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a balanced diet for weight loss

a balanced diet for weight lossBalanced diet for weight loss

A balanced diet is one of the most effective and, most importantly, safe diets for today. With any excess weight, sometimes it is enough to balance the diet and give up the most harmful and high-calorie foods - and health will gradually come back to normal. For a person who wants to lose weight, a normal caloric intake with a balanced diet will be 1200 calories per day. If you are actively involved in sports, you can increase the amount of energy you consume to 1600 kilocalories, but you can only load morning meals, and preferably protein foods.a balanced diet for weight loss
To comply with the rules of proper nutrition and fast weight loss on a balanced diet, one should not abandon any natural products, but fatty and high-calorie foods should be replaced with fat-free foods, and from factory sweets and baked goods it is generally to be abandoned. Add more vegetables to your diet, minimize the amount of meat, in the first place - red and fat, replace the fried foods with boiled and baked.a balanced diet for weight loss
The main plus of a diet with a predominance of vegetables, sea fish and low-fat dairy products is the cleansing of the body. Starting to eat dishes based on these ingredients, you fill the intestines with fiber, which speeds up its peristalsis and removes toxins, as well as a beneficial microflora. In addition, in vegetables and fruits, a lot of vitamins and trace elements, without which the body can not function properly.a balanced diet for weight loss
It is proved that a balanced diet significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer and atherosclerosis. Such a diet provides almost a one hundred percent guarantee of protection against stroke and ensures longevity. For urgent weight loss, however, it is not very suitable: for a week with a balanced diet, you can lose up to 3-4 kilograms, depending on the initial weight, but such results are not achieved in the first week of a new diet. The first days after the rejection of harmful products can be difficult, so in advance, develop for yourself safe and useful options for sweets and favorite harmful delicacies.a balanced diet for weight loss
Efficient balanced diet

Efficient balanced diet

In the diet of slimming should necessarily be protein products - kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, soft cheese, as well as sea fish and dietary meat. They are better than vegetables saturate the body and help digestion. In your menu, you must have all the components of a balanced diet, but the amount of fats should be reduced to a minimum.a balanced diet for weight loss
Do not exclude from your diet cereals and legumes: this is the main source of vegetable protein. Nevertheless, they should be consumed moderately, mainly in the form of cereals, but bread will have to be abandoned. If you chose a vegetarian balanced diet, you can afford sweets to increase the blood serotonin hormone (hormone of joy).a balanced diet for weight loss Choose low-calorie sweet foods - marshmallows, natural marmalade, bitter chocolate. You can prepare sweets yourself - pay attention to raw raw fruit culinary and cottage cheese casseroles or diet cheesecakes with the addition of cocoa, raisins, honey.a balanced diet for weight loss
If you work a lot, it will be difficult to keep a balanced diet, because when calculating calories it is not easy to achieve diversity, and cooking takes longer. In the warm season, it is easy to make fruit or vegetable a balanced diet for weight losssnacks throughout the day between basic meals: for example, eat several carrot sticks, a handful of berries or a pear. And do not forget - no diet will not be useful if you constantly feel hungry or feel worse health after a week of a new lifestyle. In this case it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist and a nutritionist.a balanced diet for weight loss

A balanced diet for weight loss: a menu for a week

The dishes described below can be assembled and replaced, we offer you only a small assortment of existing dietary foods in world cuisine from lean meat,a balanced diet for weight loss fish, vegetables, eggs and milk. When cooking, avoid frying with sunflower oil, buy non-stick cookware or cook in a microwave oven, bake dishes. Salads are also not recommended to refill with oil, as a last resort - choose the most useful types of vegetable oils.a balanced diet for weight loss Try to give up potatoes and white rice. Remember that the main caloric content in the salads is provided by sauces: replace the factory mayonnaise and tartar with homemade dressings from soy sauce, low-fat sour cream or yogurt.a balanced diet for weight loss Do not forget to add spices and herbs - let your balanced diet for a week be delicious!

A balanced diet for weight loss: a menu for a week Monday

Breakfast : A loaf of bread with a round of boiled eggs, a cucumber and a lettuce leaf, yogurt or kefir
Lunch : 200 ml of vegetable soup, for example, from cauliflower, or fish broth,a balanced diet for weight loss 1 crisp rye flour, 200 grams of green salad with different fresh vegetables
Dinner : 150 g of boiled raw rice, vegetables with grilled salmon or "cool" egg


Breakfast : a couple of "cool" eggs, a piece of tuna, a loaf with soft cheese and a tomato
Lunch : 200 ml of oxalic soup with egg, cabbage salad with carrots and greens, a few kiwi
Dinner : a cup of braised beans in tomato,a balanced diet for weight loss a piece of boiled chicken breast, 2 rye bread


Breakfast : 150 g curd casserole or low-fat cheesecake
Lunch : Japanese miso soup based on soybean pasta with tofu and eel cheese, 150 grams of stewed vegetables, grapefruit
Dinner : stewed in low-fat sour cream mushrooms with vegetables
 a balanced diet for weight loss


Breakfast : 150 g (3-4 tablespoons dry) buckwheat, one tomato, a glass of kefir zero fat.
Lunch : stuffed with rice with stewed vegetables, chicken and mushrooms, peppers, apples or berries
Dinner : lobio from green beans with tomatoes and walnuts


 a balanced diet for weight loss

Breakfast : 100 grams of oatmeal with berries and a teaspoon of honey, a glass of low-fat yogurt, 1 small banana
Lunch : carrot, apple and celery salad with spices and lemon juice, baked salmon in yogurt-spinach sauce
Dinner : casserole from vegetables and asparagus with low-fat cheese.


a balanced diet for weight loss 

Breakfast : 100 g of cottage cheese with honey and berries, 150 ml of yogurt
Lunch : 200 ml lean borsch, 100 g vinaigrette with mushrooms, apple or other fruit
Dinner : 150 g of cauliflower baked in egg with herbs, yogurt


 a balanced diet for weight loss

Breakfast : 150 grams of pearl barley or corn porridge, unsweetened fat-free yogurt, a pair of pears or apples
Lunch : 150 grams of rice with vegetables, 100 g of stewed fish, tomato juice, preferably without salt
Supper : 250 grams of vegetable stew (it is advisable not to add potatoes)
Nutritionists offer different options for a balanced diet. The main thing in any way of such safe weight loss is to use all types of foods in small amounts, eat small meals five times a day and exclude high-calorie foods from the diet. Here are a few video recommendations from health professionals and fitness professionals to develop a balanced diet:a balanced diet for weight loss

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