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7 day vegan diet for weight loss

Веганская диета на 22 дня
The vegan diet provides weight loss of up to 5 kg per week
The vegan diet is a low-calorie food system that perfectly reduces excess weight.
This technique is very similar to the vegetarian lifestyle, but there is one difference - vegan provides a complete rejection of any animal protein.

The essence and features of weight loss on a vegan diet 

Veganism is a certain way of life based on ethical principles that do not accept the killing of animals for saturation.7 day vegan diet for weight loss
In addition, vegan refuse honey, eggs and milk drinks and products, arguing that the way they are received disrupts the natural processes and habitats of animals.
The vegan diet contributes to the process of losing weight by consuming foods with a low calorie content and a limited amount of fats and sugar.
The diet of the vegan diet includes:7 day vegan diet for weight loss
  • Legumes and cereals - peas, beans, lentils, pearl barley, oatmeal, rice, millet and buckwheat;
  • Vegetables - cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, leaf salad, celery, pumpkin, carrots, potatoes, beets and greens;
  • Berries, fruits - pears, mango, pomelo, grapefruit, mango, apples, oranges, bananas and many others;
  • Berries, seeds, nuts;
  • Milk soy products - milk, tofu, sour cream, low-fat yogurt;
  • Mushrooms.

Under the strict ban of the vegan diet are:
  • All kinds of fish, meat, poultry;
  • Milk, sour-milk drinks and products;
  • Any eggs;
  • Coffee drinks;
  • "Garbage" food - crackers, carbonated drinks, chips, French fries, fast food;
  • Sweet products that are made with the use of eggs, egg powder, milk, sour cream and other prohibited products).
The positive aspects of vegan methodology are:
  • Over a week the loss of excess weight is up to five kilograms;
  • The organism is actively cleared of salts, slags, poisons and toxins;
  • Noticeably improves skin condition.7 day vegan diet for weight loss

Among the shortcomings of the vegan food system are the following:
  • It is impossible to exclude from the diet for a long time animal proteins, since their absence in the body can lead to the rapid withering of the skin of the face and body;
  • Insufficient saturation of certain vitamins and nutrients will cause a deficit in the body;
  • Products included in the vegan dietary diet, especially exotic fruits, will require increased financial costs.
The vegan dietary technique is contraindicated in pregnancy and 7 day vegan diet for weight losschronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vegan diet for weight loss: menus for a week and features 

Correct vegan food by d
The vegan diet for weight loss is perfect for those who intend to throw off excess weight within 3-5 kg. The dietary regime consists of a daily five-time meal, where single meals should not exceed 250 g / ml.
An approximate weekly menu for a vegan diet:7 day vegan diet for weight loss
1 day
  • Breakfast: oatmeal with apple and pear slices, orange juice;
  • Lunch: tangerines;
  • Lunch: rice vegetable soup;
  • Snack: pomegranate;
  • Supper: vegetable salad, milk.

2 day
  • Breakfast: pearl barley with mushroom sauce, tea;
  • Lunch: mango;
  • Lunch: stew of potatoes, carrots, beets and peppers;
  • Afternoon snack: tofu, apple;
  • Dinner: boiled beans with natural tomato sauce, tea.
3 day 7 day vegan diet for weight loss
  • Breakfast: rice boiled with raisins, milk;
  • Lunch: the apple is baked;
  • Lunch: stewed cabbage, cucumber - tomato salad;
  • Snack: soy yogurt;
  • Dinner: cabbage rolls with mushrooms, carrot drink.

4 day 7 day vegan diet for weight loss
  • Breakfast: lentil boiled, a slice of whole-grain bread with soy cream, tea;
  • Lunch: pumpkin seeds - 50 g;
  • Lunch: buckwheat, baked vegetables, pomegranate juice;
  • Snack: pineapple - apple salad with almonds;
  • Dinner: squash soup, fruit cocktail.
5 day 7 day vegan diet for weight loss
  • Breakfast: cabbage salad, pea porridge, tea;
  • Lunch: peaches;
  • Lunch: potato - mushroom puree, milk;
  • Snack: bananas;
  • Dinner: banana - strawberry cocktail, bean stew with corn.

