Lemon diet is one of the few that helps to fight excess weight quickly and easily. And the whole secret in lemons, which are used in the process of losing weight constantly.
The effectiveness of this citrus fruit in terms of weight loss has been proven even by scientists.
They carried out a series of studies, after which they found out that
the lemon promotes better digestion of food and the burning of fat
And it happens because of the content of citric acid in it, which
generally has a beneficial effect on the work of the digestive tract. It inhibits the absorption of fat and carbohydrates, and also increases intestinal peristalsis.lemon diet for weight loss.
However, dietitians forbid the use of this fruit to people who have an
increased acidity of the stomach, since this can greatly affect health,
and not for the better.lemon diet for weight loss.
There is a huge amount of lemon diets. Let's consider some of them.
Extreme lemon diet
This diet is calculated only for 2 days and for such a short period of
time its creators promise to lose weight at least as much as 5 kg. However, reviews of the diet are said to have been committed about another - there are results, but not so stunning. Most of those who tested this diet managed to lose only 2-3 kg. But for many, this is a very big result.lemon diet for weight loss.
Remember that a lemon diet of 5 kg for 2 days is very strict
and it can only be used by people who have tremendous health and have
immense willpower, because here you have to rely only on it.lemon diet for weight loss.
So, the essence of this diet is to completely cleanse the body of all harmful. And to do this you will need to completely give up food for these 2 days. It is allowed to drink only lemon drink, which is prepared according to a special recipe.lemon diet for weight loss.
Take 7 fresh lemons and squeeze juice from them. Add to it a tablespoon of natural honey and a teaspoon of red pepper. After that, mix everything thoroughly and dilute with 1.5 liters of boiled water.lemon diet for weight loss.
Ready drink should be consumed within 1 day. On the second day he is preparing again.
Remember that it is strictly forbidden to apply such a diet for more
than two days, as this can lead to the development of various diseases,
as well as to a sharp deterioration in your state of health.lemon diet for weight loss.
Diet lemon yogurt
lemon diet for weight loss
This diet is also strict and promises to reduce weight by 3-5 kg. It lasts for 2 days. But her menu can not suit everyone, because the lemon will have to be eaten 3 times a day and washed down with 1% kefir. Breakfast, lunch and dinner consist of 0.5 liters of kefir and ½ lemon.
In addition to kefir and lemon it is allowed to use a lot of liquid. Do not neglect it, as it also contributes to weight loss, removing accumulated toxins from the body.lemon diet for weight loss
Classical lemon diet
This is a classic version of the lemon diet, which is ideal for those who can not refuse food and sit whole days on the water. The diet lasts only two weeks and the essence is the daily use of lemon juice, diluted in water, during the day. lemon diet for weight loss.
It is allowed to use not only juice, but also pulp, and lemon zest. They can be added to various dishes and drinks (for example, tea ).
In the diet must be necessarily present a variety of vegetables and fruits, which will avoid health problems. Also, you must eat nuts. Although they are high in calories, they are very useful - they contain substances that neutralize fruit sugar. lemon diet for weight loss.They can be eaten by one small handful once a day. Well, or add them to food.
Fish and meat are also mandatory foods that must be present on your table at least once a day. However, it is worth giving preference to low-fat varieties, and when preparing them, use either zest or lemon juice.
As for the liquid, it must be very much.lemon diet for weight loss.
You need to drink about 1.5 liters of clean water, and in addition to it, drink more green tea as often as possible, since it helps burn fat and remove excess fluid from the body.
Physical loads are also necessary in this case, if you want to achieve the greatest results. Organize the morning jogs , go to work on foot, instead of the elevator use a ladder, etc.lemon diet for weight loss.
Moreover, physical activity improves metabolism
, which means that you can adjust your body to the right track and
after the diet you will not gain an extra kilogram, as it usually
happens.lemon diet for weight loss.
Before you sit down on a classic lemon diet, it is recommended to cleanse the body of toxins , and therefore you will need to arrange a couple of fasting days . You can use the diets described above, or find the most suitable option for yourself.lemon diet for weight loss.
But remember, whatever diet you choose, before using it, you need to consult a doctor.lemon diet for weight loss.