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Diet minus 10 kg for 10 days

Diet minus 10 kg for 10 days (eggs, mackerel, breast, potatoes)

Diet for 10 days Summer is already in full swing, do you want to go to sea, and your figure is not perfect? I really want 10 days to lose 10 kilograms? We present to your attention a diet that will make it possible for those who have a lot of excess weight.
But the diet is hungry, the body will not receive enough nutrients, so it should be considered as unloading. Remember, if you later start eating, as before, the dropped weight will return to you in 1.5 times the size.Diet minus 10 kg for 10 days
The essence of the diet is minus 10 kg for 10 days:
This diet does not contain carbohydrates, so it is heavy, but very effective. During these ten days of diet, you should completely eliminate foods that contain carbohydrates: bread, milk porridge, fruit (only available on the sixth day), sweets, smoked foods, alcohol.
From drinking it is recommended to use pure non-carbonated water, fruit teas without sugar, decoctions of herbs. Drink 1-2 glasses a minute before meals, and drink at least 2 liters a day. By this you will save yourself from constipation. You will feel that extra pounds are melting before your eyes, and especially this is noticeable with a significant excess of weight.Diet minus 10 kg for 10 days
Diet minus 10 kg for 10 days

After a ten-day diet, you need two more weeks to eat modestly, not to eat sweets, confectionery, fried foods and white flour products. Dinner should be as light as possible, include many salads from vegetables. Alcohol and sweet fizzy drinks are generally unacceptable.Diet minus 10 kg for 10 days
The diet, designed for 10 days, is very strict, so it can withstand only the one who has a huge desire to lose weight and a lot of willpower.Diet minus 10 kg for 10 days
A ten-day diet is based on products that you will see next. All these products must be consumed without salt, sugar, spices, boiled. Drink is necessary in unlimited quantities (mineral water without gases, green teas, decoctions of medicinal herbs). All products listed in the recipe must be divided into equal receptions. Remember that this diet should be repeated no more than 1 time in six months.Diet minus 10 kg for 10 days
The ten-day diet Diet diet minus 10 kg for 10 days :
1 day: 5 boiled eggs .
Day 2: 1 boiled fish (can be mackerel ).
Day 3: boiled chicken breast without salt .
Day 4: boiled potatoes - 5 pieces.
Day 5: 0.5 kg of boiled beef .
Day 6: any fruit except bananas .
Day 7: vegetable salad, you can fill 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil .
Day 8: 0.5 kg of cottage cheese .
Day 9: 1 liter of kefir .
10 day: broth of a dogrose .
Reviews about the diet minus 10 kg for 10 days :
The diet, designed for 10 days, is very difficult to bear, and especially difficult in the first 2-3 days of the diet. But gradually the body gets used to such a diet and by the end of the diet the state of health improves. In order for the diet to be even more tolerated, more often go outdoors, take water procedures. After the termination of a diet, do not start to eat intensively, gradually start to include in the diet usual products.
Diet is contraindicated in the presence of chronic diseases. Before you start to conduct such a diet, you must always consult a doctor.Diet minus 10 kg for 10 days

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