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a perfect diet for weight loss

The ideal diet is a system of losing weight, where you can simulate the menu of your favorite foods and at the same time lose weight. We will offer you the perfect menu options for the whole week.

Diet menu: Monday

Oatmeal or muesli with raisins, dried apricots and other dried fruits with the addition of nuts. To drink all this useful food you can 250 g of kefir with zero fat content.
Portions during the day - kefir - 2, muesli - 1
Soup on vegetable broth, fish boiled or baked in the oven, boiled or boiled rice, vegetable salad and a piece of dried bread, unsweetened biscuits (2 pieces) You can drink tea without sugar.
Afternoon snack
1 apple - 1 serving
Cheese pancakes from cottage cheese with zero fat content, 1 teaspoon of raspberry jam, 1 tangerine, 1 cup of cocoa
Portions - syrniki - 2, jam from raspberries - 1, mandarin - 1, cocoa - 1.

Diet menu: Tuesday

200 g of gerbera porridge, 1 cup of coffee without sugar, but with milk or cream
Servings - porridge - 2, coffee - 1
200 g fish broth or soup, 200 grams of boiled chicken meat, vegetable salad. You can drink all this with tea without sugar, but with honey.
Portions - soup - 2, meat - 1, salad - 2, tea - 1
Afternoon snack
1 orange (1 serving)
Boiled or baked in the oven fish (150 g),a perfect diet for weight loss  boiled potatoes in uniforms - 3 pieces, you can drink it all with 1 glass of apple juice
Portions - fish - 2, potatoes - 1, juice - 1.
 a perfect diet for weight loss

Diet menu: Wednesday

 a perfect diet for weight loss

150 grams of medium yogurt, 1 cup of coffee (can be milked)
Portions - yogurt - 2, coffee - 1.
Soup of mashed potatoes (200 g), boiled rice with vegetable garnish, boiled piece of beef meat, salad with seafood and tomatoes, a perfect diet for weight loss tea without sugar, but with jam (1 teaspoon)
Portions - soup - 2, rice porridge - 1, meat beef - 1, salad - 2, tea - 1
Afternoon snack
½ grapefruit (excellent helps burn fat)
Vegetable cabbage rolls with rice (200 g), braised with tomato cabbage (200 g), 1 medium apple, preferably green, medium fermented burger (250 g)
Portions - cabbage - 2 cabbage cabbage, a perfect diet for weight loss1 fermented baked milk - 1
 a perfect diet for weight loss

Diet menu: Thursday 

a perfect diet for weight loss 

200 g of cottage cheese with candied fruits and a cup of black coffee without milk and sugar. You can allow 1 cupcake with raisins to coffee
Portions - cottage cheese -1.5, coffee - 1
200 grams of pickle, 200 grams of rabbit meat, brawned with garlic and grapes,a perfect diet for weight loss  several circles of courgette, zucchini, lettuce (consisting of Bulgarian pepper, cheese, a pair of garlic cloves) jujube (100 g) and tea without sugar
Portions - soup - 2, rabbit meat - 2, zucchini - 1, salad - 1, tea - 1, jujube - 1
Afternoon snack
2 tangerines (2 servings)
Casserole with cabbage and cheese, 150 g yogurt with berries, 1 pear.
Portions - cabbage casserole - 2, yogurt - 1, pear - 1
 a perfect diet for weight loss

Diet menu: Friday 

 a perfect diet for weight loss

Porridge from buckwheat, boiled on milk with zero fat content - 200 g, 1 cup of coffee with milk
Servings - porridge - 1,5, coffee - 1
Cabbage with fresh cabbage, 2 slices of roasted pollock,a perfect diet for weight loss  ragout of eggplant, tomato and pepper (200 g), salad of fresh cucumbers, green onions and 1 boiled egg, sautéed in salad
Portions - cabbage soup - 2, fish - 1, salad - 1, ragout - 2
Afternoon snack
1 brush of grapes
200 g of beef stewed on water with beef stew with added green beans, 1 orange, 1 cup of kefir with zero fat content
Portions - liver - 1, green beans - 2, kefir - 2, orange - 1.
 a perfect diet for weight loss

Diet menu: Saturday 

 a perfect diet for weight loss

Yogurt with medium fat and raw apples - 200 g, unsweetened cookies (crackers), 1 cup of coffee
Portions - yoghurt - 2, apples - 2, coffee - 1, crackers - 1
Soup, cooked on chicken broth, 200 g of cod, boiled without spices,a perfect diet for weight loss  rice groats boiled on water, vegetable salad with cheese and greens (200 g)
Portions - soup - 1,5, fish - 2, rice - 2, salad - 2
Afternoon snack
1 pineapple
Portions - 2
Omelette from 3 eggs with slices of tomatoes and ham. You can drink with yogurt
Portions - omelette - 1, yogurt - 1
 a perfect diet for weight loss

Diet menu: Sunday 

 a perfect diet for weight loss

200 grams of cereal porridge welded on milk with zero fat content, 1 apple, 2 tiles of extra-chocolate, a cup of coffee
Servings - porridge - 1,5, apple - 1, chocolate - 1, coffee - 1.
Soup with chicken broth with chicken and meatballs, 200 g of fried carp, vegetable salad
Portions - soup - 2, carp - 2, vegetables - 2
Afternoon snack
2 bananas
Beans, braised with tomatoes - 200 g, cake - 150 g, 1 glass of wine (100 g)
Portions - beans - 1,5, cake - 1, wine - 1
This diet will give you the opportunity to get all the necessary fats,a perfect diet for weight loss  proteins and minerals in the menu and ensure effective weight loss . In just 1 week, if you do not retreat from the menu, you will see the result - weight loss of at least 5 kg.a perfect diet for weight loss

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diet cabbage soup

diet cabbage soup Cabbage soup for weight loss is the basis of the popular diet today, which allows you to lose an average of 5 kg o...