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a healthy diet for weight loss

a healthy diet for weight loss

Successfully selected healthy diet helps to make certain investments in the future longevity, "pumping" the heart, cleaning the vessels and giving a certain margin of strength to the brain and nervous system. Getting rid of extra pounds looks like this is no more than a pleasant additional effect, but this is the main motivation for many of us to find a balanced nutrition plan that differs from existing eating habits, and is not associated with strict restrictions. We have collected for you a top five of the most interesting, popular and approved healthy dieters.a healthy diet for weight loss
  • Healthy diet
    For all its variety, healthy diets are easily brought to a common denominator: a truly healthy diet - less dense calories from fat, protein, sweets, more freshly prepared plant foods.

Mediterranean Healthy Diet

Pros : The ultimate variety of menus
Cons : High cost of products
This healthy diet is an absolute record for popularity and the number of positive reviews. The Mediterranean diet "by the right of blood" is followed by such symbols of female beauty and youth as Italian Sophia Loren and Spaniard Penelope Cruz, and UNESCO introduced a food style characteristic of the countries of the Mediterranean region to the register of the world's cultural heritage.a healthy diet for weight loss
The main paying features of a healthy Mediterranean diet are, of course, its variety and "goodness", as well as the ease of following. The "spa" diet leaves a huge field for culinary experiments. From turning into an endless holiday of the stomach, the Mediterranean diet is insured only by the need to observe certain proportions in the compilation of the daily menu.a healthy diet for weight loss
Nutrition experts Ansel Kies and Walter Willet, who popularized the Mediterranean diet as a diet plan for weight loss and health, compiled a scheme called the "pyramid of the Mediterranean diet." The product place in this imaginary triangle gives an idea of ​​its specific weight in the menu.a healthy diet for weight loss
At the heart of the "pyramid" are slow carbohydrates in its maximally healthy variety: unpolished cereals, whole wheat bread, pasta from durum wheat. Above them are consistently located vegetables and fruits, olive oil, nuts, seeds and dairy products without additives, including low-fat cheeses, among which preference should be given to traditional Mediterranean brine or whey.a healthy diet for weight loss
All this should be consumed daily, in contrast to sea fish, lean poultry meat, potatoes (and other root crops), eggs and sweets - they are recommended to eat one to six times a week. Red meat is allowed on a healthy Mediterranean diet no more than once a week, but red wine adherents of the Mediterranean diet are allowed to indulge twice a day, skipping a glass of dinner and dinner. At other times, people quench their thirst with non-carbonated pure water.a healthy diet for weight loss
It is assumed that following the Mediterranean diet, you eat five times a day: three times of them are full, and two other meals are related to snacks. There are no clear recommendations regarding the size of portions: it is assumed that the fiber of vegetables and grain provides a constant feeling of satiety, and the variety of products allowed to achieve gourmet refinement of the menu and avoid obsessive dreams of any prohibited products, which, alas, is not uncommon on other diets. Therefore, moderation in nutrition and a healthy attitude towards food are accompanied by those who follow the Mediterranean diet, naturally.a healthy diet for weight loss
In addition, as studies have shown, olive oil has the ability not only to regulate appetite, but also to promote weight loss due to the high content of unsaturated fatty acids, which stimulate the cleavage of old fat reserves, which is important if you want to become not only healthier, but also more slender.a healthy diet for weight loss
Scientists are sure: a healthy diet on the Mediterranean model is a qualitative prevention of brain and heart disorders, and its balance allows you to adhere to this style of nutrition without any contraindications for as long as you want. Judging by the number in Italy of ancient but very vigorous old men who have never heard anything about cholesterol deposits - very, very long.a healthy diet for weight loss
The main disadvantage of the Mediterranean diet is often called its high price: a large number of fresh vegetables, extra virgin olive oil, fresh sources of animal protein and delicatessen dairy products in some regions where nature is not as supportive as on the seaside can become a significant load for the purse. On the other hand, there is an opinion that this is nothing more than a stereotype: semi-finished products, sauces and a large amount of meat cost to the family or individual budget is hardly cheaper, and if you remember about the inevitably related costs of doctors and medications, the healthy Mediterranean diet begins to look like Quite a good investment of funds.a healthy diet for weight loss
A set of products allowed on a healthy Mediterranean diet, recalls the beautiful still life of old masters.
A set of products allowed on a healthy Mediterranean diet, recalls the beautiful still life of old masters.

