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vitamin d diet for weight loss

vitamin d diet for weight loss

Витамин Д, инструкция по применению "Ultraviolet Vitamin D" refers to a fat-soluble group. This name was given to this element because it is formed mainly during solar irradiation. Some part also comes from products of animal origin.
The main duty of vitamin D is to regulate the phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the body, ensuring the normal development of bones, giving strength to the skeleton and strength to the muscles.

Vitamin D - instructions for use

Official medicine is allocated only two elements belonging to group D: D2 (ergocalciferol) and, of course, vitamin D3 (or cholecalciferol). The latter is offered in pharmacies of any city as vitamin D. The application instruction says that it can be taken in the form of capsules, tablets, ampoules, drops and oily solution.vitamin d diet for weight loss.
Every day an adult needs 100 IU (i.e., international units, when 40,000 IU = 1mg) of vitamin D, but children need to be given more - from 500 IU (one drop) to 1000 IU (two drops). The thing is in the needs of the growing body and that in breast milk is only 4% of the daily needs of the baby. And here it is important to strictly observe the prescriptions: an overdose of vitamin D threatens with constipation, diarrhea, hypercalcemia, skin itching, pancreatitis, headaches and pains in the bones
He is prescribed to pregnant women at the 30-32-th week to prevent rickets of newborns. Drink the drug should be within ten days of a general course of 400,000 to 600,000 IU. Nursing mothers need vitamin D daily (oily solution or tablets - it does not matter), it's enough to take 500 IU once. Finished healthy babies are prescribed 500 IU once a day from the second week of life. Preterm need to take about 8000 IU per day.vitamin d diet for weight loss.
To treat the fragility of bones (or osteoporosis), Vitamin D Finnish is well suited, it is taken at 200,000 IU every 15 days by a course of three months. When osteomalacia (softening of the bones) you need up to 2500 IU, this dose is taken three times a day. For the prevention of these diseases, it is sufficient to take 500-1000 IU three times a day.vitamin d diet for weight loss.
Remember that you need to use vitamin D 3 only under medical supervision! Each quarter should monitor the concentration of calcium in the blood. And, depending on the data obtained, adjust the dosage.vitamin d diet for weight loss.
Has its side effects of vitamin D (how to take it in these situations, can only be solved by a doctor). Possible side effects include a decrease in appetite, renal dysfunction, allergy, myalgia, increased pressure, arrhythmia, exacerbation of the tuberculosis, changes in the psyche, mood swings.vitamin d diet for weight loss.
Another important point: vitamin D and calcium must be taken together. It is D3 that contributes to its absorption in the intestine. It is known that 99% of calcium goes to the normal development of teeth, bones and muscles, and 1% - to meet the needs of nerve cells. And if this one percent is not enough, the body will take it from our skeleton.vitamin d diet for weight loss.

Lack of vitamin D

 vitamin d diet for weight loss

Витамин Д, инструкция по применению So, the basic functions of this element are to ensure the growth of bones, the prevention of rickets in children and the fragility of bones in adults. Especially the lack of vitamin D in women is felt, because during pregnancy and feeding a lot of calcium goes away (especially for the baby's needs).vitamin d diet for weight loss.
In addition, the lack of vitamin D leads to unpleasant skin diseases, cancer and heart disease. In those geographical areas where there is little sun and not enough food with its content, the incidence of arthritis, atherosclerosis, and diabetes is increased. vitamin d diet for weight loss. This element also strengthens our immunity and prevents the weakness of muscles (including the heart muscle), affects the functioning of the thyroid gland, facilitates psoriasis, regulates pressure, restores nerves, prevents the development of cancer cells.vitamin d diet for weight loss.
Particularly feel the deficiency of vitamin D is elderly people, because its synthesis in the skin begins to decline. Its shortage is also experienced by vegetarians, since they can not make up for it in the cold season from animal sources of food.vitamin d diet for weight loss. Another category is people with dark skin (representatives of the Negroid race or simply tanners).

Vitamin D for children

It would seem that we should have long ago defeated diseases caused by a lack of vitamins, and yet the incidence of rickets among children is not so rare.vitamin d diet for weight loss. This leads to a shortage of sun, poor nutrition, lack of walks in winter. Therefore, doctors recommend buying vitamin D for babies already in the first days of life.
If the child is on artificial feeding, in its mixture and so this vitamin will be enough. But in cow milk D3 is practically not there, and it should be taken separately. When choosing vitamin D for newborns, give preference to the drug on an aqueous or oily basis.vitamin d diet for weight loss.
In the cold season, babies need a preventive dose - 1 drop per day, give it to courses. In summer, ultraviolet is enough to produce your own vitamin D.vitamin d diet for weight loss. For children, it is very useful to walk every day in any weather, except, of course, extreme. Even on a cloudy day, enough ultraviolet irradiation for half an hour.vitamin d diet for weight loss.
If the doctor has found the initial stage of rickets, he should prescribe a therapeutic dose of the drug and explain how to give vitamin D to the baby (at the tip of the spoon during meals, you can with water). Clearly fulfill the appointment, in case of unpleasant symptoms, stop taking the medication and contact your pediatrician.vitamin d diet for weight loss.

Where does vitamin D

 vitamin d diet for weight loss

Витамин Д, инструкция по применению Now consider where vitamin D. is contained. In small amounts, it is present in fermented milk products (especially cheese and cottage cheese), in creamy and vegetable oil, seafood, animal liver, egg yolks. A little bit of this element is in natural cow milk (shop pasteurized categorically does not fit).vitamin d diet for weight loss.
The main products containing vitamin D are fish liver (most of cod and halibut), fish oil, as well as herring, salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel and mackerel. As you can see, it's mostly food of animal origin, because vegetarians are at risk. It is believed that in plant sources it is even less, and in the case of lack of D3, the alternative for them remains only the drug form of the drug.vitamin d diet for weight loss.
However, there is vitamin D in foods such as potatoes, oatmeal, parsley. It is present in some herbs: dandelion greens, alfalfa, horsetail, nettle. Doctors also recommend paying attention to fatty butter and natural cow milk (it should be drunk at least 3 glasses a day).
The search for "what contains vitamin D" continues, and recently scientists have published data that the largest source of it are mushroom-mushrooms. They also contain mineral salts, selenium, folic acid, proteins and other vitamins. To replenish D3 stocks, it is sufficient to eat 300-500 grams of mushrooms per week.
Let's remind that this element belongs to a fat-soluble group, which means that vitamin D. can accumulate in our bodies. In what products we find it, it is very important, and it is equally important to know about the fine line between the normal assimilation of this element and the danger of its overdose .
About the relationship of vitamin D and absorption in the body of iron and calcium know not all (as well as that vitamin B12 is not compatible with vitamins B1 and B6). With the help of D3, not only calcium is absorbed, but also magnesium, but its excess leads to iron deficiency.
Now you know about it, and so you can make up your diet of health and beauty.

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