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cardio vs diet for fat loss

In this article, the exercises for burning fat are described in plain language. Follow all the tips and you will start to lose weight.
What you need to know ...
  • If you are serious about training for fat burning and weight loss, then you should allocate time for proper nutrition. If you do not have time, FIND IT.
  • Too often people try to get rid of excess weight only by exhausting interval training for endurance. If you want to burn fat, then you should switch to more literate strategies. For example, exercises on exposure of your metabolism ( what is metabolism ), weight training, bodybuilding and body strength conditioning (type of training with a certain arsenal of exercises from related disciplines).cardio vs diet for fat loss
  • When developing a weekly training plan, do not lose sight of the fact that different training styles are responsible for the development and restoration of different systems in our body. You should leave a small temporary space between different states of physical "stress" - the body needs recovery from pain in the joints, back, after a nervous strain and metabolic jumps.cardio vs diet for fat loss
  • In an effort to lose fat, turn between two types of activity - brief intense training and long workouts for endurance.cardio vs diet for fat loss
Male and female press photo Want to lose weight?cardio vs diet for fat loss. Drop all the stupid fitness tips - they will be perfect for your grandmother. Real training for fat burning provokes muscular growth. Here are eight rules for effective weight loss + a small workout program for fat burning and a plan to bring these councils into action.

cardio vs diet for fat loss

Weight loss training - 8 rules

  1. Your priority is food

Yes, this article is about training, but nutrition is the only and most important rule in getting rid of fat. If you really want to take it away, take the time to go shopping, to cook, to keep a diary of your food. If you do not have this time, FIND IT! Cut back on the time you spend on TV, phone and social networks.
If you have already cut all possible time to the maximum and you still do not have enough, exercise less, but devote more time to your nutrition. That's right - we're cutting down workouts! For example, in my fat loss program, I set aside Tuesday and Saturday for shopping and cooking. These days, of course, you can also practice, but if you are a really busy person, do not chase two birds with one stone at a time - take care of your food first.cardio vs diet for fat losscardio vs diet for fat loss
As far as what is, there is no definite strict rule. Perhaps you already know what kind of food prevents you from implementing your goals. Although, of course, there are a few basic rules. Try, for example, the paleo diet as the basis of the diet (only natural one-ingredient foods, meat, fish, eggs along with yolks and vegetables) without restriction in products that help you achieve what you want. That is, if you take protein cocktails, supplements and supportive muscle growth products, do not throw them. Do not limit yourself to useful carbohydrates.cardio vs diet for fat loss
More details on what to eat to lose weight .
  1. Choose a serious endurance exercise

Regardless of your goals, effective training depends on a system of correctly chosen exercises. Effective exercises for fat loss will help you achieve any new goals in the future. Pay attention to complex, complex exercises, consisting of several elements at the same time.cardio vs diet for fat loss
  1. Become stronger

Most people believe that strength is important for building muscle and increasing the overall effectiveness of training. If your goal is only fat loss, then you need to burn as much fuel as possible. For this, your body should not be immune to this fuel. cardio vs diet for fat loss.The main problem with cardio for fat loss is that the more you exercise cardio loads, the better the result, and to get even better results, you need to consume more fuel. Thus, your body becomes more and more susceptible to the fuel that you "fuel" it. With force training everything happens a little differently. The better your results in strength training, the more weight you can raise. The more weight, the more and more intense it will burn out of you that fuel. It is strength training (for metabolic restraint, for resistance) that makes us stronger, which effectively helps with fat loss.
  1. Grow Musculature

Everyone who wants to lose weight is simply obliged to think about how to grow muscularly. Most people know about this, however, I do not stop repeating this truth again and again. Only a few grams of muscle can carry daily responsibility for the loss of kilograms of excess fat!
Read more: how to burn fat, not muscle .
  1. Raise metabolism after exercise

A few years ago, scientists claimed that slow cardio workloads help us lose fat. However, this answer to the initially incorrectly posed question.cardio vs diet for fat loss. Training for fat loss is not due to the fact that fat is burned during training, but because it is burned for the next 24 hours after training. Short-term, highly effective exercises create oxygen deficiency, which accelerates our metabolism even during the day after training.
  1. Make a wise schedule