Chinese Healthy Diet

Pros : Transition to non-caloric, but providing long-term satiety food
Cons : It is necessary to master the skill of combining food in accordance with the balance of the elements "yin" and "yang"
In folklore, you can find a lot of expressions regarding the nationality of ideals: popular opinion recommends having a car that is German, then American, wife, then Russian, then Japanese, and only with respect to the cook is unanimous; It must be Chinese. Despite the fact that the traditional cuisine of the vast territory of the Celestial Empire is divided into almost one and a half dozen strongly different varieties, the Chinese diet in the interpretation of the English chef Lorraine Klissold confidently takes a worthy place among the healthy diets.
Peru Clissold, who lived in China for several years and enthusiastically explored the gastronomic traditions of the ancient eastern power, holds the not-losing book Why Do not the Chinese Get Fat. a healthy diet for weight loss  In this program work, the Englishwoman in detail not only talked about the secret of the harmony of the Chinese (although, of course, in the vast majority of cases, the search for a healthy diet is associated with the desire to get rid of excess weight), but also converted useful Chinese habits into European realities.a healthy diet for weight loss
The basic principles of the Chinese diet:
  • Any products other than fruits should be subjected to thermal or enzymatic treatment;
  • Industrially processed products and complex mixtures of components should be avoided;
  • Vegetables are most useful with slow carbohydrates (rice or noodles);
  • It is necessary to eat semi-liquid foods regularly (at least once a day);
  • It is important to minimize the consumption of meat and dairy products.
At the heart of the philosophy of the Chinese healthy diet is the preservation of the balance of the yin and yang, which in food terms corresponds to "wet" and "dry" (or "crispy") food. The transition link between these two "monoliths" is a specially prepared rice, chou. Its addition to food allows you to harmonize the food, not allowing any of the elements to drag the person to their side, making it anemic and dispassionate, or, conversely, unrestrained and aggressive.a healthy diet for weight loss
The simplest and healthiest meal of the Chinese diet is vegetable soups with noodles and a small amount of meat, vegetables wok with chou, snacks from pickled vegetables, considered in eastern cooking a reliable remedy for any diseases. Such food provides all the life needs of a person, without overloading his digestive tract.a healthy diet for weight loss  By combining vegetables with slow carbohydrates, the energy of calories is released gradually, and one who follows the Chinese diet avoids the hungry rage yang. In China it is customary to eat before the arrival of satisfaction and satiety; Low calorie foods and the rejection of fatty sauces do not turn this approach into a problem.a healthy diet for weight loss
A popular sweet and sour sauce, considered a branded Chinese, has nothing to do with the traditional diet of the Celestial Empire: it was invented to trap European tastes. In this sauce, about 17% of sugar, which little corresponds to the priorities of the Chinese, advocating a healthy approach, in which food is a source of life-support, and not a semi-forbidden harmful pleasure.a healthy diet for weight loss
Also an important part of the Chinese healthy diet is tea, a popular product for weight loss. However, in balanced nutritional nutrition, it is important not only the ability of some tea varieties to regulate appetite and improve digestion, but also their saturation with valuable substances, among which the greatest fame is catechins, effective fighters with free radicals that cause the cells to age.a healthy diet for weight loss
The Chinese diet is not only a fashionable trend, but also a chance to experience the centuries-old wisdom of one of the most mysterious civilizations, whose representatives, in fact, mostly differ enviable slenderness - at least in those regions that urbanization touched minimally.a healthy diet for weight loss

