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A diet for stomach pains

The appearance of pain in the stomach is not a normal phenomenon and most often it indicates the development of ulcers, accompanied by an inflammatory process.A diet for stomach pains
Diet with pain in the stomach is just necessary. Without it, treatment of gastralegia is impossible, because only proper nutrition can limit the burden on the affected organ and contribute to the rapid healing of erosion.A diet for stomach pains

Pain characteristics

Characterization of the pain syndrome is important in the diagnosis and determining further treatment. It includes the intensity and nature of the pain.
The intensity of pain is not a defining aspect, since each person has his own pain threshold and individual susceptibility, so different patients can feel it differently.A diet for stomach pains
However, nevertheless, the same features for some diseases still exist. So, aching little pain in the stomach, which some people do not even pay attention to, indicates a chronic gastritis. Weak pain, gradually increasing its intensity, indicates the development of cancer. When the pain exceeds the pain threshold and a person has a shock, you can talk about a perforated ulcer.A diet for stomach pains
The nature of pain is more accurate and can tell even about the presence of existing complications. So, burning pain is a signal about the development of a solaris, and a sharp cramping - about pancreatitis and colitis.A diet for stomach painsA diet for stomach pains
In any case, you need a trip to a specialist. Only he can make the correct diagnosis. However, a diet with pain in the stomach is a necessity for any diseases of this organ.A diet for stomach pains


Pain in the stomach can occur for a variety of reasons. The important thing here is the connection with food intake. If the pain occurs immediately or a few minutes after a meal, it speaks of gastritis. In case the pain syndrome begins in a few hours, we can talk about the development of ulcers.A diet for stomach pains
In any case, the main cause of the onset of pain is the pathological processes occurring in the stomach. And to identify them, you need to visit a doctor and undergo a survey.A diet for stomach pains

Prohibited products

The stomach is an integral part of the digestive tract. Therefore, any changes in its structure contribute to the onset of pain. And these changes most often arise as a result of an incorrect lifestyle. Nutrition plays a big role here. After all, food has a direct effect on the walls of the stomach. Therefore, every person suffering from pain should know what to eat and what not.A diet for stomach painsA diet for stomach pains
So, in the list of foods that can not be eaten in any way by patients with gastric diseases, the following:
  • Acid varieties of berries and fruits;
  • Hot baked goods;
  • Smoked products and pickles;
  • Canned food and marinades;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Radish and radish;
  • Cabbage and cucumbers;
  • bow;
  • chocolate;
  • ice cream;
  • Sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, etc.);
  • carbonated drinks;
  • coffee.
All these products the patient should not eat for 3 months. Further, with the onset of a stable remission and with the permission of a doctor, these products are gradually introduced into human nutrition.A diet for stomach pains

Permitted Products

For sure, every person who first encountered this problem, asks: what can you eat with pain in the stomach?
Here is a list of foods that you can eat for any diseases (gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, etc.):
  • baked milk;
  • Fish and meat of low-fat varieties;
  • scrambled eggs;
  • Tomatoes, but only fresh (can not eat!);
  • Cottage cheese, kefir, yoghurt;
  • Milk porridge;
  • pasta;
  • Salads from boiled vegetables and meat;
  • carrot;
  • Beets;
  • potatoes;
  • Marshmallow;
  • Jelly and not strong tea.
For the exact list of approved products, ask your doctor, as it is individual in each case.A diet for stomach pains

General dietary advice

Products that can be eaten with pain in the stomach should be fresh. Use them in raw form is not recommended. They either boil or cook together. Fruits and berries can be baked in the oven, but only without the addition of sugar and other spices.
When preparing the soup, do not forget to grate all the vegetables. So they are better digested, removing the extra load from the stomach. And used flour products (bread, cookies), make sure that they are stale and even slightly dried.A diet for stomach pains
Remember, the pain in the stomach is a serious signal that should not be ignored. Be sure to visit the doctor and find out the reason for their appearance. And one more important point - do not stop pain with pain medication, unless the doctor prescribed it. So you just muffle the disease, but do not treat it! Proper nutrition will allow you to quickly normalize the operation of the stomach and eliminate the pain syndrome for a long time.A diet for stomach pains

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