1. Make an ovulation test
Age - the main factor affecting fertility. The optimal conception period for most women is from 23 years to 31 years.
Then fertility begins to fall by about 3% per year, and 10 years before
the onset of menopause, conceiving naturally becomes already
You can not calculate the onset of time X, but you need to navigate to
the figure 41 (for Russian women, menopause begins on average 51 years),
and already at 35 years - to take ovulation under control.
To check, in each cycle, your body produces an egg, you can do it
yourself - by purchasing a home test for ovulation (Frautest, Ovuplan,
ClearBlue or any other brand) in the pharmacy. Testing should be 3-4 consecutive months for 5 days in the middle of the cycle. A negative result is an occasion for a visit to the doctor and further research.diet for weight loss and fertility
2. Freeze the egg
Cryopreservation of the egg is a rare service (storage costs about
17,000 rubles per year), but after 12 years - the shelf life of the
frozen egg - everything will pay off. If you dare, go to the clinic where IVF is done.
For the beginning it is necessary to hand over standard analyzes on an
infection and to pass or take place inspection at the gynecologist.diet for weight loss and fertility.
The next step is a two-week course of follicle-stimulating hormone injection, which is started on the second day of the cycle. Thus, your body will be forced to work out for a time instead of one or two eggs a record ten. Not to take more money from you. Just after the defrost, the workers will be only three or four.
When the material ripens, it will be extracted (the procedure is done
under general anesthesia) and can be preserved for a year.diet for weight loss and fertility.
The contract with the clinic, where the eggs are stored, should be
renewed every year and it must be done on time - for the sake of safety
of future children.diet for weight loss and fertility.
3. Bring weight to order Thalia is needed not only to attract a quality father-producer. Lack, as well as excess, of body fat can cause hormonal imbalance.diet for weight loss and fertility
As a result, in too large or too thin girls, the production of ovaries is broken. Fortunately, not for good, but only until the weight comes back to normal.diet for weight loss and fertility.
For her (norm) definition, the Belgian sociologist and statistician Adolf Ketle came up with a BMI - the body mass index. To calculate it, you need to divide your weight (in kilograms) into a square of growth (in meters). diet for weight loss and fertility.It is believed that the BMI of a potential mother should fluctuate between 20 and 25 units. Going beyond that is already a risk. Recently in the Netherlands, a study was conducted that showed that with each unit above the 29 mark, fertility falls by 4%.
4. Get out of the big sport Physical exercise is useful. Within reasonable limits.
American doctors set the standards for women who are going to soon
conceive - run no more than 10-12 km per week and engage in the gym for
no more than one hour a day. Because if you ride too hard on an exercise bike, the menstrual cycle may stop or ovulation may stop. This is mainly due to the loss of fat tissue - which we tend to aspire to. However, fat is also a source and store of female sex hormones - estrogens. Therefore, if the cycle fails, stop training immediately.diet for weight loss and fertility.
5. Do not drink coffee and quit smoking Everyone who smokes knows that it is harmful.
But the fact that the chemicals that accumulate in the body of the
smoker, violate the level of estradiol, the main estrogenic steroid
hormone, few know. To delay the onset of menopause and increase fertility by 30%, you only need to quit smoking. By the way, your feat will reduce the risk of miscarriage in the event of pregnancy. Coffee (as well as products containing caffeine) can not be thrown for good. Just lower the dose to one cup a day.diet for weight loss and fertility.
6. Change the diet Recently, the US published the book The Fertility Diet ("Diet for fertility"). It presents interesting data.
For example, that sweets, potatoes, white bread and other foods rich in
"fast carbohydrates" interfere with ovulation, and "slow carbohydrates"
and foods with high iron content - on the contrary, help conceive.
Also, those who sooner or later plan to become a mother, it is
recommended to eat more dairy products - with the highest possible fat
content. This will increase the level of female estrogen hormones. As for vitamins, pay special attention to folic acid (vitamin B6) - it increases the chances of conceiving.
