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7 day juice diet for weight loss

There are many opinions about eating plant products, but almost everyone agrees in one opinion: the most useful inclusion in the menu of freshly squeezed juices from vegetables, fruits, root vegetables and leafy greens. Such juices are easily and practically without any rest absorbed in the digestive tract, without requiring significant energy consumption for digestion. That is why there are methods of treating juices, developed and successfully operate the juice diet for 7 days or more.7 day juice diet for weight loss

Diets from freshly squeezed juice help to eliminate problems with excess weight , normalize the digestive and urinary systems. Some juices have the property of reducing and normalizing blood pressure, others purify the liver, lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. The main thing is to choose the right combination of juices and the way they are used.7 day juice diet for weight loss

How to prepare juices

Usually, household juicers are used for this. Sokovarki not suitable, because the product is obtained as a result of exposure to hot steam, and high temperatures are harmful not only for microorganisms, but also for vitamins. Some of the juicers give out juice, which contains a lot of chopped pulp. If you do not like thick juice, you can let it stand for a few minutes and drink only the top 2/3. However, it is better to use all the fractions of the juice.7 day juice diet for weight loss
Long-term storage of juice destroys all useful properties, because under the influence of oxygen and light, vitamins and biologically active substances decompose. Use the product within 30-40 minutes. It is believed that in a tightly closed container placed in the refrigerator, the juice can retain its properties for 8 hours. This can be an outlet for those who can not squeeze fresh juices several times a day, but intend to conduct treatment with juices.7 day juice diet for weight loss
READ ALSO: Features of starvation on juices
Juice diets will require daily preparation of large volumes of the product. To save time and increase the effectiveness of the juice diet for 7 days, do not waste time overly careful cleaning of fruits and vegetables from the peel. It is good enough to wash the fruit with a hard sponge or a soft brush, in a lot of running water. Citrus and cranberries can be scalded with boiling water: this procedure will remove bitterness from the peel of lemons and grapefruits, and cranberries will make it more juicy. The skin contains the bulk of vitamins and other valuable substances. By cleaning the peel, you reduce the value of the finished product.7 day juice diet for weight loss

Freshly squeezed juices in the menu

If you have never drank fresh juices regularly, do not immediately give the body a large load in the form of large volumes of an unusual product.7 day juice diet for weight loss The first few days of freshly squeezed juices in the menu are dosed and neat. Preference should be given to juices that are most pleasant to taste and not mixed with each other. Usually it is quite common and tasty juices from orange, grapefruit, apple, cherry, carrot, tomato. Too acidic juices can be slightly diluted with water and sweetened with natural honey.7 day juice diet for weight loss
If the treatment with juices is started successfully, you can gradually expand the range of drinks, mixing several types of juice and increasing their number. It is acceptable to take up to 15 glasses of juice within a day. It is on this basis that the juice diets are based on 7 or 10 days. Most often enough is 1 liter of freshly squeezed juice per day, or 4 full glasses.

Juice Treatment: What You Need to Know

Some juices have a strong effect on the body, so they should be taken dosage and with caution .
  • Citrus juices can cause diathesis in children and allergic rashes in adults
  • Beet juice reduces blood pressure and is poorly tolerated in liver diseases
  • Juice made from chokeberry has a pronounced hypotensive effect
  • Excessive use of undiluted carrot juice can cause a discoloration of the skin, which occurs within a short time after withdrawal of the product. In addition, carrot juice is poorly digested in diseases of the liver. But to allergy sufferers the use of carrot juice will help to cope with seasonal exacerbations
  • Melon juice has a laxative effect. There are cases of individual intolerance of melon juice
  • Grape and watermelon juices are strong diuretics. Grape juice is contraindicated for those who suffer from diabetes 7 day juice diet for weight loss
  • Pear juice should be used with caution in urolithiasis
  • Potato juice lowers the acidity of the gastric juice, the juice of the viburnum - increases
  • Juice cranberries have antihypertensive effect, 7 day juice diet for weight lossgives a diuretic effect and visibly tones: it is better not to take it at night
  • Juice from celery and parsley is known as a strong diuretic. However , parsley juice can be consumed in very limited quantities: no more than 20 ml at a time
  • Cucumber juice with honey reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. With atherosclerosis, it is rational to treat cucumber juice annually, in spring and in autumn
  • Cabbage juice removes allergic manifestations
  • Adding the juice of lemon and rhubarb enriches the other juices with fruit acids. Before preparing the rhubarb juice, it is best to soak the stems in pure water for several hours
  • Radish juice can cause bloating and flatulence
  • Juice from strawberries and strawberries can be taken even by diabetics 
  •  7 day juice diet for weight loss
Not all mixtures of juices are equally good. There are some particularly successful combinations:
  • Apple juice can be added to root vegetables (including carrots), tomatoes, pears, melon, pumpkin, cucumber, citrus juice 7 day juice diet for weight loss
  • Lemon juice can improve the composition of almost all other juices
  • Juice from stone fruit is better not to mix with any other
  • The juices of garlic and onion combine well with vegetable juices. Garlic juice can cause allergies and have a laxative effect

Juice diet: 7 days in the name of health

In different seasons, the available assortment of fresh fruits and vegetables varies considerably. In winter, late varieties of apples, oranges, cabbage, carrots, beets, onions are more accessible and relevant. In the spring you can enjoy yourself with the juice of fresh cucumbers, radishes , young greens. In the summer time comes cherry, cherry, currant, raspberry, and then ripe juicy melons and watermelons, tomatoes and other fruits. Autumn brings an opportunity to enjoy the juice of pumpkin, late, fragrant apples and pears. Almost all the year round, the oranges, bananas, pineapples and other exotic fruits brought from other countries are sold in stores.7 day juice diet for weight loss But with prolonged storage and incorrect conditions during transportation, fruits can lose a significant part of the useful components. It is better to choose fruit for the preparation of juices, collected in your region.7 day juice diet for weight loss
We offer you ready-made juice diets prepared for different seasons:

General recommendations

Before starting treatment with fresh juices, it is necessary to prepare the body: for a few days to exclude from the diet heavy foods, coffee, alcohol. The way out of the diet should also be eased as much as possible, returning gradually to normal diet. 7 day juice diet for weight loss The number of days of transition to the normal diet should be equal to half the term of the diet. During this transitional period, porridge , cereals, vegetable and meat dishes are gradually introduced into the diet.7 day juice diet for weight loss
Before starting the juice diet, do not forget to consult your doctor. Sometimes stress from a strict diet is contraindicated.
Even if you do not intend to treat freshly squeezed juices or start a strict juice diet, it is worthwhile to take as a rule to drink a glass of fresh juice daily, throughout the year.7 day juice diet for weight loss This is so useful product that you will feel the changes in the state of health already in a month after the introduction of freshly squeezed juices in the menu: fatigue will decrease, the complexion will improve, and the eyes and muscles will become less tired.7 day juice diet for weight loss Most likely, that positive changes will affect the digestive system - constipation or unsteadiness of the stool may go away. 7 day juice diet for weight loss The structure of hair and nails is restored, cell exchange is normalized.7 day juice diet for weight loss

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