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diet for weight loss belly

Effective diet for slimming the sides and abdomen: the secrets of a slender waistline

Effective diet for slimming the sides and abdomen: the secrets of a slender waistline

The content of the article
In today's world full of stereotypes, imposed by television, advertising and other media, millions of women tend to reach the ideal figure at any cost. In order to look like girls from the cover, lovely young ladies resort to a variety of ways to get rid of excess weight. However, often unnecessary centimeters leave not from the places where they wanted, changing the female figure is far from the best. Instead of the ill-starred excess inches on the waist, sides and hips, the first female loss is the first female breast, which you always want to increase. But how to clean the stomach and sides, without damage to the chest and other parts of the body? It turns out that there is a special diet that allows you to make a flat stomach and achieve the desired results.

War with excess sediments

The area of ​​the hips, abdomen and sides in women today is called problem zones. It is in these parts of the female body that accumulation of excess fats is observed, from which it is so difficult to get rid of. And the reason for this is simple physiology. Nature has taken care that the body of a woman at any time could cope with the childbearing function - endure, give birth and feed the baby and therefore rewarded the beautiful half of humanity with bodies accumulating fat "reserves". And though with nature, as they say, you can not argue, every girl wants to remove belly and fat from the sides , and thus open wide opportunities for your wardrobe. Diet for a flat stomach in this case is not the only effective way. To achieve truly visible results in combating excess centimeters at the waist, a comprehensive approach should be applied, aimed both at reducing fat, and on increasing the tone of the skin and the elasticity of muscles. Thus, to clean the stomach and sides, you need not only to go on a diet, but also start doing physical exercises , do wraps and moisturize the skin.
Diet for slimming your sides and abdomen

Diet for slimming of the sides and abdomen

Whatever the various advertising slogans, but get rid of fat deposits at the waist will not work without a special diet for slimming belly and sides. This program of weight loss is designed to provide a local action, remove fat from the problem area and at the same time adjust the rest of the body. A fundamental factor in the diet is a complete cessation of smoking and any alcohol. It is proved that smoking and alcohol significantly disrupt the metabolism, and beer generally supersaturates the body with female hormones that cause the deposition of fat in the waist and abdomen. It is not at all surprising that the use of these products does not allow achieving slenderness in losing for weight loss belly.
Diet for the stomach and sides provides a fractional diet , namely the consumption of food by the principle: often and little. Food is consumed every 2-3 hours, after the onset of hunger. Portions should be small, and from the table should go out slightly hungry, given the fact, satiety comes in 15 minutes after eating. The meal should last at least 20 minutes and take place in a good mood. With this distribution of food, the stomach will gradually narrow, with each time requesting an ever smaller and smaller amount of for weight loss belly.
A fast diet for the stomach should include products such as:
  • Berries, fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • Cereals;
  • Eggs;
  • Beans;
  • Nuts and sunflower seeds;
  • Dairy and sour-milk products;
  • Olive and sunflower oil;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • Low-fat meat (chicken or turkey).
  •  diet for weight loss belly
Do not use the following products:
  • Smoking;
  • Margarine;
  • Whole milk;
  • Flour and sweet in any form;
  • Canned food;
  • Instant cereals and soups;
  • Fried food.
  •  diet for weight loss belly
A diet that allows you to quickly remove the stomach and sides , assumes a plentiful drink of purified simple or mineral water (at least 8 glasses per day), herbal or green for weight loss belly.
Diet for the stomach: an approximate menu

Diet for the stomach: an approximate menu for 1 day

Breakfast: 1 soft-boiled egg, one crisp bread, or 150 grams of dietary yogurt and 1 orange.
Lunch: vegetable soup, 250 grams of fish or meat without skins, vegetable salad.
Dinner: 75 grams steamed beans, grilled steak, 1 orange.
Lunch and dinner can be for weight loss belly.

Secrets of the wasp waist

  • Water on an empty stomach. Every day, in the morning, 30 minutes before eating, you need to drink a glass of warm water with lemon squeezed into it, which activates the work of the intestine and ensures the acceleration of metabolism .diet for weight loss belly.
  • Moisturizing the skin. After taking a shower on the skin of the problem areas of the body, it is necessary to apply a regular or anti-cellulite cream that tightens the skin and makes it more elastic.
  • Wrapping problem areas. diet for weight loss belly.For the elasticity of the stomach, regular wraps should be done. Coffee wrap or mask based on seaweed perfectly moisturizes the skin, making it more elastic and elastic.
  • Move and once again move! To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to select an effective complex of aerobic exercises for abdominal muscles , and then include it in daily gymnastics.

