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Diet separate meals

separation of power Diet separate meals

Have you tried a lot of diets, but still are not happy with the result? What's the catch? Maybe you do not follow the rules of dietary nutrition correctly or give slabinka and pamper yourself with a delicious cake after 18:00 (ah-yai-yay)? Everything is on your conscience, but have not you ever thought that your body is no longer functioning rhythmically and clearly as an hour? And all the fault is an unbalanced, sometimes excessively fatty and heavy diet, which quickly gives way to correction of mistakes, that is, a diet.Diet separate meals
If your body had the right to vote, he would have read you well for a long time, because such loads, go, stand. Today you went to the name day and arranged a "belly holiday", and the next day you drink vodichku, in the hope of dissolving calories. And it seems to be all right, but the metabolism is in a light shock, and over time comes a reckoning: the weight is on, the diets do not help, and the fat in the hips and abdomen is categorically against leaving the usual living space. It is necessary to change something!Diet separate meals
Pay attention to separate meals . The fact that many heard about him is beyond doubt, but very few people applied it in practice. What is the problem? Most likely, inadequate awareness of this food system and laziness, and perhaps the fear of something new, because many by nature are conservatives.
The rudiments of separate nutrition appeared even in Ancient Rome, already then many doctors talked about the incompatibility of some products and called with particular caution to treat fatty, salty, sweet and flour dishes. The foundations and the main principles of separate nutrition in the end led the physician-naturoologist Herbert Shelton, who devoted many years to the study of the processes of assimilation of food.
Separate food is based on the reception of simple food , because the usual and exotic dishes are heavily weighted with various products, which, although tasty, but often incompatible. About weight reduction at the use of such food there can be no question. The most important thing is never to combine proteins with carbohydrates .
The catch is that for the assimilation of proteins the body needs an acidic environment, but carbohydrates are perfectly cleaved in an alkaline medium. If you eat protein and follow carbohydrate, then there is a conflict of media: acid and alkaline enzymes, standing out overnight, begin to neutralize each other, which causes the digestion process to slow down, and part of the food simply does not remain untreated with gastric juices.
As a result, the accumulation of fats, slags and salts is quite a natural process, because it is not without reason that they say that it is not important how much food we consume, but what it is .Diet separate meals

What products require an acid medium?

Seafood and fish
Seafood and fish
Milk (controversially)
Cheeses with low fat content
Pome fruits
Pome fruits
Stone fruit
Stone fruit
Exotic fruits
All exotic (in addition to bananas) fruit
citrus fruit
Various berries
Natural juices
Fruit-containing teas
Semi-dry wines
All semi-dry wines (including sparkling wines)

In an alkaline environment such carbohydrates are needed

Flour products
And flour products
Green cabbagepotatoesparsnip
Some vegetables
(Green cabbage, potatoes, parsnips, and Jerusalem artichoke)
Tomatoes and spinach
Processed tomatoes and spinach
Fresh bananas
Fresh bananas
Figs (and dried)
dried apricots
dried apricots

There are, so to speak, neutral products

For their processing, it is necessary to have both an acidic and fir-tree environment.
leafy vegetables
All leafy vegetables
Cabbage (not green)
Bell pepper
Bell pepper
Green plants
Green plants
Fresh tomatoes
Fresh tomatoes
dairy products
dairy products
Cottage Cheese and Cheese
Cottage Cheese and Cheese
Various fats
Nuts and Shift
Nuts and change (besides peanuts)
vegetable juices
Vegetable juices (diluted)
Separate food
Herbal teas

Separate diet for weight loss has several more principles:

Proteins are proteins

This combination is unacceptable, especially if the protein is saturated. In other words, it is not worth combining meat with fish, nuts or eggs, as these protein products are different in composition and need a lot of food juices and time to qualitatively process them. Diet separate mealsOtherwise, 100% digestion may not occur, which will entail gassing in the intestines, poor health and slagging.

Proteins are fats

In no case do not allow yourself such a harmful combination of food. The essence of the problem is that fats (vegetable, butter) do not allow the gastric juices to be released in the required amount, thereby slowing the process of food processing by 5-10% (Shelton's calculations). Based on this, the doctor was categorically opposed to oil enemas.

