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Rice diet

Rice diet

рисовая диета

Rice diet
Everyone who has ever tried to actively combat overweight is well aware of the rice diet, as well as its excellent results. For some it seemed boring and monotonous, someone refused it because of dislike for the porridge itself, and some, for all the reasons, realized that they needed a rice diet and decided to sit on it. The right decision is worth noting!
Why is the rice diet for weight loss caused such a boom among the general population than it is so special, porridge as porridge. And here not! In rice, first of all, contains a lot of amino acids, which are necessary for the excellent functioning of the body, as well as a number of minerals and vitamins.
For example, potassium stimulates the work of the heart muscle, thereby minimizing the likelihood of cardiovascular disease. Calcium helps the bones, nails and hair to be strong and healthy, and the fact that phosphorus, zinc, iodine, iron and B vitamins are of great value for all systems is not worth talking about. Also, rice contains protein, and most importantly, unlike other granular ones, there is no gluten, which can provoke allergic reactions, and sodium salts.Rice diet
What provokes the accumulation of fat mass in the body, why do we suffer from a mass of diseases precisely from excess weight? These and many similar questions are asked by hundreds of people who have problems with excess body weight. The answer, as usual, is simple: slagging, the presence of toxins, salts and other "garbage" in the body and causes a metabolic disorder, which entails active weight gain and a number of diseases.Rice diet
But to solve the problem is enough to clean the body. It is her that offers you a rice diet, which is exactly what is directed at it. By making rice porridge in your diet, you guarantee not only weight loss, but also thorough cleansing of the body. Rice, like a brush, will exfoliate harmful substances and bring them out in a natural way.Rice diet
Are you convinced of the effectiveness of the rice diet? Well, now you can safely go for rice and start attacking kilograms and slag. But do not rush, because for maximum effect it is necessary to purchase not that white, such habitual rice, but on the contrary brown, not purified . It is in it harbored the most useful substances, which after steam processing will be available for you.Rice diet
And now you have a choice, because the rice diet for weight loss consists of several options, and what to prefer - it's your business.

Option number 1

Rice diet It's more like not on a diet, but on a fasting day . By the way, it is such "light" days that can diversify your diet and help you remove stagnant water and salt from your body.Rice diet
Rice unloading goes like this: take a glass of rice and wash it carefully on the stove to prepare (preferably a little not to digest it). All porridge should be divided into a day and eat it in small portions.
In parallel, you can drink pure water, natural fresh and unsweetened green tea.Rice diet
On the advice of nutritionists, you can do this: in order not to load yourself once a week, simplify the regime by arranging a three-day cleaning once a month . It's not so costly and effective, try it, and you'll make sure of it.

Option number 2

It already looks like a full-fledged diet, which can be observed from 7 to 14 days. You just do not think that all this time you will have to choke with kilograms of rice, washing it with water (an old advertising stereotype). On the contrary, in parallel with rice you will eat vegetables and fruits in the diet, limiting yourself to sweet, fried and fatty.Rice diet
Diet is painted by day, read it and make the right decision on the way to a beautiful figure, as well as a healthy body and spirit.

DAY 1-st:

Breakfast :
Take 50 grams of rice porridge
Season it with lemon juice and eat it
1 bullseye
Lunch :
Make a salad of 150 grams of boiled rice and a variety of vegetables with the addition of a droplet of olive oil
Dinner :
It is worth eating 150 grams of rice,
Cooked carrots

DAY 2-nd:

Breakfast :
Now for breakfast you can fill the rice with juice and sour cream (20 g)
And eat 1 orange
Lunch :
150 g of rice,
A little boiled young zucchini

Dinner :
Again rice (150 g),
Boiled carrots 1 pc.

DAY 3:

Breakfast :
The same 50 g of rice,
Medium pear

Lunch :
We indulge ourselves with an original salad of rice, cucumbers and fried mushrooms with a total volume of 150 grams
Dinner :
And boiled cabbage

DAY 4-th:

Breakfast :
Now to the habitual 50 g of rice
Add 200 ml. Milk
And one apple
Lunch :
150 g of rice,
50 g of carrots and radish
Dinner :
150 g of rice,
A pair of walnuts,
Boiled carrots - 1 pc.

DAY 5:

Breakfast :
To the pic we add
And a glass of skimmed yogurt
Lunch :
Rice (150 g.)
And again boiled zucchini with a bunch of any greens
Dinner :
To 150 g of rice we add
4 walnuts
And lettuce leaves

DAY 6th:

Breakfast :
4 walnuts
Pear of medium size
Lunch :
150 grams of boiled rice,
50 g of zucchini with lettuce leaves
Dinner :
150 g of rice,
A spoonful of sour cream
Pear (1 pc.)

DAY 7th, final:

Breakfast :
50 grams of rice and green apple
Lunch :
Eat rice with tomato and lettuce,
You can all connect and eat as an independent dish
Dinner :
100 gr. Rice
Boiled squash
As you can see, the menu is diverse and not boring. Rice diet But if you think that having conscientiously stayed on this diet for 1-2 weeks, you can afford everything you ate before, you are mistaken. Portions of food need to be reduced, stop abusing forbidden sweet-fat-fried foods, move more and weight will be stable, and the body will work like clockwork.Rice diet

Option number 3

It acts as a prophylaxis for the purification of the body . If you take this option for service throughout your life, you can forget about constipation, toxins and toxins.Rice diet
To do this,Rice diet simply in the morning on an empty stomach to eat a couple of tablespoons of rice, a little undercooked and do not drink then a couple of hours of no liquid.
Then return to your usual diet.Rice diet

Also there is a specially developed rice diet after 30 years ,Rice diet which allows all women and men to forget about extra pounds. Rice diet Its menu is different from the above, but the duration is 7 days , during which you need to limit yourself to salt consumption.
Menu for the whole period:
For breakfast goes 100 grams of boiled rice, 150 ml. Low-fat yogurt or kefir with a spoonful of honey.
Lunch consists of 150 grams of poultry (not a goose, and not a duck) cooked in a steamer and 100 grams of rice.
For dinner, we make assorted of 50 grams of rice, vegetables and 1 teaspoon of olive oil.
After a survey among people of this age group, it was concluded that a rice diet after 30 years is no less effective than in the early years.Rice diet
Now do you understand why rice diet is so popular? The reviews about her are amazing , to many people she helped change life for the better, change the usual 54 size to 44-46 and all this in a short period of time. Some see results in the first days, and someone needs time, so that the weight finally moves from the "dead point".Rice diet

What are the benefits of a rice diet?

1 . Rice is a very useful and tasty product that helps to cleanse the body, saturate it with vitamins and trace elements. Its combination with different products is ideal, it allows you to make a wide variety of dishes.
2 . Rice removes toxins, toxins, salt and excess fat, which has a positive effect not only on the process of losing weight, but also on the body as a whole.Rice diet Rice diet
But the rice diet has its drawbacks. What kind?
1 . The diet creates the illusion of losing weight, because in a greater degree the water comes out of the body, which comes back immediately, as soon as you start to consume salt. It is ideal to sit on a rice diet before some important event.Rice diet
2 . Rice can affect the condition of the stomach, especially if it is used very often in the diet.
3 . The probability of failure is very high, control yourself!
If you like rice, then you are on the right track,Rice diet and this is a rice diet. Reviews about it can be positive and from you, it is only worth a try, and you will forget and sagging belly and bad health.
Good luck in hard battle!

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