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Diet with diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is associated with a metabolic disorder, it is based on insufficient absorption of glucose by the body. Diabetes type 2 often occurs against the background of obesity .Diet with diabetes mellitus
With diabetes, the patient's diet plays a big role. With the mild form of type 2 diabetes, dietary nutrition is the main method of treatment. With an average and severe form of diabetes, the diet should be combined with the intake of hypoglycemic drugs or insulin . In type I diabetes, the occurrence of which is associated with the death of beta cells of the pancreas and insulin deficiency, the main method of treatment is replacement insulin therapy. Compliance of diet and diet with type I diabetes is of an auxiliary nature.Diet with diabetes mellitus

What is a "grain unit"?

What is the norm of hydrocarbon-containing products per day should be used by a patient with diabetes mellitus? All hydrocarbon-containing products differ significantly in their physical properties, composition, calories. Measuring in one of the usual domestic way - using a spoon or glass - all these important parameters of food is impossible. It is equally difficult to determine the necessary volume of the daily norm of products without having special knowledge and not seeing understandable guidelines for themselves. To facilitate the task, nutritionists introduced a conditional concept, used for diabetics - the bread unit.Diet with diabetes mellitus
Bread unit - a kind of "measuring spoon" for the calculation of carbohydrates. Regardless of the type and quantity of the product, whether it is bread or an apple, one bread unit contains 12-15 grams of digestible carbohydrates. It increases the blood sugar level by the same amount - 2.8 mmol / l - and requires 2 units of insulin for the assimilation of the body.Diet with diabetes mellitus
The bread unit was introduced precisely for diabetic patients receiving insulin. After all, it is very important for them to observe the daily daily norm of carbohydrates, which corresponds to the injected insulin. Otherwise, they may have an increase or decrease in blood sugar - hyper- or hypoglycemia. Thanks to the introduction of the concept of a grain unit, patients with diabetes mellitus were able to correctly make a menu, correctly replacing some carbohydrate-containing foods by others.Diet with diabetes mellitus
For example, 1 bread unit corresponds to 25-30 grams of white or black bread, or 1/2 cup of buckwheat or oat porridge, or 1 apple of medium size, or 2 pieces of prunes, etc.Diet with diabetes mellitus
A day in the body should be about 18-25 grain units. It is advisable to distribute them for six meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner for 3-5 bread units, at midday - 1-2 bread units. Most carbohydrate-containing products should be in the first half of the day.Diet with diabetes mellitus
What can not be eaten with diabetes and how to correctly determine the necessary rate of hydrocarbon-containing products? To answer all these questions, a diabetic patient needs to undergo appropriate education in special schools for diabetics.Diet with diabetes mellitus

Principles of therapeutic nutrition

The diet should be physiologically literate:
  • The amount of energy in food should be equal to the energy needs of the patient.
  • The number of proteins, fats, carbohydrates should be balanced.
  • Meals during the day - 5-6 times.
For people with diabetes overweight, to increase the sense of satiety, you need to include in the diet vegetables such as fresh and sauerkraut, lettuce, spinach, green peas, cucumbers, tomatoes. To improve the function of the liver , which is severely affected by diabetes, it is necessary to introduce foods containing lipotropic factors (cottage cheese, soy, oatmeal, etc.) into the diet, and to limit meat, fish broth and fried foods in the diet.Diet with diabetes mellitus
There are several variants of diets for diabetics, but practically at home you can use one (diet 9), which can be easily adapted to the treatment of any patient, excluding or adding individual dishes or foods.
The diet is allowed to include:
  • Bread and bakery products are predominantly black bread ( 200-350 grams per day, as directed by a doctor ).Diet with diabetes mellitus
  • Soups on vegetable broth, on weak meat and fish broth with a small amount of vegetables ( 1-2 times a week).Diet with diabetes mellitus
  • Meat and poultry dishes (beef, veal, lean pork, turkey, rabbit in boiled or jellied form).
  • Dishes from fish, mostly lean (pike-perch, cod, pike, navaga, carp, etc. in boiled or jellied form).
  • Dishes and side dishes from vegetables (deciduous greens, cabbage (white, colored), lettuce, rutabaga, radishes, cucumbers, zucchini, potatoes, beets, carrots) in cooked, raw and baked form.
  • Dishes and side dishes of cereals , legumes, pasta (in limited quantities, occasionally, while reducing the amount of bread in the diet).Diet with diabetes mellitus
  • Dishes from eggs (no more than 2 pieces a day in the form of an omelet or soft-boiled, and also for addition in other dishes).Diet with diabetes mellitus
  • Sour and Sweet and sour varieties of fruits and berries (apples Antonovskie, lemons, oranges, red currants, cranberries and others) to 200 grams a day in raw form, in the form of compotes on xylitol or sorbitol. With the permission of the doctor, you can use sweet dishes and specially prepared diabetic products.
  • Milk - at the doctor's permission, kefir, yogurt (total 1-2 glasses a day), cottage cheese ( 50-200 grams per day) in kind or in the form of cottage cheese, cheese cakes and puddings.
  • Unsharp sauces on vegetable broth with vinegar, Tomato-puree, roots, and also dairy.
  • Tea with milk, coffee is not strong, tomato juice, Fruit and berry juices (whole liquid together with soup to 5 glasses per day).Diet with diabetes mellitus
  • Butter, vegetable oil (only 40 grams per day in free form and for cooking).
The diet of a diabetic patient should be rich in vitamins , so it is useful to introduce beer and baker's yeast, broth of wild rose into the diet.Diet with diabetes mellitus
  • Candy, chocolate, confectionery, muffin, jam, honey, ice cream and other sweets;
  • Spicy, spicy, salty and smoked snacks and meals, mutton and pork fat;
  • Pepper, mustard;
  • Alcoholic beverages;
  • Grapes, bananas, raisins;
  • Sugar is allowed only in small quantities at the doctor's permission.

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