6th day 7 day vegan diet for weight loss
  • Breakfast: porridge (rice and millet), broth of wild rose;
  • Lunch: yoghurt with avocado;
  • Lunch: rice soup, potato salad of boiled and white cabbage;
  • Afternoon snack: a big orange;
  • Dinner: vinaigrette with walnut, ginger tea.
Day 7 7 day vegan diet for weight loss
  • Breakfast: mashed pumpkin, carrot juice;
  • Lunch: tomatoes with green onions;
  • Lunch: borscht lean with mushrooms, mint tea;
  • Snack: walnut - fruit mixture;
  • Dinner: salad from boiled beets with cashew nuts, apricot juice.

22 day vegan diet 

The vegetative system of feeding the vegan direction significantly reduces the risk of vascular disease, diabetes, heart and even cancer.7 day vegan diet for weight loss  A vegetable diet is an integral part of the vegan lifestyle.
For those who want to join their direction, it is necessary to withstand the diet for 22 days. It is such a time period, according to many psychologists, will allow the body to adapt to new nutrition and reduce weight to the optimum limit.7 day vegan diet for weight loss

The vegan diet for lean muscle mass

In order to gain and increase muscle mass, using the dietary method of vegans, it is necessary to develop a menu taking into account training days and rest days.7 day vegan diet for weight loss

Menu vegan diet during training:
  • Morning: boiled lentils, bananas;
  • Lunch: soy yoghurt with dried apricots;
  • Lunch: boiled brown rice, salad of cherry and cucumber, orange juice;
  • Snack: grated apples with cashews;
  • Evening: tofu, vegetables.
After training, 7 day vegan diet for weight loss it is recommended to use a protein shake - whisk in a blender 200 ml of soy milk,7 day vegan diet for weight loss  100 grams each. Soybean sprouted beans and sweet berries, half a banana.
Menu of the day of rest:
  • Morning: soy milk with any berries;
  • Lunch: oatmeal, apple pudding;
  • Lunch: vegetable light soup, a handful of nuts;
  • Snack: citrus fruit or pineapple;
  • Evening: vegetable salad with sour cream.

The vegan diet of Beyonce

The famous singer Beyoncé followed a diet of vegan food for three weeks. The first week of abandoning animal food markedly affected her figure.
For 22 days of the vegan marathon, the owner of lush and chic forms managed to perfectly clean the body, to lose weight superb and to bring her body to a fine chisel shape.7 day vegan diet for weight loss

The vegan diet Megan Fox

Model and actress Megan Fox resorted to a diet of vegans to maintain the harmony of her body. For a while, Megan completely abandoned all kinds of meat, 7 day vegan diet for weight loss eggs, milk and honey.
In addition, under its prohibition were coffee, bread and any sweets. However, to correct the figure actress not only helped this technique, but also regular physical training.7 day vegan diet for weight loss

The vegan diet of Jennifer Lopez

After a 22-day dietary vegan diet celebrity successfully dropped the right amount of extra pounds. According to Jennifer herself, this technique is an excellent option for the constant maintenance of the figure in excellent condition.7 day vegan diet for weight loss
We also recommend that you read the article Fat Burning Diet .

The results, testimonials of slim and doctors about the vegan diet 

The results of the vegan diet after a week will be up to 5 kg. To sustain the nutrition of vegans is rather difficult due to a sharp restriction of the usual products.7 day vegan diet for weight loss
The correct way out after the vegan diet provides for a gradual introduction to the daily menu of animal food.

Reviews of the vegan diet from women who lose weight are the most positive. 7 day vegan diet for weight loss  Many noted excellent weight loss, improvement in well-being and a feeling of lightness in the body.
However, the opinion of doctors differs from the opinions of those who lose weight. They consider this diet, which rejects animal food, harmful to health. 7 day vegan diet for weight loss Doctors do not recommend to constantly keep vegan food, as the deficiency of vitamins and animal proteins can negatively affect the body and appearance.
We also recommend you to watch a video on video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release that help to lose weight quickly and effectively:7 day vegan diet for weight loss

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