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Diet for cystitis

Diet for cystitis

Cystitis is an infectious and inflammatory process that occurs in the wall of the bladder, mainly in the mucous membrane. Cystitis, depending on the stage of the disease, can be chronic and acute. In addition, cystitis for reasons of origin distinguish allergic, infectious, chemical, postradiation, etc.

Diet for cystitis

Inflammation of the bladder can occur in women of any age. Most of the reasons for the development of cystitis may be hypothermia, prolonged sitting position (working at the computer), frequent and prolonged constipation, as well as other causes. In addition, the abundance in the diet of acute, salty, fried foods, as well as non-compliance with the drinking regime increases the risk of many urological diseases (cystitis, urethritis, and later pyelonephritis).
Diet for cystitis

As a rule, an attack of cystitis occurs suddenly and proceeds very painfully. The danger of this disease is that often it leads to complications that affect the kidneys, pyelonephritis. This is why the cystitis treatment should be started as soon as possible.
Diet for cystitis
To do this, it is best to consult a specialist, and not to engage in self-medication, since the treatment of such a complex disease involves taking antibiotics. What antibiotic is needed in your particular case, the doctor will advise. If you can not visit a doctor, you should buy for the first time no-shpu and levomethicin.
Diet for cystitis

During an exacerbation of such a disease as cystitis, it is important to adhere to a diet. Compliance with the diet greatly facilitates the painful condition, while acting in several ways. This is explained by the fact that exclusion from the diet of certain foods contributes to stop the process of irritation of the bladder. In addition, the diet for cystitis has a diuretic and antiseptic effect, which helps to eliminate pathogens. Strict adherence to diet for cystitis plays an important role in the treatment of the disease, as it is necessary to ease the burden on the kidneys. Diet, if possible, should be natural.
Diet for cystitis

Diet in acute cystitis.
The bladder is an integral part of the urinary system, which passes through itself a lot of unnecessary substances and removes them from the body. Naturally, the food we eat, one way or another, has an effect on the mucosa of the bladder. Acute cystitis is characterized by inflammation of the wall of the bladder, so the diet in this case should be aimed at washing the urinary tract in order to excrete pathogens of the infection, and preventing further irritation of the mucosa. Diet for cystitis means a lot of fluids (up to 2 liters per day). In the case of a temperature increase, this volume increases to 2.5 liters of fluid per day. It can be various fruit drinks, vegetable and fruit juices (except tomato), fruit compotes, especially cranberries and cranberries, mineral water (only chloride-calcium), herbal teas (based on bearberry, kidney tea, corn stigmas), weak tea without Sahara. In addition, the diet provides for the use of products that have a diuretic effect. Here you can include fresh fruits and vegetables (carrots, cucumbers and spinach are most useful), especially melons (melons, watermelons, zucchini). Gradually, milk can be introduced into the diet, sour-milk products (their microflora positively affects the healing process), unsalted cheese, cottage cheese, and further - meat and fish. Diet in acute cystitis prohibits the use of strong drinks, such as coffee and tea, alcohol. In addition, one should refrain from spicy seasonings, salted, roast, smoked, sour, canned foods, as well as those that were made with the addition of preservatives and various dyes. To remove inflammation it is recommended to eat a tablespoon of honey.
Diet for cystitis

Diet in chronic cystitis.
In chronic cystitis inflammation affects the entire wall of the bladder, which becomes swollen and often causes small ulcers. Symptoms of chronic cystitis are no different from manifestations of acute cystitis. The diet in this case is also aimed at providing a diuretic and antimicrobial effect. Therefore, daily use of various vegetables and fruits is recommended, especially grapes, pumpkin, asparagus, celery, parsley of watermelon, melon, pear, as well as fruit juices, compotes, fruit drinks. For antimicrobial effect, it is recommended to drink broths of herbs. In chronic cystitis, it is also necessary to comply with the drinking regime (up to two liters per day). Diet in this case excludes from the diet of patients canned dishes, smoked, fried, salted, spicy spices and seasonings, pickles, as well as various broths, whether it's mushroom, meat or fish. In addition, a diet with cystitis limits the intake of diseased vegetables and fruits that contribute to irritation of the urinary tract mucosa: horseradish, garlic, radish, onions, radish, cauliflower, sorrel, celery, sour fruits and berries, green salad, tomatoes. Normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract with chronic cystitis plays an important role. Violations of the normal operation of the intestine lead to constipation, and, consequently, to the absorption of toxic substances into the bloodstream, which in the future will irritate the bladder's mucosa. Therefore, in order to avoid the remission of cystitis, it is recommended to include in your diet more coarse fiber, which is contained in sufficient quantities in carrots, fresh cabbage and other vegetables, as well as in whole grains and bran, the use of which enhances intestinal motility and increases its tone. In addition, during a diet with cystitis should include in the diet of pine nuts (handfuls) and olive oil (1 tablespoon).
Diet for cystitis

Sample menu for patients with chronic cystitis.
Within a year after the last exacerbation, it is recommended to adhere to the following diet:
Breakfast: vegetable purees, soft-boiled eggs or omelets, milk porridges, unsalted cheese, cottage cheese, pasta, kefir, juice.
Diet for cystitis
Lunch: the first: vegetable or cereal soup, beetroots, borsch; The second: cutlet steamed, boiled fish or boiled meat, meatballs, garnish can be pasta, stewed vegetables, cereals; For dessert: mousses, compotes, jelly, juices.
Diet for cystitis
Afternoon snack: kefir, baked potatoes with butter, fruit.
Dinner: pasta with cheese, casseroles with cottage cheese, rolls, pancakes, vinaigrette.
Diet for cystitis

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