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Diet table 1

Diet № 1, table № 1

1) peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the period of recovery after a sharp exacerbation and with a mild exacerbation;
2) blurred exacerbation of chronic gastritis with preserved or increased secretion;
3) acute gastritis in the period of recovery. Diet table 1

When the peptic ulcer is combined with other diseases of the digestive system, diet variants # 1 are used. Diets No. 1 without mechanical shuddering - an "unprocessed" diet No. 1 - is used at the last stage of treatment of peptic ulcer exacerbation and with a low-symptom, lethargic course. According to the chemical composition and the food set, this diet corresponds to the wiped out diet No. 1. Excluded are the gastric secretion products and dishes that are highly exciting. The food is cooked cooked, but unprocessed: meat and fish are a piece, cereal is crumbly, vegetables and fruits are unprotected. Diet table 1

The purpose of diet number 1:

Moderate chemical, mechanical and thermal sparing of the gastrointestinal tract with full nutrition, reducing inflammation, improving healing of ulcers, normalization of the secretory and motor functions of the stomach.

General characteristics of the dietary table number 1:
On the caloric content, the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is a physiologically complete diet. The strong causative agents of gastric secretion, irritants of its mucous membrane, the proportion of gastric retention and digestible foods and dishes are limited. The food is cooked mostly mashed, boiled in water or steamed. Individual dishes are baked without crust. Fish and non-coarse meats are allowed by the piece. Moderately limited table salt .Diet table 1 Very cold and hot dishes are excluded. Diet table 1

The chemical composition and calorie diet number 1:
Carbohydrates - 400-420 g;
Proteins - 90-100 g (60% of animals),
Fats - 100 g (30% vegetable),
Calories - 2800-3000 kcal;
Sodium chloride (salt) 10-12 g,
Free liquid - 1.5 liters. Diet table 1

Nutritional regimen for diet No. 1:

5-6 times a day. Before going to bed: milk , cream.

Recommended and excluded foods and dishes:
Of the permitted wiped vegetables on carrots, Diet table 1potato broth, milk soups from pureed or well-digested cereals ( oatmeal , semolina, rice , etc.), vermicelli with the addition of mashed vegetables, milk soups puree from vegetables: soup-puree from pre-cooked chickens or Meat, from wiped sweet berries with semolina . Diet table 1Soup for soups is only dried. Soups are filled with butter ,Diet table 1 egg-milk mixture, cream.
Exclude: meat and fish broths, mushroom and strong vegetable broths, cabbage soup, borsch, okroshku;

Bread and flour products
Bread wheaten from flour of the highest and 1st grade of yesterday's baking or dried; Dry biscuit, dry biscuits, 1-2 times a week, well-baked unfermented buns, baked pies with apples ,Diet table 1 boiled meat or fish and eggs , jam, cheesecake with cottage cheese . Diet table 1
Exclude: rye and any fresh bread, products made of butter and puff pastry;

Meat and poultry
Lean, without tendons, fascia, skin in birds. Steam and boiled dishes from beef, young low-fat lamb and edged pork, chicken, turkey . Diet table 1Boiled dishes, including meat with a piece of low-fat veal, chicken, rabbit . Steam cutlets, little bits, knels, soufflé, mashed potatoes, zrazy; Beef stroganoff from boiled meat. Boiled meat baked in the oven. Boiled tongue and liver . Diet table 1
Exclude: fatty or wiry varieties of meat and birds, duck , goose , canned food, smoked meat;

a fish
Low-fat species without skin, in pieces or in the form of cutlets: cooked in water or steamed.
Exclude: fatty, salted fish, canned food; Diet table 1

Milk, cream. Non-acid kefir, yogurt , acidophilus. Fresh non-acid curd (wiped) and sour cream . Cottage cheese dishes: baked syrniki, soufflé, lazy vareniki, puddings. Spicy cheese is grated, occasionally - slices.
Exclude: dairy products with high acidity, sharp, salty cheeses. Limit sour cream;

2-3 pieces per day. Soft-boiled, steam omelet.
The eggs are hard-boiled and fried; Diet table 1

Manna, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. Porridge, cooked on milk or water, semi-viscous and wiped (buckwheat). Steam souffle, puddings, cutlets from ground cereals. Vermicelli, pasta, finely chopped pasta.
Exclude: millet, pearl, barley, corn , legumes, whole macaroni; Diet table 1

Potatoes, carrots, beets , cauliflower , limited - green peas . Steamed steamed or watered and mashed (mashed potatoes, soufflé, steam puddings). Uneatened early pumpkin and zucchini. Finely dipped fennel - in soups. Ripe non-acidic tomatoes to 100 g. Diet table 1
Exclude: white cabbage, turnips, trout, radish , sorrel, spinach, onions, cucumbers , pickled, pickled and pickled vegetables, mushrooms , canned vegetable diners;Diet table 1

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diet cabbage soup

diet cabbage soup Cabbage soup for weight loss is the basis of the popular diet today, which allows you to lose an average of 5 kg o...