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Diet to clean the stomach and sides

to clean the stomach and sides? Exercise, diet and a couple of secrets!

We all want to have a beautiful and drawn figure. Better yet, such that the girlfriend envied, and the men fell in love at first sight. But this magnificent desire does not always come true, because the extra pounds have a bad quality "glue" and poison life. Particularly active they settle in the abdomen and waist,Diet to clean the stomach and sides forming the so-called "lifebuoy". Do you want to learn how to clean your stomach and sides so that they no longer spoil your life?
In this article, you will learn :Diet to clean the stomach and sides

How to clean the belly and sides

So, today we will tell you about the most effective methods, which will certainly help you to find the tummy and waist of your dreams. Diet to clean the stomach and sidesShall we proceed?
I'll have to work a little, but then I will be more than proud!
How to clean the belly and sides
Do you want to clean your belly and sides? Then we act!

Start with a posture

The first and least of which is worth learning - it's right to keep your posture. Diet to clean the stomach and sides When the shoulders are slightly retracted, the head is straight, the chin is raised and horizontal with respect to the floor, the look is directed confidently forward, and the thorax is enlarged, the stomach is imperceptibly tightened and visually less protrudes. Believe me, this is the simplest, and most importantly the fastest method to reduce your waist by a couple of centimeters. Diet to clean the stomach and sidesJust straighten up!
Try to always watch your posture. It is not only beautiful, but also healthy!

Diet to clean the stomach and sides

Of course, get rid of fat folds at the waist will not work without a special diet that will act locally and remove fat from the problem area, and as a pleasant bonus to adjust the rest of the body.
Diet for a flat stomach provides fractional food. Diet to clean the stomach and sidesThe main principle is to eat more often than overeat. Eating should be every 2-3 hours, as the feeling of hunger. Eat small portions and control the feeling of filling the stomach. Because of the table it is better to go out slightly hungry, because in a couple of hours you can eat again, so why stretch your stomach again? Eat slowly and with pleasure.
The meal should ideally last 20 minutes: during this time the brain will receive a signal of satiety and overeating will not happen. Such a simple food system will allow you to always be full, not to have a debilitating feeling of hunger, but at the same time gradually your stomach will gradually narrow and you will eat less.Diet to clean the stomach and sides
Important! Control your hunger. Sometimes we confuse hunger with thirst. This is a very common misconception. When you feel hungry, drink a glass of clean water. If the famine has not passed, then proceed to the meal.Diet to clean the stomach and sides
Diet to clean the stomach and sides
Note, if you want to get rid of the stomach, then do not completely abandon the food and endlessly starve, because otherwise the body will come to a state of stress, and instead of burning calories will store them, the risk of gaining weight will increase by 2 times.Diet to clean the stomach and sides
The diet that helps to remove fat from the stomach and sides should include the following foods :
  • Sunflower seeds, nuts;
  • Beans;Diet to clean the stomach and sides
  • Dairy and sour-milk products;
  • Lean meat (chicken, turkey), fish and other seafood;
  • Sunflower, olive, peanut butter;
  • Eggs;
  • Cereals;
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits, berries.
To exclude from a diet it is necessary :Diet to clean the stomach and sides
  • All fast food, I include porridges and instant soups with various additives;
  • Sweet (except for dried fruits) and flour in any form;
  • Fried (you can extinguish vegetables or meat on water with a little addition of vegetable oil);
  • whole milk;
  • margarine;
  • Smoking;
  • Canned fish.
During the fight with fat on the abdomen and waist, one should forget about such an enemy of harmony, like alcohol.Diet to clean the stomach and sides Any number of it adversely affects the health and, accordingly, the figure. The maximum that you can afford is a dry wine in reasonable quantities. It is forbidden to drink carbonated drinks, juice from the store. It is better to give preference to tea, herbal packs or coffee, but without the addition of sugar and cream. At hand there should always be a glass of water and drink it with small sips. The required daily volume is 6-8 glasses.