The vegan healthy diet

Pros : The way to do a little better is not just a figure, but the world around
Cons : With long-term use may cause a deficit of vital elements
Veganism is a variation of vegetarianism of enhanced ethics. If a vegetarian diet in the most general sense provides for refraining from eating meat, veganism gives this process the idea of ​​improving not only the individual figure and health, but the world as a whole. The vegan philosophy presupposes the rejection of any products obtained without the consent of living beings involved in their creation - including, of course, meat obtained with the help of slaughter, and milk or honey, which is impossible, because animals are unable to part with them unequivocally voluntarily.a healthy diet for weight loss
The vegan diet with all its limitations can be considered one of the most controversial among the healthy diets. Many nutritionists exclude rations prohibiting products of animal origin from balanced diets. However, "pumped" vegans are sure: the world of plants is able to give a person enough protein and amino acids, and fats, and trace elements - the main thing is to think carefully about the diet. True, no tricks save vegans from a lack of vitamin B12, which is necessary for the functioning of the nervous system, so pharmacies will be a superfluous addition to the vegan diet. But not in gelatin capsules, because this material is made from bone material of animals.a healthy diet for weight loss
Celebrities and Hollywood stars (for example, Beyonce ) helped to create veganism a reputation as an extremely effective slimming diet, and new followers of this nutrition plan appear constantly. By the way, not everyone is aware of the ethical basis of veganism, considering it simply a healthy diet on products of plant origin. Therefore, many become "vegans for an hour", switching to a vegetable menu for 7-10 days. This allows you to experience the health and weight loss effect of the diet and, in principle, to arrange a "test drive" for it to understand whether it will be possible to meet its nutritional needs in this way. In such a situation it is important to try to choose the most varied diet: situations are extremely common where, losing meat, slimming people turn to baking, pasta, root vegetables, and naturally gain weight. Such a diet will not be healthy.a healthy diet for weight loss
Remaining ambiguous in terms of balance, veganism draws attention to the global problems of human health: according to the UN study, the methods of the modern food industry in the production of meat and dairy products can not withstand any criticism from the point of view of food security. The point is not even in the level of environmental pollution produced by food enterprises, but in the continuous growth of the Earth's population. If we continue to eat so much meat and milk, new people on our planet will simply not have enough food. The vegan diet again and again reminds of this alarming fact.a healthy diet for weight loss
Veganism, like any current, in which the practical principles of application are related to the worldview, involves many options. Some of the vegans eat honey or from time to time allow themselves milk, fish. There is a special protein healthy diet for vegans, intensely engaged in sports - it was called "eco-atkins", by analogy with the famous protein diet plan, the Atkins diet.
This diet prescribes per day to consume at least 500 grams of protein products of vegetable origin (including tofu, lentils and mung beans, soy yogurt and milk, nuts), making up the rest of the diet of predominantly green vegetables with a low glycemic index.
This kind of a healthy diet determines the daily calorie intake in the range from 1700 to 2000 kcal (depending on the intensity of the sports load). Nutrition experts believe that vegan "eco-atkins" can help to normalize the reproductive processes in women and girls due to the high content of soya rich in phytoestrogens in the menu.
The experience of thousands of vegans around the world proves - a plant diet can be healthy, if you do not go to extremes. Before you go to the menu without the participation of animal products, you need to consult a doctor and well imagine the possible consequences and risks. Also, the vegan diet is contraindicated for children under 18 years of age - on a young growing body refusal of meat, eggs and milk can affect the most fatal way.
Legumes and lentils are sources of bioavailable protein for those who choose a healthy diet on the vegetable menu.
Legumes and lentils are sources of bioavailable protein for those who choose a healthy diet on the vegetable menu.

DASH diet

Pros : Reducing blood pressure and losing weight
Cons : Limit food in restaurants and cafes
This healthy diet, in spite of the fact that her name is similar to the name of the boutique of the owner of the most glorified buttocks in the world, has nothing to do with Kim Kardashian . Conversely, following the menu, drawn up by nutritionist Marla Heller, will allow those who fear a "rear" similarity with his wife Kanye West, to get in shape.a healthy diet for weight loss
The DASH diet (abbreviation stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, a dietary way to overcome hypertension) was invented for those who suffer from blood pressure spikes. If the DASH diet for hypertensives and those who suffer from prehypertension is prescribed by a doctor, it is the number of calories that determines it, and it can range from 3,100 to 1,600 kcal per day (depending on the risks and the general condition of the patient). a healthy diet for weight lossBut, as shown by practice, the general normalization of the menu and the reduction of the amount of soda in the diet, even in the absence of a pronounced calorie deficit, give a pleasant in its constancy effect: DASH helps to lose weight. Therefore, the nutrition plan became known primarily not because of its curative properties, but as a healthy diet for weight loss.a healthy diet for weight loss
DASH-diet can be divided into two stages: during the first, which lasts about two weeks, one has to get out of white bread, sugar, other refined foods, and starchy foods, and introduce a relatively large number of proteins in the menu (lean meat, dairy products , Bean cereals). At the second stage, the menu of a healthy diet is built according to the following simple rules:
More : vegetables, fruits, whole grains, skimmed milk products.a healthy diet for weight loss
Moderate : low-fat varieties of fish, poultry, beans, seeds, nuts, vegetable oils.
Minimum : sweets and baked goods, carbonated drinks, red meat.
In portions, these recommendations of a healthy diet can look something like this:
  • 4-5 servings of vegetables and fruits a day, mostly green (serving - 1 glass or 1 fresh fruit);
  • 200 grams of animal protein per day;
  • 2-3 servings of low-fat dairy products without additives per day (1 serving - 50 grams of yogurt or 50 grams of cheese);
  • 2-3 servings of vegetable fats per day (portion - 1 tsp);
  • 8 servings of wholemeal food per day (a portion equivalent to 1 loaf or ½ cup of cereals;
  • 4-5 servings per week of nuts, seeds, legumes (portion - 50-70 gr of dry matter);
  • Not more than 2 liters of liquid per day (including drinks, soup, etc.) ..
On a healthy DASH diet, it is important to carefully monitor the content in the products not only of soda, but also of salt, so all semi-finished products and dishes with sauces and additives automatically fall into the stop list.

