diet for weight loss and clear skin
Healthy and clean skin is first and foremost proper nutrition. Vegetables , Fruit and other healthy products will complement your daily care. About the secrets of clean skin told nutritionist Cynthia Saas.

For years scientists have been telling us , That chocolate and fatty foods do not cause inflammation on the face and , In general , diet for weight loss and clear skin.
Does not affect the purity of the skin. Studies prove the opposite. "Expression:" You are , What you eat "- the truth. Clean skin is constantly restored with the help of substances , Which form the basis of our diet, "- says the famous American nutritionist Cynthia Saas. According to her , If the cause of skin problems is not hormones , The results of the diet will be visible after six for weight loss and clear skin
Secrets of clean skin: 4 rules for every day
Simple carbohydrates , Which are contained in white bread , Pasta , Biscuits and sweets - enemies of clean skin. Studies have shown , diet for weight loss and clear skin.That switching to whole grains helps to get rid of acne. In ten weeks, the number of black spots and whiteheads is reduced by 28%, and acne - by 71%.
- Eat less carbohydrates
In the composition of various sweets , Which should also be deleted , Too many simple carbohydrates. And you need to give up alcohol and for weight loss and clear skin.
It is better to switch to brown rice , Kinoa and wholemeal products. Literally in two or three weeks, you c with pleasure , diet for weight loss and clear skin.How the complexion will change , The skin will become clean , Fresh and rested.
In problems with the skin, not only your hormones are to blame , But also ... cow.
In milk, there are many hormones , Which not only help to grow calves , But also contribute to the growth of acne on the face. At lovers of milk the probability of acne is 44% higher , diet for weight loss and clear skin.Than those , Who does not use this for weight loss and clear skin.
Try to exclude as much as possible the dairy products from your diet for a month , And you will see , How quickly the rashes on the skin will decrease. By the way , It can be not only in hormones , But also in lactose intolerance. To find out , Hand over the for weight loss and clear skin.
Going to the vegetable department of the supermarket can be more useful , Than visiting a beauty salon. The study of the American Institute of Dietetics showed , That people ,diet for weight loss and clear skin.
Which every day for six months, eat six portions of fresh vegetables and fruits , Look more attractive , Than those , Who eats less of these for weight loss and clear skin.
So how many vegetables and fruits a day need to eat? The recommendation is: no less than five.
Stars include in their diet greens and cabbage - these foods are rich
in vitamins and help to keep the figure and protect the for weight loss and clear skin.
Do not forget about vitamin C: add cherries to the diet , Red capsicum and kiwi fruit. If possible, eat the vegetables raw. 5 breakfasts for clean for weight loss and clear skin.
In the meat there are omega-6 fatty acids , Causing inflammation on the face. To reduce the amount of rashes , Replace meat products , Rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They compact the skin cells and give it a healthy radiance. You can find them in oily fish , Such as salmon , Tuna , Marquee , Herring and sardines.
Anti-inflammatory drugs , Contained in vegetable fats , Are also vital for the purity and health of the skin. So stock up the avocado , Extra virgin olive oil , Nuts and seeds - and soon you will be able to brag a perfectly even tone of for weight loss and clear skin.
- Do not drink milk
- Choose fruits and vegetables
- Give up meat
- diet for weight loss and clear skin
Three products for clean skin for every day
It has many antioxidants , Which have a beneficial effect on the skin , Contribute to its purification and for weight loss and clear skin.
Ideal for an easy snack. They have vitamin E , Which protects and nourishes the skin. Eat a handful a day.
Try to add them to your diet from time to time - they have a lot of vitamin C. All this will help to make the skin for weight loss and clear skin.