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7 day soup diet for weight loss

Want to learn how to follow the soup diet for weight loss for 7 days? Read our article. We will tell you the rules of compliance with the soup diet for seven days to lose weight. We will give ready recipes and tell you how to make a menu. You will find out what foods are allowed during the soup diet period, and which ones are forbidden to use, otherwise you will not see weight loss. Learn also the pros, cons, and contraindications when dieting on soups.7 day soup diet for weight loss
суповая диета для похудения на 7 дней
Soup diet for weight loss for 7 days is known for many of its terrific effect of fat burning. In fact to lose for 7 days of an order of 5 kg - it is very healthy! If you do everything right, such symptoms as: hunger, stress, headaches, you do not recognize on the soup diet for weight loss for all 7 days7 day soup diet for weight loss. The basis of soups are vegetables (cellulose). Therefore, as a result, you not only lose weight, but also cleanse the intestines.7 day soup diet for weight loss How correctly should a soup diet for weight loss take place for 7 or more days? How many times to diet?

Soup diet for weight loss

Given that the soup diet for weight loss for 7 days - low-calorie, nutritionists do not recommend using it more than 3 times a year. And the process of losing weight, you can stretch for 7 or 14 days. Depending on the speed of weight loss. About the menu and recipes, allowed and forbidden products, during the soup diet, we'll talk below.7 day soup diet for weight loss
The main thing you should know is that soups should be exclusively vegetable. They should be prepared from natural vegetables at home. Do not buy sachets of fast food - damage the body!
The main rule of losing weight is to consume as little calories as possible. But not less than 1200 calories per day. There is another way to lose weight capsules Lipocarnit has long been proven effective.
It is possible to realize not only a 7 day soup diet for weight loss, but also with the help of vegetables and fruits. Eat them in any quantity at any time - and still will lose weight.

General principles of soup diet

Soup diet for weight loss for 7 days is based on vegetable soups. And if you do not eat sweet fruit (the main source of fast energy for the body), then you will not receive carbohydrates.7 day soup diet for weight loss
For every kilogram of body weight, the body consumes 1 calorie per hour. And since you only eat vegetable soups, calories will be taken from fat reserves (hips, flanks, stomach).
In addition, the soup diet for weight loss includes products for the digestion of which you need to spend more energy calories than these products brought. Weight goes almost instantly! For more "subtle" recommendations read on.7 day soup diet for weight loss
Eat special soups every day in unlimited quantities, as soon as you feel hungry. Fat will melt before our eyes!

The rules of observance of the soup diet for weight loss for 7 days

Here are the basic rules that should be followed during a diet on soups.
If you consider yourself competent enough in matters of weight loss, you can correlate the rules at your own discretion.7 day soup diet for weight loss
  • The duration of the soup diet for weight loss - 7 days (maximum 14);
  • When there is a feeling of hunger, eat soup (at least 3 times a day);
  • If you fail, wait a couple of days and start again;
  • Salt is a white poison, it must be excluded (a droplet is allowed);
  • Soups should be alternated in order not to get bored.
Soup diet for weight loss for 7 days, perfectly combined with the functional diet Energy Diet. The beauty is that you can eat various soups (mushroom, tomato, pea, chicken, vegetable). Energy soups are approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia. They are used by famous people, for example, Larisa Dolina and Irina Khakamada 7 day soup diet for weight loss
Soups cooked at home have a very "poor" content of useful vitamins, trace elements, amino acids. Special soups from the Energy Diet will help enrich your body with all minerals, amino acids, vitamins for the body. In addition, hunger is perfectly satisfied.7 day soup diet for weight loss
One of the indicators. Toxins that are eliminated from the body during the soup diet will be neutralized not by minerals from the hair of the head (as a result, you can observe hair loss), and minerals from the soups Energy Diet. To do this, it is enough to replace the usual soup, once a day, with a special diet from the Energy Diet.