Making up the weekly plan, take into account the influence of different types of activity on your body, and the degree of stress obtained from these activities, for example:
Common stressors : sprint, high jump, training with a barbell;
Strain of the dorsal musculature : high-speed training and endurance training, training until exhaustion;
Metabolic stressors : interval training (ideal for fat loss, but severe in terms of longitude recovery after them).cardio vs diet for fat loss
Do not forget about free from physical activity time between training. If one day you choose the most intense, hard workouts, then switch to lighter loads the next day. A sample lesson plan will help you understand how this works.cardio vs diet for fat loss
  1. Change strategies in a circle

The main rule for achieving any goal is to strictly follow the program. In most cases, those who try to lose weight, use only exhausting, high-intensity interval training. This, of course, is great, but for a long time their effect is not enough. For losing weight, you need several strategies at once:
Exercise for Metabolic Exposure : Use moderate weight for complex complex exercise variables of medium severity for the entire body.cardio vs diet for fat loss
Strength training : Use more traditional methods of strength training - this will allow you to take more weight when training with weights.
Bodybuilding : Focus on building muscles - this will increase the metabolic rate. Do fast walking - this will help burn a few extra calories.cardio vs diet for fat loss
Body strength conditioning : Focus on the hikes in the gym and the complex exercises with lifting weights.
Focus not only in the periodicity of training, but also in the periodicity of the diet. When some switch to a slightly lower intensity workout, they start to earn fat. And, of course, this is not from training - training can not provoke the growth of adipose tissue. If you switch from reinforced workouts to the lungs, do not forget to exclude carbohydrates from the diet and reduce the amount of calories consumed. Otherwise, you again start to get fat.cardio vs diet for fat loss
  1. Get out on the air

Man is created by nature for living outdoors. Naturally, this does not mean that you need to grab the bar and stomp on the street for public strength training. Just try to do something physically active outside the house more often. Run sprints, carry a loaded sledge in winter, take a sledgehammer and beat her old tire to half-death. cardio vs diet for fat loss. Try to go to work out with weights in the park. Do not forget about the "Farmer's Walk" (with dumbbells in both hands) immediately after training. Any activity outdoors not only burns calories, but also raises mood, reduces psychological daily stress and more and more brings you closer to the goal.

Program of training for weight loss - we collect all together

Running on the slope upwards
Warm up
Use whatever you want to help you get in shape before training. Rollers, running, any dynamic mobility, short sprints, jumps, stuffed ball or corrective exercises will perfectly suit. The main thing is not to get involved. 5-10 minutes will be quite enough.cardio vs diet for fat loss
The training program for fat burning is presented with a breakdown for the days of training. You can choose the days that are most suitable for you, but necessarily there should be rest days between trainings.

An exercise Approaches Number of repetitions Recreation
A Deadlift 2-3 3-5 2-3 min.
B1 The bench press 5 3-5 1 min.
B2 Lifting with weighting 5 3-5 1 min.
C Walk Farmer 2-4 30 meters. 2-3 min.
After lifting weights, switch to short intensive workouts. Here is an example of such training:
Sprints for 40-60 meters : 5-10 sprints, 90 seconds - 2 minutes. Recreation.
Sprints on an inclined surface or stadium (short - less than 40 minutes) : 5-10 sprints, 90 seconds - 2 minutes. Recreation.
Sledgehammer hits on the tire : Maximum number of strokes in 10-20 seconds, 5-10 approaches within 90 seconds-2 minutes. Recreation.
Tugging loaded sleds (step or jogging) : 5-12 approaches (20 meters). One approach is there and back. Between the approaches - a break in 90 seconds - 2 minutes.
Tuesday - Trekking in the shop / Cooking
If time permits, take a run on rough terrain.cardio vs diet for fat loss
Find the football field. Run from one end of the field to the other diagonally, about 75% of your limit speed. When you run up, go on foot in the length of the field in the other corner. Repeat this 8-15 times. This exercise will raise the general tone of the body and help in restoring after the next day of intense training. If you do not have football fields nearby, improvise! The park is quite suitable. A pair of trees will mark the corners.