Proteins - acids

Do not combine protein foods with sour fruits. Many may be outraged by this rule, but the point is that for digesting protein there are enough of those gastric juices that stand out naturally, but the acid from the outside only slows digestion, eventually the food begins to rot. Proceeding from this, it is not necessary to eat meat, eggs and cheese with tomatoes.Diet separate meals

Carbohydrates - acids

This combination should also be avoided. Acid in products such as oranges, lemons, grapes, apples, sorrel, etc. Destroys an enzyme such as ptyalin , which is actively involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates - carbohydrates

To say that it is harmful, probably, in vain, because many themselves understand that the bread, potatoes or pea mashed potatoes not only on the figure will negatively affect, but also the metabolism will brake. The stomach will digest only one carbohydrate, so it is harmful, and the rest will be unaffected and cause fermentation.Diet separate meals

Carbohydrates - sugar

As it turned out, eating traditional cakes with jam and various jams, casseroles based on cereals or macaroni, bread with honey or jam in parallel with cereals or potatoes cause fermentation. Avoid these combinations.Diet separate meals
There are also two products that need to be consumed separately - milk and melon .
Milk due to the fact that it, in general, is not completely processed in the body (some advise it not to drink at all). There is an opinion that milk is the food of cubs, for good reason the calf drinks cow, goat - goat, man - breast. It turns out that the benefits of milk we received earlier, now it is not necessary in the diet.
Melon , eaten together with some product, often decomposes in the stomach, thereby causing fermentation and indigestion (has a lax effect). But its separate consumption will gently cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.Diet separate meals
Milk and melon

Separate power: Product compatibility table

gray - poorly compatible blue - acceptable green - well compatible

The product's name 1 2 3 4 5 6th 7th 8 9 10 eleven 12 13 14 15 16 17th
1 Meat, fish, poultry

2 Leguminous plants

3 Butter, cream

4 Sour cream

5 Vegetable oil

6th Sugar, confectionery

7th Bread, cereals, potatoes

8 Fruits sour, tomatoes

9 Fruit semisolid

10 Fruit sweet, dried fruits

eleven Vegetables green and non-starchy

12 Starchy vegetables

13 Milk

14 Curd, sour-milk products

15 Cheese, cheese

16 Eggs

17th Nuts

How to use the product compatibility table:

The product compatibility table lists the most consumed foods. They are assigned numbers, the row number corresponds to the column number (so 16 rows and 16 columns are eggs).
The color in the intersection of the row and column means the following: gray - invalid combination, blue - allowable combination, green - good combination.Diet separate meals
EXAMPLE: Is it possible to eat bread and cheese?
Bread is №7, cheese is №15. At the intersection of line number 7 with column number 15 - yellow light. This is a valid combination.

Separate diet for weight loss in its time caused a lot of controversy about "is it good or bad," the debate is going on, and to this day. Some loudly say that it makes no sense to divide food into proteins and carbohydrates, because in the modern world there are no pure protein or carbohydrate vegetables. And in the duodenum there is a complete digestion and assimilation of all products, regardless of their type. But on the other hand, we ourselves complicate the work of internal organs, forcing the heart, liver, kidneys and stomach to work hard after a hearty meal, or worse - a heavy fat meal.Diet separate meals
Another thing is to wean an ordinary person away from previously permitted sweets and delicacies. How to be without your favorite roast potatoes with garlic, or juicy steak with a glass of wine? At this step, few people will decide, because to follow such a diet is worth a lifetime.
Speaking of life ....
Herbert Shelton and his predecessor Howard Hay have lived almost a hundred years , and this is in view of the fact that the last doctor was very ill and doomed to death. But in just 8 months, cardinal changes took place in the body, to which Howard is grateful in the first place for a separate diet, which not only healed him, but also gave a lot of vital and spiritual strength. Is it possible afterwards to say that separate food is meaningless and has no right to exist?

There is no contraindication of separate nutrition , but the indications are mass, and first of all it is diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach, gastritis, ulcer, etc. Everyone who wants not only to lose weight, but also to improve their health, must pay attention to the separate food, which allows you to find appetizing forms with benefit to the body.Diet separate meals
It is worth considering that the separate meals menu is quite different, you can prepare different dishes, not depriving yourself of delicious, and most importantly healthy food. Herbert Shelton has developed several menu options, so:

Separate food: menu №1

Separate food: menu №1 As a first breakfast you can eat some fruit (no more than three kinds). On the first day, for example, you can have breakfast with sour fruits, and on the next - sweet. In the winter, when fruit abundance will no longer be possible to enjoy dried in the sun apricots, grapes or apples. Shop dried fruits are best avoided , because in addition to dyes and harmful additives, you will not find anything there, just do not look for it.Diet separate meals
The second breakfast can be a vegetable salad, but without a tomato, plus one boiled green vegetable and a starchy product (you can potatoes).
For lunch (dinner), prepare a large bowl of salad from different raw vegetables, two starchy vegetables and one protein product (if you chose nuts or cottage cheese, then it is permissible to put tomato in the salad).

