diet chart for weight loss in 90 days
The content of the article
90 day diet will be a real boon for those who disrupt the normal
metabolism, there are more than 20 extra kilograms, and previous
attempts to lose weight have failed.
The power system is designed for a quick discharge of excess weight by
removing excess fluid and harmful substances from the chart for weight loss in 90 days.
The first time a diet is very difficult to sustain, but after the body
gets used to such a separate feed, shrinking the volume of the stomach,
and the other days of the diet are more chart for weight loss in 90 days.
Since the diet lasts 90 days, so you should set your body in advance to drive change.
It is necessary not only to prepare the digestive system for the future
"stress", but also to direct all thoughts and experiences in a positive
direction. Retreat from the diet is not recommended, to break even more so.
If you decide - forward, and if in doubt - then do not start!
By the attached special diet exercise , pre-list the plan of action, make the menus and select yourself time to light jogging, gymnastics, yoga or chart for weight loss in 90 days.
Basic principles of the diet 90 days
There are 4 cycles of separate nutrition according to diet
- Protein. From this cycle, the diet begins. The menu is rich in protein products, meat, fish, milk, eggs, chart for weight loss in 90 days
- Starchy. On this day, you can eat foods that are high in starch. These are cereals, potatoes, legumes and grain chart for weight loss in 90 days
- Carbohydrate. Accordingly, all products that have a high glycemic index. You can even pamper yourself with chocolate bar and sweet chart for weight loss in 90 days
- Fruit. The diet is rich, contains fresh fruits, dried fruits, seeds, nuts, freshly squeezed fruit cocktails. Keep fruits low in calories, bananas, avocados, peaches and chart for weight loss in 90 days
Every last day of the cycle, you should spend a hungry fasting day,
after which you can start the next level of the 90 day diet.
Nutritionists recommend:
- Have breakfast only with fruit cocktails
- Dinner should not be before noon, and if you are suffering from a fit of hunger - you can eat fresh fruit
- Break between meals should be at least 3-4 hours
- After eight o'clock in the evening no longer eat, before going to bed you need to drink a glass of water
- The lunch portion should be the most satisfying, and in the evening the dosage should be reduced to half
- Only fresh vegetables and fruits are welcome, preferably homemade, without nitrates and chemical additives
When preparing dishes, vegetable oil and salt should be limited, salads
can be seasoned with lemon juice, diet chart for weight loss in 90 days.and the ingredients can be steamed,
boiled or grilled
Fried, smoked, canned, salted, fatty and sweet is better to remove from
the diet for 90 days, and it is possible for life, these are harmful
products that will not benefit the body
- Abundant drink, clean water, non-carbonated drinks, dried fruit compotes, herbal infusions and decoctions are chart for weight loss in 90 days.
Follow the caloric content of food, you can make a table for yourself,
where the number of units in each product will be indicated
- Regular physical chart for weight loss in 90 days.
These rules will help you to adequately withstand a diet and lose the annoying extra pounds.
The diet of the protein cycle is as follows:
For breakfast: any two fruits.
Lunch: low-fat stew -200g, 2 boiled eggs, 150 grams of cottage cheese, fresh salad and one slice of granular chart for weight loss in 90 days.
Dinner is easier: half of the luncheon portions. Pure water.
You can enter into the diet all kinds of sour-milk products, various
dishes from eggs, low-fat rabbit meat, chicken, turkey, cottage cheese,
low-fat cheese. Bread for dinner should be excluded from the menu, only a slice is allowed for chart for weight loss in 90 days.
The diet of the starchy cycle is as follows:
For breakfast: any two fruits.
We have lunch: beans, peas or potatoes - 200g, fresh salad and one slice of bread.
Dinner is easier: half of the luncheon portions. Pure water.
Broths should be cooked on a vegetable basis, led into a diet of salads from beets, to cleanse the intestines .
The diet of the carbohydrate cycle is as follows:
For breakfast: any two fruits.
Lunch: pasta, cooked with seasonings -200 grams, lean pancakes.
Dinner is easier: half of the luncheon portions. Pure water.
You can eat salty crackers or pizza for chart for weight loss in 90 days.
It is necessary to follow the table for the level of caloric content in
each product, supersaturation of the body with carbohydrates will have
an unpleasant effect on the general state of the body.
The diet of the fruit cycle is as follows:
For breakfast: any two chart for weight loss in 90 days.
We have lunch: fruit puree with softness -200g, nuts, seeds, dried fruits in small proportions.
Dinner is easier: half of the luncheon portions. Fruit chart for weight loss in 90 days.
On this day, fruits are in first place, you want to eat them in raw form - please. And you can put out, boil, make smoothies, rub through syto, make mashed potatoes and drinks. There are many options, the main desire and chart for weight loss in 90 days.
As a result, a diet of 90 days can bring weight loss to 25 kg for the entire period. First, most of the weight goes away, and then the kilograms go away slowly and gradually. But the main thing is that after the end of the weight loss system is stabilized and not chart for weight loss in 90 days.
What would be the result was effective for a long time should be properly out of this diet.
Do not immediately after the diet pounce on the whole meal, preferably
the first time for a little to introduce high-calorie chart for weight loss in 90 days.
If you have achieved the desired results from the first time, then to
prevent weight stability you need to spend several times a month
unloading days.
If the plans still have the desire to part with a few extra centimeters
at the waist, then in three to four months you can again spend a full
cycle of a diet of 90 days.
90 day diet testimonials results
She was always full and shy to sit with thin friends at the same table. And now the fateful meeting with the former class teacher has become for her a happy ticket to a new chart for weight loss in 90 days.
Ekaterina Viktorovna told Anastasia the detailed steps of the diet 90 days, performing which the girl was able to lose 24 chart for weight loss in 90 days.
This is not a fairy tale and not an invention, Kostyaleva Nastya from
Yekaterinburg all her youthful life tried to lose weight, get closer
even with a step of her slim and thin contemporaries.
What kind of diet she did not try, but the kilograms came back again and again. But not this time!
After the full course of the diet has already passed 6 months, and the
result is still, even the girl managed to lose weight after a diet for a
few more minutes, observing the basic rules of healthy nutrition and
spending unloading days using the method of separate nutrition.
Anastasia is a successful student of a prestigious university, loves herself and her body. Now she is always in a good mood, and she tries not to remember her former failures.
The result of the diet is 90 days Kovaleva Anastasia -24 kg.
Diet 90 days is very effective and quite strict. Sometimes it is difficult to hold out on some fruits or vegetables. But if the goal is noble - you need to go in front, not giving in to failures and difficulties.
Before losing weight, do not forget to consult a doctor and make an individual weight loss plan for your chart for weight loss in 90 days.
Keep track of your well-being and stay healthy!