Sample menu for a day of diet for weight loss belly

  1. Breakfast : two chicken eggs, a toast of whole grain bread with lean cheese and tomato, green tea without sugar, can be with honey or black coffee without sugar.
  2. Second tomorrow to: an apple or an orange, a handful of nuts.
  3. Lunch : approximately 250 gr. Chicken breast, boiled, cooked on a grill or in a double boiler. Garnish with vegetables.Diet to clean the stomach and sides
  4. Afternoon snack : vegetable soup puree or vegetable salad, seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil.
  5. Dinner : approximately 200-250 grams of fish cooked on the grill or in a double boiler. Garnish with vegetables. For dessert is grapefruit or orange. You can drink green tea.
  6. Before going to bed you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

What exercises will help remove the stomach and flanks

If you want to quickly remove the stomach and sides, then we recommend to try our special exercises.Diet to clean the stomach and sides We made up a small complex, which without large time and power costs will save you from the hated "life circle" around the waist.
How to clean the belly and sides
Exercise # 1
This exercise is very effective and familiar to everyone - the torso of the trunk to the right, then to the left. Starting position: standing, legs are divorced at shoulder level, hands on waist. Do not slope slowly, on each side 15-20 times.Diet to clean the stomach and sides
Exercise # 2
Starting position: standing, legs are divorced at shoulder level, arms bent at the elbows and located opposite the chest. In this position, we begin to make sharp twists of the trunk on exhalation. The duration of the exercise is 5 minutes.Diet to clean the stomach and sides
Exercise 3
Starting position: lying on the floor, hands as a support lie along the trunk (you can put under the buttocks), legs are torn off the floor by 10-15 centimeters. In this position, imitate the movement of the scissors until you are tired. After a rest, do a few more approaches.Diet to clean the stomach and sides
Exercise 4
Starting position: lying on the right side, between the body and the floor, approximately equal angle, support on the right hand, left hand behind the head.Diet to clean the stomach and sides
How to clean the belly and sides
Now tear off the feet from the floor with measured jerks, lift the muscles with the sides. The number of jerks - 10, then a short 30-second break and one more approach.Diet to clean the stomach and sides Exercise repeat on the left side.
Exercise 5
Starting position: lying on the floor, hands under the head, legs pinched. Slowly we stretch the right elbow to the left knee, in this position for a short time we freeze and again we lay down on the floor. Now we stretch our left elbow to the right knee. Perform an alternate exercise for 5 minutes.Diet to clean the stomach and sides
Exercise number 6
Starting position: lying on the floor,Diet to clean the stomach and sides hands are lying along the trunk, you can start the head, legs slightly bent at the knees and raised. We simulate cycling, we pedal energetically.
Exercise # 7
It can be performed lying on the bed after awakening or before bedtime. Under the head and shoulders, lay a pillow and in this position, maximally pull the belly, helping yourself in this abdominal muscles. Hold for a while in this position, then relax.

How quickly to clean the stomach and sides? A couple of secrets!

  1. In the morning on an empty stomach drink a glass of warm water with 0.5 lemon juice . This move activates the intestine and speeds up the metabolism. After 20-30 minutes, you can switch to eating. It is advisable to make the rule daily and permanent.Diet to clean the stomach and sides
  2. > Moisturize problem areas, after taking a shower, apply to the abdomen and waist a normal or anti-cellulite cream. Within a week, the skin will be tightened and will be more elastic.
  3. Do wraps , for example, coffee or based on seaweed. You can try to regularly make a simple mask for the elasticity of the stomach, at least two times a week. This mask very well moisturizes the skin, while making it more elastic, and elastic, and the stomach itself is suitably tight and seductive.
A proven recipe for a mask for an elastic abdomen
Take about 20 grams of dry yeast and dilute them with slightly warmed medium-fat cream. Add 2 tablespoons of honey to the mixture. Leave the mass for 20 minutes, so that it is infused and add 3-4 drops of essential oil of geranium. Diet to clean the stomach and sides The resulting mixture should be applied to the waist area and left for about 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. To make the mask for the elasticity of the abdomen work most effectively, before using it, rub the waist area with a body scrub, for example, coffee .
For the best results, act in a comprehensive manner, combining the diet with exercises and cosmetic procedures. Believe in yourself, and you will succeed. Good luck!

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