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best juice diet for weight loss uk

Juices for weight loss: how to lose weight on juices. Juice Diet What is juice? The contents of jars, bottles, boxes, crowded on store shelves? Not certainly in that way. The above liquids are sweet drinks containing or diluted several times concentrated juice, or dyes and flavors. They really do not quench their thirst, and they add extra calories to our body. However, one should not think that freshly squeezed natural juices are a panacea for all problems, although they will deliver a lot of minerals and trace elements to the body. And yet, if you use natural 100% juice with the mind - you can also benefit yourself to bring, and while losing weight. How can this be done?

Juices for weight loss: juice diet

The juice diet can best be called juice purification,best juice diet for weight loss uk  because during the reception of juices occurs, first, the saturation of the body with vitamins and trace elements , and secondly, the use of juices has a curative effect. In our case, it will be getting rid of toxins, accelerating metabolic processes and improving juice diet for weight loss uk
Some juice diets are called low-calorie, because during this period the body receives a very small amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. That is why the juice diet is so effective in losing weight . And one more surprise: simultaneously with the decision of problems of excess weight it is quite possible to get rid of incidental diseases, such as atherosclerosis, pressure jumps, various pathologies of kidneys and a liver, and even juice diet for weight loss uk

Carrying out a juice diet

There are many schemes by which you can carry out juice diets. For several days before the start of the diet, you need to reduce consumption of meat food, for 2-3 days to refuse fried and smoked, gradually adding to the ration of portions of juice, or replacing the juice, best juice diet for weight loss uk.for example, dinner or breakfast. It is possible before the beginning of the diet to spend a day of unloading on vegetables and fruits. Or hold it on the juice, after drinking about one liter of the drink, consisting of 3 parts of juice and 1 part of filtered or distilled juice diet for weight loss uk
Everyone chooses a diet scheme independently, depending on the characteristics of the body, the schedule of work and rest, as well as perseverance in following dietary rules:
  • Some experts suggest simply introducing more juices into the diet, without changing the habitual way of life. However, you will get a minimal effect from the reception of juice.
  • You can also replace breakfast and dinner with a glass of natural juice diluted with water, and leave the dinner, making it more vegetarian. Experience shows that such a scheme gives a much greater effect.
  • The most persistent, strongly aimed at rapid and unconditional weight loss can afford to sit on juice only for 3 to 5 days or more, drinking about a liter a day. Thus it is necessary to be ready to that this diet is very close to starvation.

How to make juice for a juice diet: juice for weight loss

Everyone already knows that you need to take ripe, not spoiled fruit to make juice. Only they will give the desired effect, so do not experiment and spend money on unsuitable products - you can not lose weight. Depending on the type of fruit, use a juicer or mixer, pre-cut the product into small pieces. It is advisable to drink juice immediately after preparation, since already during the first hour of storage, it loses some vitamins and trace elements , and after 4 hours of storage it becomes simply juice diet for weight loss uk
The process of making juice for a juice diet can be turned into a game and a kind of fantasy occupation, because it is not necessary to drink only one kind of juice at the same time. You can make such cocktails, the recipes of which will envy the most prestigious restaurants. And you will get both benefit and pleasure. After all, in any diet is very important mindset, commitment and faith in the positive effect. With all the plants of Mother Earth, we are connected energetically. best juice diet for weight loss uk.Therefore, specialists - herbalists say that treatment with plants helps only those who believe in juice diet for weight loss uk

Disadvantages of the juice diet

The juice diet is very low-calorie . Therefore, when it is observed, there may be a headache and temporary weakness, some juice diet for weight loss uk. Do not exclude allergic reactions to fruits, as well as exacerbation of gastritis or peptic ulcer. It is also necessary to monitor the acidity of the stomach, and if it is increased, exclude the intake of apple, lemon, orange and pomegranate juices. For serious diseases - such as diabetes mellitus or urolithiasis - consultation with a doctor is mandatory. And one more caution: sweet fruit juices are better to drink through a straw, because they contribute to the destruction of tooth juice diet for weight loss uk
And some more recommendations for those who will start and successfully complete the juice diet : closely follow the reactions of your body for two months after the procedure. The human body is a cunning self-healing juice diet for weight loss uk He can "endure" the juice diet , and then will strive to bring everything back to square one, that is, the appearance of a "brutal" appetite is not ruled out. Endure a few days, deceiving him with water or green tea, then everything will go back to normal. Otherwise, the lost pounds will quickly juice diet for weight loss uk

Examples of juice diets and recipes

Pineapple diet involves two fasting days a week. In other days - normal mode. During the diet, you can eat pineapple and drink pineapple juice. For a fasting day, you need to distribute 2 kg of pineapple pulp to 5 meals a juice diet for weight loss uk. At the same time, you can and should drink plenty of water or natural pineapple juice.
According to the experience of carrying out such discharges, in the first week the well-being of a person is changing for the better: cheerfulness, strength and a lot of energy appear. This is due to the action of a large number of enzymes contained in pineapple, which normalize the intestinal microflora and remove toxins from it.
The juice diet from other fruits and vegetables may look different, depending on the person's personality. Even one day spent on any juice will lead to an excellent result. And if this day is repeated weekly, and then three, two days later? And there, you see, and a week on the juice will seem like a holiday! Moreover, after it will be just an amazing result in health and appearance: a healthy complexion, elastic gait, lightness in the whole body. What else can you dream about?
And now - some useful recipes as a juice diet for weight loss uk

Cocktail "Marakas"

Mix juices: pineapple, orange, lemon, grapefruit and passion fruit juice. If you drink without water - the effect of weight loss may not be. best juice diet for weight loss uk. So choose what is best for juice diet for weight loss uk

Strawberry-raspberry mixture

  • Strawberry - 1 glass
  • Raspberry - 1 glass
  • Drinking or mineral water - 1 glass
  • Ice for cooling.
Mix everything, add ice and enjoy.

Just a cocktail (not for a diet)

Mango - 1 piece, anans - half, banana - 1 piece, milk or yogurt - 150 ml, chopped coconut - 1 tsp, honey - half teaspoon. Mix everything in a blender and immediately drink, preferably a couple with a girlfriend. And then compare what the effect will juice diet for weight loss uk
Author: Artanova Natalia
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