When planning a pregnancy, it is advisable to start taking folic acid
and vitamin C (in the first phase of the cycle) and vitamins A and E (in
the second) approximately six months later.diet for weight loss and fertility.
7. Choose a contraceptive The intake of oral hormonal contraceptives does not harm fertility. Conversely, when the tablets are selected competently, you can adjust the hormonal background. What you need - to reduce the level of androgens or increase the level of estrogens, - will show a blood test for hormones. It will have to be delivered twice - in both phases of the cycle. After this, the doctor will appoint a suitable oral contraceptive or, if there are contraindications, will not take them.diet for weight loss and fertility.
8. Make an ultrasound scan Take care of your health.
Some women's diseases make themselves felt by the pains in the lower
abdomen and in the lower back, by the malfunctions of the menstrual
cycle. Others, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or endometriosis, can mask. Or in general, they are asymptomatic in the body, slowly destroying reproductive health.
But if every six months to visit a gynecologist and do ultrasound of
the pelvic organs, any disease can be caught at an early stage.diet for weight loss and fertility.
9. Do not have an abortion Abortion in itself is not dangerous and does not deprive an opportunity to give birth to a healthy child in the future. Dangerous complications after it are dangerous. This, above all, a serious hormonal breakdown - regardless of whether this abortion is medicated or mechanical. In the second case there is a high probability of trauma, which can provoke endometritis - inflammation of the uterine mucosa. Long recover or use reliable contraceptives? The choice is obvious.diet for weight loss and fertility.
10. To protect the man
Theoretically, he can become a father even after 70 years, but in half
the cases it is impossible to conceive a child because of his fault -
because of the decrease in the number of mobile spermatozoa.
To prevent this from happening, it is enough for him to follow two
simple rules - do not squeeze or warm the area of the scrotum.diet for weight loss and fertility.
Of course, you are unlikely to persuade a man to abandon the car and
change the sedentary work in the office to healthy hard physical labor.
But he can stop to hold the laptop for a long time on his knees, sleep
in a hot tub and in a sauna, wear tight pants and ride a bicycle with an
uncomfortable seat. And by sex, by the way, some people could do it more often - 2-3 times a week. In order to improve the quality of sperm.
All in the head!
Scientific director of the Institute of Perinatal Psychology and
Psychology of the Reproductive Area, Professor Galina Filippova,
explained why problems with conception are often associated with mental
health and what to do about it.diet for weight loss and fertility.
How does the brain affect our ability to become pregnant?
Do not believe it, it plays a key role! You really should really want a child. I mean that the motivation must be so strong that your desire to give birth should be accepted by you inside. Many women are surprised: I really want to become a mother, I want to! But they do not understand that inside they can have strong unconscious resistance.
In the left hemisphere, all mammals have a part of the brain called the
"dominant motherhood", it is responsible for organizing our behavior
related to the birth of children. And in the right hemisphere there is another important center - it is called the "dominant of anxiety".
If he is in an excited state for some reason, he can suppress the
"dominant motherhood" and, accordingly, the ability to conceive. That is, your own brain - without your knowing it - sends signals to the body: do not become pregnant, it is now dangerous!
If this happens for a long time, functional changes in internal organs
can begin - ovulation will stop, hormonal balance will be broken, etc.
In what cases is the "dominant anxiety" activated? The cause may be any unsolved problem that you are reacting to. Your social environment is of great importance.
For example, if you have a tense relationship with your mother-in-law,
your own mother or husband, or you are afraid (even subconsciously) that
the birth of a child will limit your personal freedom, the dominant
anxiety will be constantly aroused and it will be difficult for you to
become pregnant. In my practice, there are often couples who have scandals at the time of ovulation - like clockwork! - and they, respectively, in these days avoid closeness. Perhaps they unconsciously experience anxiety, do not want a child, although they themselves deny it.diet for weight loss and fertility.
By the way, the dominant anxiety is in men - it can suppress sperm
activity with the same success as the function of the ovaries in women.
I had a patient, whom my mother used to say all the time: "She made 20
abortions, but you, you moron, left me to ruin your life now!" He,
accordingly, had a "block" for the birth of his own children.
