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vitamin c foods for weight loss

Vitamin C helps to lose weight and slows down aging Vitamin C is the key vitamin for immunity. It supports youthfulness of the skin, reduces slags in the body and restrains stress. Moreover, he is involved in losing weight!vitamin c foods for weight loss.
Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is a substance absolutely necessary for life and maintaining physical and mental health. For this reason, you should not lose sight of it in the weight loss program.vitamin c foods for weight loss. Only a healthy body can lose weight in a healthy way.vitamin c foods for weight loss.
Unlike other vitamins and essential substances that are also necessary for health, vitamin C brings a few more benefits for your weight loss!vitamin c foods for weight loss.

vitamin c foods for weight loss

1. Most animals produce vitamin C on their own, while the human body is not capable of it, so it's important to get it from the outside.vitamin c foods for weight loss.
2. Vitamin C supports immunity and helps with viral, bacterial or infectious diseases (cold, pneumonia, childhood illnesses)vitamin c foods for weight loss
3. It reduces the amount of dangerous LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.vitamin c foods for weight loss.
4. It acts antioxidantly and neutralizes the effect of free radicals that trigger aging and tumor changes in cells.
5. It is necessary for the formation and maintenance of collagen, this is the second reason why it acts against aging.vitamin c foods for weight loss.
6. It stabilizes the brain functions - try after a drunken party take two tablets of vitamin C 1000 or squeeze juice from two lemons into a glass of water and you will see how water with lemon will clean your head.
7. It is almost impossible to overdose with Vitamin C - excess amount is excreted in the urine.vitamin c foods for weight loss.
8. Smokers are recommended to increase the intake of vitamin C, because it reduces the negative effects of smoking.vitamin c foods for weight loss.
9. Lack of vitamin can manifest fatigue, muscle weakness, joint pain and muscle, bleeding gums, scurvy.
10. The recommended daily dose of vitamin C for an adult is 60 mg.vitamin c foods for weight loss.
 vitamin c foods for weight loss

How does vitamin C help lose weight?vitamin c foods for weight loss

How Vitamin C Helps to Lose Weight First of all, vitamin C indirectly supports digestion, namely - it helps to assimilate iron. This mineral is necessary for the metabolism of the B complex of vitamins, thus it is involved in the formation of gastric juice and digestion. Therefore, diets on citrus are so effective - grapefruit , orange and others.vitamin c foods for weight loss
The biggest plus of vitamin C in terms of weight loss is that it supports the formation of so-called "weight loss" hormones such as carnitine, vitamin c foods for weight loss.often present in dietary supplements for weight loss and thyroxine, vitamin c foods for weight loss.which is involved in the formation of other hormones that eliminate fat stores.

Where to get vitamin C?

 vitamin c foods for weight loss

Of course, vitamin C can be taken from food supplements, but it is best to take it from food. Vitamin C is most in fresh fruits and vegetables, especially citrus, black currant, strawberry, pepper, tomatoes or cabbage. Thus, when losing weight, when you should focus on sufficient intake of vegetables, vitamin C should be slightly more than enough.vitamin c foods for weight loss.

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