An exercise Approaches Number of repetitions Recreation
A1 Power bench press or pull-up with weighting 3-5 8-10 45 min.
A2 Machis kettlebells 3-5 8-10 45 min.
A3 Lifting dumbbells with one hand 3-5 8-10 45 min.
A4 Drafting loaded sledges 3-5 30-40 yd. 45-60 minutes.
If you do not have a special sled, go for a walk.
On the same day, it is necessary to strengthen the process of fat burning. Therefore, immediately after weight training, go on to the following exercises:
400-meter sprints : 2-4 races, 2-5 minutes. Rest between the races.
Combat ropes : 45-47 seconds, 4-6 approaches, rest between approaches - 1-2 minutes.cardio vs diet for fat loss
Sledging (step or jogging) : 4-6 approaches (30 m distance), 1 approach - two runs back and forth, rest 2-5 minutes between sets.
All according to the plan of Tuesday, or at least 30-60 minutes of fast walking.cardio vs diet for fat loss

An exercise Approaches Number of repetitions Recreation
A1 Squats with a barbell on the chest or with a barbell on the shoulders 4-5 3-5 1 min.
A2 Pull-ups 4-5 3-5 1 min.
A3 Taking the bar to the chest 4-5 3-5 1 min.
Further - according to the plan of Monday. True, some changes are permissible here. For example, if on Monday you ran 40-60 meter sprints, switch to a sprint in the stadium or hitting a sledgehammer on the tire.
Saturday is your choice + shopping and cooking healthy food
Choose yourself:
Option 1 SPORTS
Ideal - sports games in the open air, and not in front of the TV screen.
Hiking, mountain biking, climbing, etc. Just make sure that the load is intense enough.
Collect friends and all sports equipment and go to the nearest park or forest. If you make such sorties irregularly, then plan everything on the go. And if you are still interested in some rules, then read on:
  1. Switch from exercises that require high qualifications and experience to exercises that require less qualification.
  2. Use 10-second approaches for intensive exercises and approaches from 30 seconds to 2 minutes for less intensive exercises.
  3. Your training should not exceed one hour.
  4. Track your progress on the most serious exercises.
  5. Occasionally, you pass through a test that I call "It was a bad idea ...". Simply, someone one of a group of your friends offers you a challenge - something that no one has tried to do before. Something new and definitely hard. This gives you not so much physical as a psychological challenge. The competitive moment will give you strength and help you show your best, perhaps, hidden abilities.cardio vs diet for fat loss
On this day you can enjoy pleasant types of bodybuilding with peace of mind.

Exercises Approaches Number of repetitions Recreation
A1 Pressing dumbbells in a standing position 3 8-10 10 seconds
A2 Dumbbell cultivation in the sides 3 12-15 90 seconds
B1 Lifting of dumbbells or barbells 3 8-10 10 seconds
B2 Lifting the dumbbells to the biceps 3 8-10 10 seconds
B3 Lifting the rod to the bicep 3 8-10 2 min.
C1 Bench Press Bench Press 3 8-10 10 seconds
C2 Pulling up a narrow grip with weighting 3 8-10 10 seconds
C3 Bench Press Bench Press 3 8-10 2 minutes.
D Rises on standing socks 3-5 8-10 90 seconds
E Exercises with hanging loops for the press 3 8-10 60 sec.
The repetition of the exercises in the table (bench bench press) is not accidental. This is directly related to the method of Charles Polikin. The third exercise in the network involves a return to the first with the condition of using a little less weight.
Sunday - Any easy physical activity
For example, walk fast or on a bicycle. The training program for getting rid of fat can be changed to your capabilities and needs. The main thing is to keep high intensity and rhythm of training, so that the body uses fat as energy and does not live muscle.
And before the new season of training, read what is there for a set of muscle mass .

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