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diet for weight loss breakfast

What do you usually eat for breakfast, are you sure that this is the right food that promotes weight loss? Let's understand with you the principles of proper breakfast and choose your healthy for weight loss breakfast.
We all want to eat delicious and healthy , while not getting better, or even better - losing weight. And this is not a fairy tale - the right start of the day and a well-designed breakfast can become a pledge of losing weight. diet for weight loss breakfast. What do you usually eat for breakfast, are you sure that this is the right food that promotes weight loss? Let's understand with you the principles of proper breakfast and choose your healthy for weight loss breakfast.

Lunch or not?

Many people think that it is easier to lose weight, if you stop eating breakfast at all or something completely insignificant, but this opinion is for weight loss breakfast.
During the night sleep, the body does not stop working - it actively recycles what we ate the entire previous day. This energy is spent on the renewal of cells and nutrition of organs and tissues. Most people do not eat or drink at night, although there are exceptions - some get to drink water or have a for weight loss breakfast.
Therefore, for the most part, the body wakes up in the morning with a feeling of hunger, even if we do not realize it - it's a hunger at the cell level, they have accumulated a lot of free radicals, toxins and little water, they need makeup for awakening and active inclusion in metabolism . It is for this purpose that breakfast is for weight loss breakfast.
So how to start your day right - eat or not eat in the morning?
Option 1: Do not have breakfast
 diet for weight loss breakfast
If you do not have breakfast at all, then after half an hour or hour you will begin to experience bouts of irritation or impotence. This is due to a decrease in the level of nutrients for the brain - glucose, the brain gets angry and sends impulses to the activation of metabolism and the rapid release of glucose from the liver and muscles, because of this, the muscles for weight loss breakfast.
You may want to eat when the glucose level becomes critical. Then you will eat much more than you should, and choose foods that are difficult for digestion, because you are very hungry. As a result, you will jump sharply, which will cause the body to save excess calories in the bins - on the stomach , hips and buttocks.
Option 2: Tightly breakfast
In the morning you drink sweet coffee with sandwiches, drink juices, eat chocolates, rolls or sweet muesli. It seems to be a good breakfast? Only at first glance, as in such a breakfast a lot of light carbohydrates, which sharply begin to raise the level of sugar in the for weight loss breakfast.
In response to this irritation, the pancreas produces a lot of insulin, and all the blood sugar is stored in the cells in fat, spoiling your hips and waist. And since glucose is quickly deported to fat cells, you again want to eat treacherously, although it's still a long way from lunch time, and start to snack something again, adding calories to the body.
Option 3: Breakfast on the principles of proper nutrition
This is the only correct option, so as not to be hungry, and keep cheerfulness with efficiency, without hurting the figure. But what are these miracle products? In the morning, sometimes there is no time to stand at the stove and cook special dishes. And this is not necessary: ​​the "right breakfast" is not necessarily equal to the "culinary masterpiece".diet for weight loss breakfast.

Products that you need to choose for breakfast slimming

Correct breakfast for effective weight loss /
In breakfast, the main thing is the balance of nutrients and a sufficient number of calories for activity, but not such as to save them in reserve. The diet should contain protein and fat, even a little, as well as complex carbohydrates and a lot of fiber to have a stimulating effect on for weight loss breakfast.
So, the basic part of breakfast - complex carbohydrates in the form of starch (from plant foods) or glycogen (animal analogue of starch). It can be buckwheat or oatmeal in milk or water, wheat bran, natural muesli without additives . To the base part, it is good to make an addition in the form of a protein component - eggs, boiled chicken or steam cutlet .diet for weight loss breakfast. An analogue of meat products may be dairy.
In breakfast, fats are also useful - it is better if it is vegetable oil or quality creamy . You also need a lot of fruit or vegetables - make a salad or slicing .
If you can not physically force yourself to eat breakfast - at first eat fruits and half of eggs, and gradually learn to eat breakfast - this is a useful habit .diet for weight loss breakfast.
To drink breakfast is useful for natural coffee , not soluble surrogates, or black tea - these drinks help to lose weight. Wean from the cream and sugar in coffee - they will not bring for weight loss breakfast.

Myths about breakfast

Television and the media instill in us the stereotypes of breakfast, which must certainly be in every house, and we begin to consider them true. But is it really so?
Correct breakfast for effective weight loss /
Let's talk about these myths in more detail:
  • Citrus juice for breakfast is not really as useful as it is customary to think. Due to fruit acids, it can irritate the stomach and cause discomfort, spoil the tooth enamel and interfere with digestion. The juice should be drunk no earlier than an hour after for weight loss breakfast.
  • Yogurt with special bacteria, which, in addition to nutrition, also allegedly increases immunity, in fact, no more than advertising. It can be useful only yogurt with a shelf life of no more than 3-5 days and not from plastic jars. In widely advertised yoghurts from real yoghurts there is perhaps a name.
  • Muesli, according to their producers, are also an excellent breakfast, but the way to get muesli is far from the principles of proper nutrition: flakes lose some of the minerals and vitamins , and the fruit in muesli is processed with gas for a bright color. According to many studies, in some muesli fats are more than in fried for weight loss breakfast.
  • They say that it's bad for breakfast to eat cheeses, they are fatty. But as we said above, a little fat in breakfast - only for good, so a couple of pieces of cheese will give a dose of protein and fat for strength and vigor. Just do not eat spicy and salty for weight loss breakfast.
  • There is also a myth that for breakfast it is not necessary to eat bananas , since they are caloric. Opinion banana calories for breakfast are not dangerous, in addition, the banana due to its structure envelops the digestive system and activates peristalsis. In addition, bananas give a sense of calm and relieve manifestations of premenstrual for weight loss breakfast.

What can you eat?

Menu of your breakfasts you can make yourself according to your desire and possibilities, because it is tasty and useful to eat.
Here are examples of breakfasts:
  • Oatmeal with raspberries, toast with cheese and butter, black coffee ,
  • Lavash with chicken and tomato, a cocktail of berries with cereals and yogurt,
  • Cottage cheese casserole with apple, green tea,
  • Steam omelet with dill and feta, coffee with cinnamon,
  • Buckwheat with vegetables and meatballs, black tea with lemon.
There are many options for breakfast, only on you depends on what will be your morning diet and mood for the whole for weight loss breakfast. Proper nutrition gives vivacity, and not excess centimeters at the waist. Breakfast is not the kind of food that should be for weight loss breakfast.

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