Separate food: menu number 2

The first breakfast can be: oranges; Apples with grapes; Prunes, soaked in water with an apple (pear); Watermelon or melon; Dried fruits or fig fruits.
The second breakfast can also choose: green peas with carrots; Vegetable salad, spinach, carrots and beets; Vegetable salad and cereals; Sour fruit with a handful of nuts; Vegetable salad with cottage cheese.Diet separate meals
For lunch and dinner choose from this list: fruit salad; Apples with nuts; Vegetable salad and radish (along with the tops); Sour fruits and 100 grams of cottage cheese; Vegetable salad with spinach and nuts.
Separate food: menu number 2

Separate food: menu number 3

The first breakfast will be as follows: a bunch of grapes, a pear and some dates; Melon; Orange or grapefruit; Apples with dates (prunes).
As a second breakfast, choose from such a list: baked potatoes with green salad, cucumber and celery; Baked potatoes with lettuce, spinach, steamed and a small slice of rye bread and butter; Leaves of lettuce, cabbage and cucumbers, beets, a slice of whole grain bread.Diet separate meals
Lunch and dinner will consist of: lettuce leaves with tomatoes and cucumbers, spinach, walnuts (almonds, peanuts, etc.); Steam cabbage, celery and spinach with fried meat (preferably on a grill or with a minimum amount of oil); Salad from vegetables, tomatoes, spinach, one egg and steam eggplant.
Separate food: menu number 3

Separate food - recipes

Caught yourself thinking that you are good for separate food?
Recipes for him, or rather their abundance you just will not disappoint. Many people think that diet and nutrition systems are unreachable, they are boring, because even there is nothing to cook and they are very mistaken, because the restrictions on the compatibility of products do not mean that one must eat everything strictly one by one. On the contrary, separate food recipes are excellent, which even supporters can very much like.Diet separate meals
Here are a few examples of dishes, the preparation of which does not take long, and you will be satisfied and satisfied.

Salad of cucumbers and eggs

Salad of cucumbers and eggs Required:
- 3-4 cucumbers
- a pair of eggs
- greens of your choice
- 1 tbsp. olive oil
- salt and spices to taste
Eggs boil hard, chill and clean. Cut into cubes or pass through a special strainer, add to them cut into half rings or cubes cucumbers, all this refill with oil and add. Salad ready!

Hake with steamed vegetables

If you have a steamer - it's wonderful, because with its help you can cook a lot of useful dishes without adding oil and other fats.Diet separate meals
To prepare a dish you need:
Hake with steamed vegetables
- Hake fillet (you can take any other low-fat fish)
- lemon juice
- a couple of carrots and bell peppers (or at their own choice)
- salt
- Oriental (any other) spices
- the foil is additionally necessary
Marinate the hake fillet in lemon sauce, add salt, add your favorite spices and wrap it in foil. The same actions we carry out with vegetables. Load the fish and vegetables into the steamer and hold for 20-30 minutes (depending on the mode and power). Fish and vegetables should be cooked separately, so that their aroma does not interact with each other. Done!

Summer Vinaigrette

For a salad you need:
Summer Vinaigrette - a pair of potatoes
- 1 beet
- 150 gr. Cauliflower
- medium-sized carrots
- lettuce leaves
- greenery
- Olive little and salt
Potatoes, beets and carrots boil until cooked and cut into cubes. Disassembled to inflorescence boiled cauliflower, too, chop, and combine all this in a bowl. Salt, season with oil and decorate with greens and lettuce. Bon Appetit!

As you can see - separate food is a universal system that allows you to improve your health and get rid of excess weight, which recently pestering with the presence of many men and women.Diet separate meals
At first, such a correct diet may seem boring and non-nutritious, but over time, addiction will come, and you will not be able to move on to harmful, complex dishes.Diet separate meals

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