Very often, people suffering from diabetes are overweight and ask a
doctor at an endocrinologist: how to lose weight with diabetes?
It's no secret that overweight increases the risk of earning this
disease, because along with the increase in body weight, the threshold
of sensitivity of cells to insulin decreases.
Only by observing an appropriate diet can maintain a high quality of life and help your body cope with this for weight loss and diabetes
Requirements for the composition and diet for diabetes
- Diabetes mellitus type 1 necessarily requires a low-calorie diet (a day should be consumed 25-30 kcal per 1 kg of body weight).diet for weight loss and diabetes
- Diabetes mellitus type 2 requires compliance with a subcaloric diet (20-25 kcal per 1 kg of body weight).diet for weight loss and diabetes
- Whichever form of diabetes mellitus a person suffers from, he needs to eat 5-6 times a day.
- Lose weight with this disease can be, if you exclude from the diet easily digestible carbohydrates and limit salt for weight loss and diabetes
- On the diabetics table, cellulose must be present.
- Of all consumed fats per day, half of the share should be fats of vegetable origin.
- The body should receive all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and trace elements, necessary for normal life of the for weight loss and diabetes
- It is necessary to almost completely abandon alcohol and quit for weight loss and diabetes
The role of fiber in the diet of the patient
Diabetes mellitus causes a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, so
anyone who is looking for an answer to the question: how to lose weight
in diabetes, should know that it is vitally important for cellulose.
It promotes better digestibility of carbohydrates, reduces absorption
of carbohydrates in the intestines, lowers sugar levels in urine and
blood, and cleanses the body of toxins and toxins by binding water. Fiber should be constantly present on the table of diabetics who dream of losing weight.
The fiber of fiber, which fell into the patient's stomach, swells there
and does not allow a person to feel hunger for a long period of for weight loss and diabetes
Strengthening the antidiabetic effect occurs with the simultaneous intake of fiber and complex carbohydrates into the for weight loss and diabetes
In the diet of patients with diabetes mellitus, both 1 and 2 types of vegetables must be present. However, it is necessary to abstain from potatoes, or on extreme occasions to soak before preparation.
Beetroot, carrots and green peas can be enjoyed no more than once a
day, since these products contain a lot of easily assimilated
As a basis for the proper nutrition of any diabetic, take cucumbers,
tomatoes, cabbage, zucchini, blue, patisson, rutabag, sweet pepper,
radish, pumpkin and for weight loss and diabetes
Bread and bakery products can be present on the table of a patient with
diabetes mellitus, however, only those grades that include bran are
needed, since they contain a large amount of fiber. Kashi can and should be cooked from buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley and corn - in these cereals, a lot of pulpdiet for weight loss and diabetes.
As for fruit and berries, it is better to eat unsweetened varieties.
We are talking about unsweetened apples, cherries, currants, plums,
strawberries, strawberries, gooseberries, oranges, honeysuckle, sea
buckthorn, cranberries, blueberries, red bilberries, etc. But from
grapes, bananas, persimmons and figs, it is worth for weight loss and diabetes
Features of nutrition in type 1 diabetes
Patients with type 1 diabetes must follow a low-calorie diet. Only she can prevent late complications of the for weight loss and diabetes When preparing a diet, it is necessary to observe the balance of fats, carbohydrates and for weight loss and diabetes
The rules that should guide a patient with type 1 diabetes:
- You can not eat carbohydrates, which are easily absorbed and quickly absorbed. Sugar is also completely excluded. Instead, you can use for weight loss and diabetes
- In type 1 diabetes, it is forbidden to eat raisins, grapes and fruit for weight loss and diabetes
- With care, it is necessary to treat potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, as well as sweet fruits and dried fruits. We are talking about pineapple, persimmon, dried apricots, prunes, bananas, mangoes, figs and for weight loss and diabetes
You can eat unsweetened apples, pears, oranges, grapefruits,
pomegranates, watermelons, melons, cherries, cherries, strawberries,
currants, gooseberries, cranberries, blueberries, cranberries,
cloudberries and for weight loss and diabetes
- Diabetes mellitus type 1 necessarily requires keeping records of grain units when consuming fruits and vegetables.
