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9 best food for weight loss

9 best food for weight loss

The dream of every woman is to eat and lose weight. We decided to turn this desire into reality and tell how to eat to lose weight . And the most pleasant thing is to remain well fed.
Products that promote weight loss
  1. baked potato
    The potato perfectly tames the hunger, and all because of the carbohydrate content. Unlike fried potatoes, baked does not lose vitamins and its useful properties. Having eaten baked potatoes, you will receive a charge of energy and a feeling of saturation for a long period. To get even more fiber, eat baked potatoes straight with skin. Just properly wash it before baking. This dish is perfect for lunch or dinner. 9 best food for weight loss
    Slimming products
  2. Bean soup
    Soups themselves are very useful, because they contain a lot of liquid. They fill the stomach well, and you get a minimum of calories. It is best to eat them for lunch9 best food for weight loss . Bean soups, cooked on chicken broth, are rich in fiber and useful carbohydrates, which slow the release of sugar into the blood. This will make you feel full longer.9 best food for weight loss Of course, do not eat bread and other flour products with soup. If you do not like soups, make a salad of beans. 9 best food for weight loss
    Bean soup at home
  3. Greek yoghurt
    Natural low-fat yogurt is a great way to get rid of excess weight. The use of milk protein reduces appetite and maintains the blood sugar level in the norm.9 best food for weight loss Greek yogurt contains twice as much protein and less sugar than normal yoghurt.9 best food for weight loss To diversify the diet and make yogurt tastier, add berries or cereals. 9 best food for weight lossYou can also use it as a salad dressing.
    The benefits of yogurt
  4. Apples
    Let's start with the traditional set of vitamins and minerals that are present in apples. 9 best food for weight loss  These fruits contain vitamins C, E, B1, B2, B6, PP, carotene, folic acid and minerals: potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron. Apple acid improves digestion, citric and tartaric acids promote the burning of carbohydrates, preventing their transformation into fat. Boric acid has a bactericidal and antifungal effect,9 best food for weight loss  reducing the risk of infectious diseases.9 best food for weight loss It is better to eat apples in the morning as a snack. And if you bake, you will get a very tasty dessert.
    Useful properties of apples
  5. Popcorn
    The calorie content of ready-made popcorn without additives is about 90 calories. Popcorn takes up a lot of space in the stomach, and looks very voluminous, which at the subconscious level has to satiety. 9 best food for weight loss
    Products for weight loss
  6. Figs
    Figs are a joy for sweet tooth!9 best food for weight loss  It has a dense consistency and sweet flesh, which is very rich in fiber. To be even tastier and more satisfying, before eating, put a teaspoon of low-fat cottage cheese in the middle of the fruit. A wonderful idea for breakfast!
    Figs for a diet
  7. Oatmeal
    The following useful properties of oatmeal have long been proven: lowering cholesterol , reducing the risk of blood clots, increasing muscle tissue, cleaning from slags. Due to the carbohydrate content, oatmeal is a good source of energy.9 best food for weight loss The use of oatmeal is obvious for those who, while eating a portion of oatmeal for breakfast, get rid of drowsiness, depressive thoughts, are charged with a fine mood for the whole day.9 best food for weight loss A small portion of morning porridge can not remember food until lunch.
    Proper nutrition
  8. Wheat grains
    Nuclei of wheat contain a huge amount of protein and fiber. The protein stimulates the release of the hormone ghrelin, which tells our brain that we are full, and the cellulose activates hormones that suppress appetite. Prepare yourself a delicious dish: add to the steamed wheat grains apples, nuts or dried fruits. It is very good to eat corn for dinner. 9 best food for weight loss
    Products that reduce weight
  9. Smoothies
    Smoothies are not a drink, as most of us think, but a tasty, healthy, nutritious and low-calorie mixture. Smoothies can become a full-fledged replacement for lunch or dinner, depending on the mixed products. With the help of smoothies, you can easily lose a few extra pounds in just a week, while you will not feel hungry and constantly irritable. 9 best food for weight loss
By using these products , you will lose weight without stress for the body.9 best food for weight loss  And most importantly - they can not be overdone, because they give the feeling of satiety very quickly! Products for weight loss will perfectly suit both the main dishes and snacks.
Thin without hunger! This information will be useful to your friends.9 best food for weight loss

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