Exercises for slimming belly

As already mentioned before, a flat stomach is not achieved by a single diet. In addition to dietary nutrition, there is also a set of special exercises that allow you to get rid of the ill-fated "life circle" around the waist without too much time and for weight loss belly.

Exercise: "Torso bends"

Starting position: standing, hands on the waist, legs spread apart on the width of the shoulders. The slopes of the trunk are performed slowly 15-20 times to the left and to the for weight loss belly.

Exercise: "Torso Turns"

Starting position: standing, hands are at the chest level and bent at the elbows, legs are spread apart on the width of the shoulders. Turning the trunk to the right and left is performed on exhalation, the duration is 5 minutes.
Exercises for slimming belly

Exercise: Scissors

Starting position: lying on the floor, hands along the trunk, legs 15 cm away from the floor. In several approaches, we simulate the movement of scissors with our feet, until fatigue sets for weight loss belly.

Exercise: "Elbow-knee"

Starting position: lying on the floor, legs are pinched, hands under the head. Left elbow slowly stretch to the right knee, freeze for a few seconds and then lie down on the floor. The same is repeated with the opposite elbow and knee. The duration of the exercise is 5 for weight loss belly.

Exercise: "Bicycle"

Starting position: lying on the floor, legs slightly bent at the knees and raised, hands along the trunk. Quick movements simulate for weight loss belly.

Exercise: "Fading"

Starting position: lying on the floor or on the bed, under the head is a pillow, hands along the trunk, legs are stretched down. In this position, it is necessary to maximally involve the abdomen, using the muscles of the abdominal press, to stay for a while and completely for weight loss belly