Soup diet for weight loss for 7 days menu

Menu of soup diet for weight loss for 7 days We offer you an approximate menu for every day, compiled by a specialist in weight loss issues. Soups can be consumed in unlimited quantities. Other products by recommendations.
It would be nice, every day to replace the reception of ordinary soup, Special soup from the Energy Diet , For example chicken. It is best to eat in the morning: dessert, omelet or oatmeal from the Energy. This approach to the diet will be ideal, saturated with vitamins and without hunger stress! So think about it.
1. Monday 7 day soup diet for weight loss How does the soup diet for weight loss start for 7 days? Very simple. On this day, eat any fruit (exceptions: bananas, persimmons, figs). Vegetable soups in any quantity, at least 3 times a day. A few berries do not hurt.
2. Tuesday Eat vegetables, except for the family of legumes, to exclude excess protein and gases. For a change, you can bake 1 potato or any other vegetable in the oven. Buy in the pharmacy sea kale, soak a couple of tablespoons and eat. A couple of wheat loaves will be useful, a piece of rye bread is possible.
3. Wednesday Soups without restrictions, at least three times a day. Plus raw fruits (except for high-calorie) and vegetables. Add skim yogurt, if desired.
4. Thursday On the fourth day, you need to replenish the body's supplies of vitamins and minerals, in the event that the soup diet for weight loss goes without eating cocktails Energy Diet.
Stocks are replenished evenly, during the day: 3-4 with medium bananas and 250 ml of skim milk. Vegetable soups on schedule, at least 3 times a day. In the morning, pamper yourself with grapefruit.
5. Friday We start to gradually get out of the diet. The task of this day is to remind the body of meat. We recommend, in addition to soup, to eat chicken breast or boiled beef, gram 300. Meat, if desired, is replaced by fish. With meat, eat a few tomatoes and a few sheets of salad.
6. Saturday Vegetable soup - once a day. Other meals are similar to the previous day: chicken breast in combination with a lot of greenery. On this day, do not eat potatoes and fruits.
7. Resurrection A portion of boiled rice with any vegetables. Meat, potatoes on this day is excluded, but 100 grams of cottage cheese will do good. Including juicy fruit and citrus. A serving of dietary soup, at least once a day.
One serving of dessert or a sweet cocktail (chocolate, banana) from the Energy Diet can be eaten every day instead of one snack.7 day soup diet for weight loss
At the end of the week, the soup diet for weight loss for 7 days can be continued for another seven days, but no more.

Recipes of a soup diet for weight loss for 7 days

Recipes for a diet for weight loss for 7 days Soup diet for weight loss for 7 days can pass quickly, using recipes, of which quite a lot. We offer the 5 most popular recipes for a vegetable diet and weight loss. Recipes are quite simple.7 day soup diet for weight loss  Soups to cook easily and quickly. Permit them to alternate, for a change.
1. Bean soup. To prepare this dish you will need these products:
  • Average head of white cabbage;
  • 5-6 small onions;
  • 6 carrots, medium size;
  • 2 sweet Bulgarian peppers;
  • 0.5 kg of common beans;
  • A small bunch of celery and green onions;
  • 1-1,5 glasses of tomato juice from fresh tomatoes (another option - use tomato paste);
Prepare soup according to the recipe simply:
  1. Boil;
  2. Hold for 10 minutes in a boiling state;
  3. 30 minutes on low heat and soup is ready.
2. Vegetable soup with tomato-garlic flavor. Prepare another soup. If you like the scented smell, and the taste of garlic,7 day soup diet for weight loss use this recipe. What you need:
  • 450-500 grams of onion;
  • 250-300 g of celery;
  • 250 - carrots and cabbages;
  • Cauliflower - 200 g;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • A glass of tomato juice;
  • 200 grams - parsley and leeks.
As a seasoning, black pepper and basil are good.
To prepare this recipe:
  1. Cook the vegetables until ready;
  2. Rasstolkite them in mashed potatoes;
  3. Add the juice of tomatoes and spices to taste.
3. Vegetable soup with celery. Another recipe for fast soup. Prepare for:
  • Prepare 4-5 medium bulbs;
  • 3-4 tomatoes;
  • The head of cauliflower;
  • A couple of Bulgarian peppers;
  • A good bunch of celery.
To cook this soup, follow the recipe:
  1. Pour the vegetables with water and bring to a boil;
  2. 10 minutes in the boiling stage;
  3. Tomim to full readiness on low heat.
Watch the video of the cooking recipe and decorate the soup with herbs.7 day soup diet for weight loss
4. Soup with spinach. Spinach is rich in vitamins and minerals, so this soup will do good. The recipe is very simple: pour the spinach and onions with milk and cream. Boiled - we languish, 5 minutes on fire. The soup is served cold.7 day soup diet for weight loss Season with lemon, potion and garlic. This will require:
  • A couple of spinach bunches, about 400 g;
  • 1 large onion, fried in a drop of olive oil;
  • 150 ml of low-fat milk;
  • 150 ml of skimmed cream;
5. Kefir soup. Soup diet for weight loss can not do without kefir. The recipe for cold kefir soup will be relevant in hot weather to cool. It will take:
  • 1 liter of low-fat kefir;
  • 3 green cucumbers;
  • Greens: dill, parsley, celery.
In kefir add 100 ml of boiled water. Grate cucumbers to a shallow state. Mix everything, decorate with greens.7 day soup diet for weight loss
6. Soups of any taste. Tastes you have the right to choose different, at will:
  • Chicken;
  • Mushroom;
  • Pea;
  • Tomato;
  • Vegetable.
Recipes for preparing soups Energy - the simplest.
  1. A portion of any cocktail should be poured with low-fat milk, heated to 60 degrees and stirred in a shaker. Soup is ready.
  2. The second option is to mix the mixture with warm water in the shaker and put it in the microwave for 2 minutes.

