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800 calorie diet for weight loss

Diet 800 calories: basic principles, results

Diet 800 calories: basic principles, results

What just do not go our women to look slim and fit! They are willing to subject themselves to various tests. And it's not even about debilitating workouts in the gym, but about strict restrictions in food and even starvation.
The diet of 800 kcal is no exception. It assumes consumption of very small amount of food products, daily caloric content of which should not exceed 800 kcal. And this despite the fact that physicians do not recommend reducing the daily calorie content when losing weight below 1200 kcal. Agree, the difference is large, but this daily caloric content helps to effectively combat excess kilograms.800 calorie diet for weight loss
In just a few weeks, you can lose 3 to 6 kg in weight, and this is not the limit. And due to the fact that the protein diet is based on the diet of this diet, weight loss is not due to cleansing the body, but by burning fatty deposits. At the same time the muscle mass remains800 calorie diet for weight loss  unchanged, which is very important for many!800 calorie diet for weight loss
And due to the fact that the diet contains a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, the body is saturated with energy,800 calorie diet for weight loss  and a person creates a wonderful mood. In addition, a diet of 800 calories assumes the consumption of a large number of fresh vegetables and fruits that are rich in fiber and are able to quench the feeling of hunger for a long time.800 calorie diet for weight loss
Diet 800 calories
800 calorie diet for weight loss In general, a diet of 800 calories a day is a balanced diet that will help you get rid of extra pounds without harm to your health!

Menu diet 800 calories per day

This nutrition program includes consumption of protein and carbohydrate foods. It can be alternated or combined with each other. 800 calorie diet for weight loss The main requirements - their daily caloric content should not be more than 800 kcal, and the last meal should consist only of animal proteins.
These kilocalories should be divided into three meals.800 calorie diet for weight loss In this case, the main meal should take place for lunch. Therefore, it will be more reasonable if the daily caloric value is distributed as follows: breakfast 250 kcal, lunch 300 kcal, dinner 250 kcal.
For breakfast Can be eaten to choose from:
  • 2 boiled eggs, one grapefruit, a cup of tea or coffee without sugar, you can add a little milk;
  • Skim curd (100 grams) mixed with one tablespoon of low-fat sour cream, tea or coffee without sugar with the addition of milk.
Since lunch is the main meal, it is necessary to properly refresh. For lunch, you can eat (to choose from):
 800 calorie diet for weight loss
  • Vegetable salad dressed with a tablespoon of low-fat sour cream, 2 boiled eggs, a cup of tea or coffee;
  • Boiled chicken breast (100 g), stewed vegetables (from these products you can make a delicious soup, most importantly, do not add salt or some other seasoning).
And for dinner you can eat:
  • Boiled piece of lean beef (100 g), a portion of raw vegetables, a glass of skim milk;
  • One boiled egg, fresh vegetables, a glass of skim milk;
  • A portion of low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of kefir (you can add a teaspoon of sugar to it).
  •  800 calorie diet for weight loss
In this case, meat can be easily replaced by boiled fish or seafood. The main thing is that for one portion their total number does not exceed 150 grams. From vegetables, one can not eat potatoes, but from fruits, bananas and grapes.800 calorie diet for weight loss
Menu diet 800 calories per day
It was a variant of protein nutrition. Now let's see what carbohydrate nutrition is. The distribution of daily calorie content is about the same.800 calorie diet for weight loss
You can eat for breakfast (to choose from):
  • A portion of oatmeal, cooked either on milk or on water, but with the addition of grated apple, a cup of unsweetened black tea with milk;
  • A serving of fruit salad filled with natural yogurt, a cup of unsweetened tea.
  •  800 calorie diet for weight loss
For lunch, you can use (as well to choose):
  • Vegetable salad, seasoned with low-fat sour cream, boiled or baked potatoes 2-3 pieces, coffee or tea without added sugar;
  • Friable buckwheat porridge 50 grams, raw or stewed vegetables (about 200 grams), coffee or tea without added sugar.
And for dinner you can pamper yourself:
  • A glass of fat-free yogurt, fresh fruit;
  • A portion of vegetable salad, seasoned with low-fat sour cream cup of tea without sugar.
Remember, during the diet it is forbidden to use vegetable and butter for cooking. Spices are also not desirable, as they increase appetite. 800 calorie diet for weight loss During the maintenance of the diet every 4-5 days you can afford to drink 1-2 glasses of white dry wine. But be careful. After all, alcohol contributes to a strong increase in appetite.800 calorie diet for weight loss How could you not break!
And most importantly, the diet is low-calorie , and therefore before you sit down, you should consult your doctor. And it is also desirable to undergo examination in any medical center for the detection of pathologies. After a sharp change in diet can lead to their exacerbation, which should in no case be allowed!

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