Reviews of the diet for slimming your sides and abdomen

  • Janna Dudnik
    After delivery, I gained 20 kg. Immediately as it was all the same, but my husband began to pay attention to my problem. And I did not feel comfortable myself. Diet attracted attention: the secrets of a slender waist. The initial weight was 72 kg with a height of 156 cm. It took a couple of weeks and I noticed that a diet in combination with exercises really works. Plummet for 2 weeks was - 7 kg. I continue to achieve my for weight loss belly.
    • Marina
      7 kilos is a lot. And only sat on a diet? I managed to achieve only a maximum of 4.5 kilos in two weeks. But I limited calorie content, plus cardioads in the hall 3 times a week, plus Enterosgel drank early in the week to get rid of toxin from the intestine. I'm pregnant for only 2 kilos scored, but before pregnancy I already had extra 10 kilos for the winter purchased. My height is 172, weight after birth is 76. Now 72, while I stood still, it's been a week or so. Maybe I'm doing something for weight loss belly.
      • INTEGRAL
        The girl has low height, and the weight is the same, so she and extra pounds - more
  • Anna Osmolik
    I have an eternal problem - it's sides. Several times already gaining weight and dumping it, but I can not remove the sides. Directly punishing some! When I tried to lose weight, I refused to myself in almost everything! All the same, they do not leave their sides. I do not do physical exercises. Now I'm thinking of doing sports actively, maybe in this way I'll get rid of my sides ...
    • Alla
      Not only you have this problem, but most of the girls. Less flour and sweet, more vegetables and fruits, as well as physical exercises. If you really do not like them, then go swimming, the figure will be in order after three months.
    • Olivia
      Hoop you to help :) A great exercise for the sides - do not necessarily buy a heavy holuhub, enough normal, but you need to practice regularly. And before the diets and during them I take enterosgel to get rid of toxins. Otherwise, from a lack of calories, the intestine can again begin to suck the accumulated toxins in it, and it's an allergy, pimples ... And so this gel and cleansing makes and partially satisfies the hunger filling the stomach. And the appetite becomes less - you will not get cut off once for weight loss belly.
      • Arinka
        Olivia, and how long can I take this gel? I was interested in information about cleansing toxins before a for weight loss belly.
        • Olivia
          Arinka, I take about a week, but in general you can drink it up to 10 days. I just have enough of this enterosgel to get cleaned for three days before a diet and then another four days during a diet to poprinat it. Like this gel - does not destroy the microflora of the intestine and comes completely out of the body, taking with itself only for weight loss belly.
  • Beautykasia.
    After quitting smoking, I gained extra pounds. At first I tried to limit myself not to eat after 18.00. But it is difficult. Then on the Internet I found information about proper nutrition. Has already dumped 3 kg. But it took me 2 weeks. Though from time to time I use sweet. However, the sides and abdomen decreased significantly. Now I want to add fitness, so that the skin does not for weight loss belly.
    • Ira T.
      I also gained weight after quitting smoking. I was very upset because of this, started to limit myself to eating, I started on a diet, just like you tried not to eat after 6 pm, but the deposits on your stomach and hips all the same remained. I rummaged on the Internet and found a complex for a "flat stomach", part of the exercises mentioned in the article. It helps, the stomach decreases. So I advise you to connect physical exercises. Good luck to for weight loss belly.
  • Inna
    The main thing to lose weight with the mind, not getting into extremes. And it is necessary to clean the body before the diet itself. You can clean, for example, Enterosgel, this is a good silicon-based enterosorbent. He and the stomach protects during a diet and removes toxins from the for weight loss belly.
    • Olga
      Inna, could you write more about cleaning up the organism? How much time they took the drug. However, I have already started somewhere for a week to adhere to this diet, the results are not yet very visible, but I do not despair. I would like some other recipes useful and tasty, or the menu is not for one day, but for a week for example
  • Irina Bondarenko
    I do not like the word diet, I never sat on them. But after the birth, could not return to its form, 5 extra pounds stubbornly kept and did not want to leave. It's not much, but if they went where necessary, or they settled in problematic places. Therefore I sat down on a fast diet for the sides and abdomen. Actually, this is not exactly a diet, but the usual proper nutrition. To all this, I forced myself to drink 2 liters of clean water a day,diet for weight loss belly. honestly drank through strength, after 18 I did not eat. Water, a very important aspect of this diet, you need to drink it for 20 minutes before eating a glass. Plus shook the press and twisted the hoop for 20 minutes a day. The result, a month later on the scales minus 5 kilograms, the waist decreased by 2 cm. The goal is reached, I'm happy)
  • Marina Vasilyeva
    So I after the birth stayed with a sagging belly and extra 15 kilograms, panic was terrible, rummaged through the Internet in search of diets and that's stopped here. I confess, I threw it twice, but from the third time I regained my composure and brought it to the end, in the end minus 8 kg, I will rest for a while and once again I will go on a diet. I'll drop the remaining hated kg, especially since it's easier for weight loss belly.
  • Marisha
    A few months ago I had to drink a course of pills with progesterone. Only by the end of the course I understood how much I recovered (I was very upset, because I was always slim, but now I can not fasten my favorite clothes.) I'm very lazy to the exercises, to be honest, but still I began to quietly perform, though a little less I follow the diet more strictly, I already see the first results, they make me very happy! I think we need to press on with physical loads and it will go even better
    • Que Est Ce
      The correct idea of ​​physical exercise, without it anywhere, has already been tested. Diets, restrictions, this is all possible for prevention, sometimes, but a significant push to lose weight is given by sports.
      • Lida Petrova