Reviews and results

Look at some of the results of people. They tried the effect of the soup diet for weight loss for 7 days or more.7 day soup diet for weight loss
Cyrus. Soup diet really works. There are soups that act like a laxative. You lose weight and clean your intestines. From myself I recommend to drink kefir for the night at low fat (it will help from intestinal dysbiosis). After 6 pm I did not eat anything, except for raw vegetables.7 day soup diet for weight loss
Anastasia. I believed the work of soup diet on myself! Has strongly grown thin. I think that it turned out to lose weight and 10 kilograms. Some tolerate diets hard. For me it was a small trip. I advise everyone to eat warm soups and do not eat up vegetables. Eat in moderation.7 day soup diet for weight loss
Alina. I am a very "watery" woman, so on the third day of weight loss was already minus 4 kg. Soup diet for weight loss really helps!
Martha. To be honest, I'm disappointed with this diet. On the second day there were minutes 1.5 kg, and then the weight rose. So it was not possible to reset more. Apparently not for everyone this diet.
Dina. First time I spent a soup diet on the recommendation of a friend. It helped. Now, as a prevention against excess weight, I stick to a diet 2 times a year.7 day soup diet for weight loss
Natalia Trubnikova (Cheboksary). I tried different diets, including soup. The results were, but relative. Weight went, and then came back. Weight decreased and consolidated, after adding to the diet of the cocktail Energy Diet. I was offered this food earlier, but I dismissed it. Expensive, and did not believe. It's all about my old girlfriend, who tasted Energy on herself. And then she led me to a normal, active life. Her example inspired me very much: for 2 months minus 11 kg. Where is this? I bought 2 chicken soups and bad detomax. All these days I ate vegetables, cocktails and fat-free yogurt. And yesterday morning she looked in the mirror and gasped. The face seemed to "sleep" and was tightened. Thalia was 3 cm thinner. Delight was boundless. Finally, I will soon return to my former weight. Thank you Energy Diet!
Soup diet Energy - reviews and results of people

Permitted Products

Soup diet for weight loss for 7 days, like all diets, has allowed and prohibited foods to eat. Now let's look at those that are allowed to eat on certain days, as indicated in the menu. Authorized products
  • Natural fresh juices;
  • Tea and coffee without sugar;
  • Vegetables of all kinds in a raw state;
  • Chicken breast;
  • Any cereals;
  • Fish only boiled (ears);
  • Boiled, stewed mushrooms without fat;
  • Fresh fruits;
  • Baked or cooked vegetables;
  • Low-fat: cottage cheese, milk, kefir, sour cream;
  • Cereal bread.
Note that you can not fry in oil. Is that very small.

Prohibited foods during the diet for 7 days

Prohibited products And now we proceed to the prohibited products.7 day soup diet for weight loss Soup diet for weight loss should "lose weight", after 7 days, and not "grow fat".
  • Confectionery;
  • White sugar;
  • Honey;
  • Flour and bread products;
  • Alcohol (it breaks the metabolic processes, in the results, weight loss can get up);
  • Any fatty and fried foods.

Exit from the soup diet

After 7 days or more, depending on how long the soup diet for weight loss lasted, the main thing is not to break. Do not attack all products that are prohibited in the list above. Remember the main rule: to lose weight, you need to eat right.7 day soup diet for weight loss
Try to gradually add the usual foods in small quantities. And with sweets it is better to wait.
The results of the diet will last for a long time if:
  • Make the correct diet;
  • Remove sugar and confectionery from the diet;
  • To lead an active way of life (although to move sometimes).

Pros and cons of soup diet

Any diet, including soup, has its pros and cons:
  • The ability to quickly lose those extra pounds;
  • The feeling of hunger can always be satisfied with a bowl of soup;
  • Together with losing weight, the body cleanses.
Among the shortcomings should be allocated:

Contraindications to adherence to soup diet

From contra-indications of a soup diet for growing thin for 7 days it is possible to allocate people which it is contraindicated to adhere to such food:
  • People of adulthood should consult a doctor;
  • Children need vitamins and minerals, so soup diet is not recommended;
  • During pregnancy and lactation;
  • If you have diseases of the digestive tract and other organs;
In these cases, follow the diet only after consulting a doctor.
In conclusion, I want to say the following. If you want to lose weight fast, then a soup diet for weight loss for 7 days will help you, as it is impossible by the way. The diet has in its diet a small number of calories. Therefore, weight loss will take place almost instantly. And as for the enrichment of the body with important vitamins and minerals, you can use Energy Diet cocktails.
With the help of a 7-day soup diet, you can not only lose weight, but also do unloading days, for example on Sundays.
Any questions on nutrition, weight loss, body cleansing and getting rid of diseases you can ask below, in the comments form. If you need a personal recommendation or individual help in weight loss, recovery, treatment, go to the "Contacts" page and leave a free application for the selection and consultation of a doctor (there you can also order a number of free procedures). We will be happy to help you, because the best doctors of Russia cooperate with us.

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