Therapeutic diet

Pros : A good chance to "re-educate" flavors of mayonnaise and fast food tastes
Cons : Requires scrupulous attention to the composition of dishes and constant counts
In Russia, a full-name diet called Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes Diet (TLC) is just beginning its triumphant procession, but in the US this kind of healthy diet managed to make a real fuss. The therapeutic diet was highly appreciated in the latest chart of the best weight loss and wellness activities, published annually by US News. Some trendy domestic nutritionists are already giving their stellar clients recommendations based on the concept of a healthy therapeutic diet, and it is not surprising - her reputation is impeccable.
The TLC diet was developed by the American National Institute of Health as part of an education program on the harm of cholesterol. This healthy diet helps not only - and not so much - to reduce excess weight, how much to accustom to a useful menu of people from the group at risk of cardiovascular diseases. Alas, the army under the cholesterol attack is growing year by year. It also includes those whose eating habits are distorted by an erroneous approach to home cooking (a large number of fried, fatty sauces, high-calorie snacks, half-finished products) and those who fall victim to the office approach to nutrition, eating fast food and sweets without leaving the worker Places.a healthy diet for weight loss
The effect of this healthy diet is due to a sharp reduction in the fat component of the menu, and special attention is directed to ensure that saturated fat intake on the plate was ordered. Therefore, under the ban are fatty meat and meat products, foods cooked in deep fat, whole milk in all its varieties.
Where fat can not be avoided, it is recommended to replace its animal species with useful vegetable oil (olive, sesame) or margarine spread without trans fats.a healthy diet for weight loss
A healthy therapeutic diet involves scrupulous calorie counting: those who want only to tidy up the level of cholesterol, it is suggested to limit the daily menu to 2500 kcal (men) or 1800 kcal (women), but if you want to lose weight while revising your table habits, Focus on 1600 daily kcal for the stronger sex and 1200 for the ladies.
In addition to the caloric restriction, the authors of the therapeutic diet offer to strictly monitor food containing cholesterol, including "good" (high-density lipoprotein) - in the daily menu it is allowed not more than 200 mg (in physical form this amount is equivalent, for example, to 60 g Piece of cheese of the Gauda type). Also in terms of this healthy diet, an additional intake of additives containing stanols and sterols, microscopic components of plant membranes is provided. Such supplements are prescribed by the doctor, and one can increase the amount of sterols and stanols that fight cholesterol deposits and level the blood sugar in the diet by taking fiber (for example, bran).
The main food on a healthy therapeutic diet are vegetables, cereals (predominantly whole grains) and cereals (it is recommended to replace a portion of meat foods with vegetable products rich in protein, for example, legumes). Skim milk products without additives are allowed. Eggs can be eaten with yolks no more than twice a week, the rest of the time should be consumed only by proteins. The amount of fruit is recommended moderate - they can be consumed no more than 4 times a day in portions of not more than 120 grams. Animal proteins and fats can be represented by a bird without skin or fish in an amount not exceeding 150 g per day. Vegetable unsaturated fats are limited to 2 h of vegetable oil per day, 1 h of fat-free margarine, 2 h of nuts or seeds. The use of salt should be limited.
On a healthy therapeutic diet should be from 4 to 11 times a day in small portions, not forgetting about the caloric limits. I want to safely satisfy myself with simple pure still water, 1 glass of fruit and 1 glass of vegetable juice is allowed daily. Duration of the diet is limited by the recommendations of the doctor - or is not limited at all.

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