        Nothing like this. A significant impetus to losing weight is given by nutrition - the restriction of sweet-flour, or, better, - PP. On the right diet without sports you will lose weight, but on the contrary - it is unlikely) I usually sit on mono-diet - I throw off a little, I have enough. Any diet my way of Enterosgel is used to remove toxins from the body. Moreover, this enterosorbent also covers the stomach - it's a little and the feeling of hunger dulls. Loots well at times better
  • Catherine
    The figure from my grandmother inherited from me. This figure is hard to name)) About the waist had only to dream, thin, the more thin, it was not even in my youth. From friends I heard about a diet for the sides and abdomen. I liked that it is supplemented by exercises, it is clear that it is more effective. Of course, I had to fight with laziness, but now I have 72 cm. Long-awaited! Honestly earned! Someone will say "a little", but I'm proud of them!
    • Elena Shcherbatsevich
      Congratulations on the excellent result, do not stop there! As I understand you to overcome laziness at times so difficult. The most difficult thing is the beginning of this in the same spirit. It helps me very well to twist the wrap and torso of the trunk. And of course I have to refuse myself in the for weight loss belly.
  • Ivanienko Kseniya
    After the second birth for a year and a half struggling with excess weight, and he came for some reason after the birth of the child in half a year, just in the spring .. and the diet here for slimming the sides and abdomen - it turns out, my current lifestyle. The only thing I sin - sometimes I can eat bread, or at night (I often stay up late) and do not have time to do the exercises. Although of course I understand, and I promise myself that I will. Today, the press shook with the son. The beginning is already there, thanks for the tips about the exercises, took for weight loss belly.
  • Eve
    After the winter just podkonapilsya zhirok, so it would be nice to get rid of it. I agree that diet alone will not help, but physical exercises are needed. "Bike" and "Scissors" I often do, I'll try the rest of the exercises, I hope that they will give the result. Even evening walks or jogging in the fresh air will not be harmful. Then the beach season can be approached in the for weight loss belly.
  • Mari
    After many diets, which I tried after delivery, I came to a diet: the secrets of a slender waist. Sitting on other diets, I well threw off weight but my stomach and sides still remained. Thanks to fractional nutrition and physical exercises, my body became ideal. The husband is just delighted with my new figure. Believe me, not one man after this diet will not leave you unattended.
  • Irina
    Without a diet, you can lose weight, because. Correctly food is a way of life, and the diet is short-lived and all kg then back - oppa, here they are returned to the birthplace. I at one time tried and Japanese, and strict, and the Kremlin diet is all garbage. It is better to eat properly and when you need to lose weight before drinking, try to lose Arkofluid. Well, there are no magic pills, when you burst like an elephant, and drank a tablets-bacs, the worst prisoner in Buchinwald-do not believe in this rubbish!
    • Irina Gorlova
      So no one argues that thanks to proper nutrition you can lose weight) That's just not all have the opportunity to lead such a healthy lifestyle, so we sit on different diets and other things) From my experience I noticed that it loses weight better and easier after you clean it The body from toxins with toxins (I accept Enterosgel for this purpose, it excels everything perfectly, and it's safe too) And I have my extra pounds and then go off stably)
  • Alex Corp
  • Anna
    I chose a hardware massage for weight loss, I go to Vortex. He has the advantage that he removes swelling and excess water from the body, moreover, this is a rather quick method. I was told that in ten sessions really lose weight by the size, or even two, I did not believe at first. For such a time, usually only the shifts begin. But I thought, if half truth, it's good. Now I'm sure, I'm wearing my own forty-sixth again, for three months I've been holding one volume. Yes, just do not need to rush to eat everything, otherwise everything is quickly re-typed. This, although very effective procedure, is not magic anyway.
  • Olga Pilynkina
    I also began to experiment with diets to lose weight. So after the first diet immediately began acne. Then she bought expensive medications and treated them. And then my sister told me that during the diet it is necessary to take the enterosgel so that toxins can be injected from the body. And the truth was with him on diets to sit and problems with pimples were gone and unpleasant sensations in the intestines with diets are for weight loss belly.
    • Christina Ray
      Oh, thank you for the comment. And I also did not guess, that pryshchiki during diets not at one me happens. It is necessary to try to lose weight on your advice
  • Alya
    Always envied the girls who, after giving birth, without any problems, return their former weight. And I wasted right with losing weight this. It will take a couple of kilograms, then it will return as much (and good, if not more). As a result, he listened to the advice of the girls, decided to take in conjunction with diet and exercises, and Enterosgel - he removes harmful substances from the body, including fat decay products, So that weight loss is more qualitative, or what. Yes, and noticed that the appetite became less. Now I have excellent everything, losing weight in full swing, the results are already available and visible :)
    • Irina Gorlova
      It is necessary to read about this, thanks
  • Katerina Markina
    I also decided to go on a diet with Enterosgel. Before the sport, while the hands did not reach, alas, but progress is already there - for a couple of weeks of such weight loss the weight shifted and became smaller - almost without effort on my part. This is clearly Enterosgel helped - it takes the same muck all. So with a redoubled energy I grow farther
  • Lily
    Guys, I wanted to ask. Really. To me only 13. Veshu 48. An abdomen kg so 4. (mb)
    Should I use a diet? (Meat / fish, although not much, but there is, so animal protein and carbohydrates are there.)
  • Mary Kay
    Decided to lose weight with Enterosgel. It seems fine so far - I eat like a mouse, tk. The enterosorbent fills the stomach well, leaves all unnecessary, including substances formed from the splitting of fatty deposits (so the skin remains clean, and in general there is no harm to health)

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