintenance, thus, the organism experiences stress, and, as consequence, can quickly gain lost kgs after transition to a usual mode.
Choosing this or that type of diet for weight loss, you should think not only about the effectiveness, but also about the health of your body.type o diet for weight loss

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