But there are women who "fly from the wind" ...
They do not have a subconscious fear of having children or, for
example, the hyperopia that is characteristic of many successful modern
women with difficulty in conception.
Those who become pregnant "from the wind", for one reason or another
are not afraid that the child will prevent them from living.
How to remove these blocks? Often, pregnancy occurs when we simply release the problem, stop straining ourselves and strain the partner.
Many women with a diagnosis of "infertility" decide to adopt a child
and then suddenly become pregnant themselves - sometimes already at the
stage of registration of adoption. diet for weight loss and fertility.
This is because they either cease to experience stress-torture
themselves and their husbands to conceive at all costs-or simply take
the parent's position internally. And then everything works out! In general, it is important for a woman to realize her fears and find out: a child will help or hinder her. Many are afraid that the latter will happen, without good reason.diet for weight loss and fertility.
How do you help women?
With each individually we study family history - in particular, what
kind of a mother's image is a woman (as a rule, it is copied from her
own mother, and if it is negative, it can also prevent getting
pregnant), but usually we go deeper and look at a minimum of 3- 4
generations of family scenarios. Of course, we analyze your current life situation - at work, with your man, your parents, etc.
In the end, we figure out your "subconscious plan" - after all, you
yourself know very well when you can "allow" yourself to become
pregnant. As a result, we are developing your personal "maternity plan".diet for weight loss and fertility.
The price of the question
At the Southern California Reproduction Center, one egg freeze cycle
costs 7,000 dollars, but most do several cycles, and then give a
discount. In Russia it costs from 150 000 rubles plus storage - from 8000 to 18 000 rubles a year. In Moscow, eggs can be frozen in Perinatal Medical Center, Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology. V. I. Kulakov and at the European Medical Center.
There is a way out even if your male's sperm or your own eggs are for
some reason unsuitable - in the same centers you will be prompted by
contacts of banks of donor material.diet for weight loss and fertility.
Ilona (36 years old): "I became pregnant with a stranger"
Two months ago I had a daughter from a man whose name I did not even know. Before that, my husband and I tried unsuccessfully to conceive for five years. To tell the truth, I wanted more from the two of us. The spouse and so all arranged. diet for weight loss and fertility.
We had common interests, common friends, at first - good sex. True, he liked oral history more, but for my sake he once a week performed a conjugal duty as expected. However, over time, the bed of pleasure turned into hard work. My husband frequented the strip clubs, from where he returned, to put it mildly, intoxicated. Or he pretended to be asleep and snorted loudly. At the same time he did not want to go to the doctor, saying that I was barren and there was no need to try. But I was at many doctors, and they have told or said, that the problem not in me. Once, at my colleague's birthday in the bathroom, I had sex with a friend of a friend. As they say, in a quick way. Pleasure was not special. But two weeks later the test showed that I was pregnant. While I was deciding how to tell my husband about this, my colleague told the whole guy from the bathroom. That person found me, we began to meet. I left my husband - without much regret.
Maria (45 years): "Without pills it would be easier"
When I had a boyfriend (I was 16 years old), I went to a women's consultation to get me a birth control pills. Naturally, secretly from the parents. Soon I was very fat. I had to tell my mother everything, which she poured into me on the first day. But it was no longer possible to fix anything. I remained fat. Worse is another. I could not get pregnant. Treatment for infertility did not work. diet for weight loss and fertility.
The first three years after the wedding, my husband and I were terribly worried about it. Then resigned. For 15 years have got used to live together, have brought dogs and like even have calmed down. And four years ago I became pregnant. diet for weight loss and fertility.
It turned out by chance. My stomach ached, we went to the regional polyclinic and found out that I was in the fifth month. All this time I had menstruation, there was no toxicosis, and in general there were no abnormalities. Moreover, I smoked and did not deny myself other joys of life. Fortunately, this did not affect the daughter in any way. A year ago, when I turned 44, I gave birth to a son - also a natural way. I think so far on this.diet for weight loss and fertility.