It is not so rigorous to approach this issue when it comes to cabbage,
carrot, radish, beetroot, radish, tomato, turnip, cucumber, blue,
zucchini, onion, lettuce, horseradish, rhubarb, dill, parsley, cilantro, for weight loss and diabetes
In order to prevent cardiovascular diseases, it is necessary to consume legumes, but very carefully, counting the grain units. In order not to be mistaken, it is better to eat them once a week. diet for weight loss and diabetes.
Soy is introduced into the diet of a patient with type 1 diabetes more freely, but this process also needs to be controlled. From cereals it is better to buy buckwheat and oats. diet for weight loss and diabetes.Corn and rice are not in this priority, as far as rice is concerned, it should be either unclean or brown. Manka is completely for weight loss and diabetes
Macaroni and bread should be chosen from wholemeal flour.
Patients suffering from type 1 diabetes must eat fish: it activates the
processes of developing their own insulin and improves the work of the
heart and blood vessels. diet for weight loss and diabetes.
Meat can only be lean, it is not forbidden to replace it with cottage cheese. Smoked meat and sausages can not be eaten at all. Mushrooms can be in unlimited for weight loss and for weight loss and diabetes
From dairy products it is better to choose those in which there is little fat. It is necessary to refuse eggs, butter, spicy cheeses, fat cottage cheese and sour for weight loss and diabetes.
Features of nutrition in type 2 diabetes mellitus
Patients with type 2 diabetes must follow a subcaloric for weight loss and diabetes.
It will help a person lose up to 300-400 g of body weight in 7 days.
A person who is obese and wants to lose weight should reduce the daily
amount of calories consumed in accordance with the excess body weight to
15-17 Kcal per 1 kg of for weight loss and diabetes
The rules that should guide a patient with type 2 diabetes:
It is necessary to reduce consumption, and it is better to completely
eliminate from the diet animal oil, margarine, whole milk, sour cream
and cream.
It is also better to remove ice cream from the menu, hard and soft
cheeses, coconuts, all kinds of fatty meat and meat delicacies -
sausages, sausage, smoked products, pates, for weight loss and diabetes.
- The source of protein should be lean fish, turkey meat, chicken, lean game and veal.
- Patients with type 2 diabetes should eat plenty of fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, as well as whole for weight loss and diabetes
- It is very moderate to use sunflower, olive, soybean and rapeseed oil.
Reduce consumption, and some patients and completely exclude from the
diet of offal, such as brain, kidney, liver, tongue, etc. You can not
use this category of products in patients with type 2 diabetes 2 times a
month. As for chicken eggs, egg yolk should be present in the diet not more often than 1-2 times a for weight loss and diabetes
It is necessary to include in your diet foods rich in dietary fiber.
They will help improve the utilization of carbohydrates by tissues,
reduce the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines and reduce the
sugar levels in urine and blood. Subkaloroynaya diet also involves counting the number of grain units and monitoring the quality of the diet.
With this diet, you must additionally take vitamins, especially
vitamins A and D. The sugar substitute may be either sorbitol or
xylitol. The effectiveness of therapy that reduces sugar is directly proportional to weight for weight loss and diabetes
If the weight does not go away, the diet needs to be reviewed.
Method of weight loss
In addition to the basic nutrition aimed at combating obesity, there is
also a special technique developed by the spouses G. and L. Pogozhev,
who relied on the recommendations of B. V. Bolotov. In this system, emphasis is placed on the use of special products derived from insoluble vegetable fiber.
In order to prepare such a tool, you need to buy several beet fruits
and scroll it on a meat grinder or squeeze juice on a juicer. From the resulting cake is formed small balls the size of the bean grain. They can be stored in the refrigerator for 14 for weight loss and diabetes
Beet cleanses the blood, makes it "cleaner", removes toxins and toxins,
maintains the elasticity of blood vessels, stimulates the function of
the gastrointestinal tract and liver, reduces blood pressure and
normalizes blood sugar. Beads cake should be used according to a certain scheme. First, they do not need to be chewed, and before consumption, it is better to lubricate with vegetable for weight loss and diabetes
Immediately after breakfast you need to take inside 2-3 tbsp. L. Balls, as soon as there is an easy feeling of hunger, you need to take another 2 tbsp. L. facilities. In this way, you can significantly reduce your appetite. After dinner, you also need to take the for weight loss and diabetes
Such a system shows impressive results and allows you to fix the weight. After losing weight, the procedure for taking beet cake can be repeated to keep the bar reached weight. In the future, such a device can be taken 1 time per day.