The liquid diet refers to the category of effective and fast diets due to its consistency. With it, you can lose weight by 5-10 kg in 5-10 days with the correct adherence to the regime.
The high results of the Liquid diet are justified by the fact that
practically all the food from which the diet consists consists of mush. Think about it, the very name "liquid diet" implies the use of a soft, slightly watery food. liquid diet for weight loss at home.
A liquid diet is a carefully planned method of losing weight
How does it work?
Unlike the newfangled express diets,liquid diet for weight loss at home. which have big names, such as the Xenia Borodina Diet or Elena Malysheva's Diet , the Liquid Diet has a medically proven method of losing weight. It is used by doctors in order to lose weight as efficiently and quickly as possible from their obese, obese patients. As usual,liquid diet for weight loss at home. a liquid diet is used on the eve of surgery to reduce stomach volume in people with high weight. And it brings amazing results: on average a week on a liquid diet the patient loses up to 10 kg of excess weight. This is an amazing, but, nevertheless, fact.
Perhaps you are very interested in why liquid food can so actively contribute to the withdrawal of extra pounds?liquid diet for weight loss at home.
The fact is that the food of liquid consistency has several features that help to lose weight effectively:
- The abundance of water in food. Water, as we already know from the article Diet for the lazy, is able to quickly satisfy hunger at the expense of its volume. But at the same time it carries 0 calories, which means it is extremely beneficial from the point of view of rapid weight loss. Therefore, food, in abundance containing water, helps to lose weight.liquid diet for weight loss at home.
Soft consistency.
Any product with a high water content has a soft, loose structure,
which is easily digested by the body and consumed completely, without
residue, and therefore can not carry the threat of fat deposits.
In addition, rapid digestion of food causes the metabolism to work at
an accelerated pace, which allows you to lose weight even faster than
before.liquid diet for weight loss at home.
H2O and biochemical processes of the body. The main aspect, why the liquid diet is so successful, lies in the very structure of the human body. The thing is that without a certain amount of H2O in the cell, the process of lipolysis (burning fat) is impossible, because With a lack of water, it is impossible to synthesize proteins responsible for the consumption of fatty deposits. Therefore, so often people who sit on a liquid diet notice a sharp drop in weight in the first 3-4 days. This is due to the sufficient amount of water necessary for the body in order to get rid of excess kilograms. In the future, the process of losing weight on a liquid diet is more stable. The average plumb per day is 700-1000 grams.liquid diet for weight loss at home.
Preservation of water balance in the body.
In other words, with Liquid Diet you are not threatened with the main
scourge of all those who lose weight - dehydration of the body. Perhaps you are familiar with weakness, depressed mood, fatigue during diets? All these are signs of dehydration. Little food, and therefore, little water contained in it.
The lack of H2O can affect not only your overall well-being, but also
the results of losing weight, in the worst case, weight loss will simply
stop.liquid diet for weight loss at home.
So, you know 4 main facts that contribute to rapid weight loss with the
help of liquid diet: acceleration of the fat burning process, rapid
hunger fasting, acceleration of metabolism, maintaining the general tone
of the body at the proper level.liquid diet for weight loss at home.
The main trump card of the diet is simple water!
As a living example, proving the effectiveness of the Liquid diet, we
can give you one example, so to speak, lying on the surface. In recent years, the incidence of obesity in domestic animals has increased, especially often in cats. With what it is connected, you ask, and how this relates to the liquid diet? Obesity of domestic cats is associated with only one problem - the lack of ordinary water in their diet. Dry food, which is mainly fed, practically does not contain water, hence the excess weight.liquid diet for weight loss at home.
Water. It is thanks to her that the Liquid Diet is so effective!
Water is a natural way to lose weight, which can not damage the body. Remember, what is the basis for curative starvation? Right, on the water. But, starvation - too hard way to lose weight, before using it is necessary to consult a doctor.liquid diet for weight loss at home.
But the Liquid Diet is absolutely harmless and also quickly eliminates
excess kilograms, although the principle of its action is also based on
water. Or, for example, a fasting day on cucumbers, losing weight with it is based on the same water method as the liquid diet. Groundwater, part of the cucumber, causes the body to quickly get rid of excess fat.liquid diet for weight loss at home.
Another important fact in favor of liquid diet is that water,
assimilated with food, is more conducive to weight loss than water,
being drunk on an empty stomach.
When you drink an ordinary glass of water, it enters your body and
liquids to start the process of lipolysis (fat neutralization) is quite
enough. But, since there was no food with it, the nutrients necessary for the production of proteins are not enough. No proteins - no energy - fat molecules (normal subcutaneous fat) are not burned. liquid diet for weight loss at home.Here is such simple arithmetic.liquid diet for weight loss at home.
The regime of the Liquid diet implies the intake of food and water at
the same time (for example, liquid oatmeal, kefir, fruit baby food,
etc.). This allows the body at low caloric intake to receive all the necessary nutrients and water to start lipolysis. liquid diet for weight loss at home.
Thus, the fat burning process will be active and without any delays.
The diet of the liquid diet includes food containing a large amount of moisture. Note, you will not drink solid food with water, but will consume initially watery foods.
The menu includes many vegetables containing useful groundwater
(structured) water, as well as a large number of fruits, the flesh of
which is fairly full of natural water.
Liquid diet menu:
1 day.
Breakfast: liquid oatmeal porridge (pour oat flakes of instant cooking
water and then water that has not absorbed, do not pour out, and eat
porridge along with it). 3 cucumbers. 1 cup of green tea without sugar.
Lunch: 250 ml. Any vegetable soup. 1 cup kefir with low fat content.
Dinner: 1 plate of muesli, filled with juice or milk.liquid diet for weight loss at home.
of the ration of the first day: for breakfast the most useful will be a
cereal product, namely liquid oatmeal, it is perfectly complemented by
cucumbers containing natural groundwater. Green tea You can drink before and after meals. If desired, you can drink tea even an hour or two after breakfast. Vegetable
soup for lunch (it can be soup, borsch or any other soup with
vegetables) perfectly suits the principles of a liquid diet. Kefir is an obligatory dairy component, with its help nutrients of vegetables (from soup) are most fully absorbed. Dinner (muesli) is both light and nutritious.liquid diet for weight loss at home.
2 day.
- Breakfast: 1 yogurt, mixed with 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese. 1 cup of green tea without sugar.
- Lunch: 1 plate of milk buckwheat soup.
Dinner: 3 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers.
of the diet of the second day: a light milk breakfast in combination
with a cup of green tea will create an ideal microflora in the intestine
and at the same time give a "push" to the beginning of the lipolysis
process. Milk buckwheat soup for lunch will finish the milk picture of this day and "feed" the body with the right carbohydrates. Light vegetable dinner will allow the body to continue to consume excess fat even during sleep.liquid diet for weight loss at home.
3 day.
- Breakfast: 1 plate of muesli, filled with juice or milk. 1 cup of milk.
- Lunch: 1 plate of vegetable soup.
- Dinner: 2 cups of kefir with a low percentage of fat.
- liquid diet for weight loss at home
Analysis of the diet of the third day: Muesli with juice or milk will make your breakfast right in terms of dytology. It should be 90% carbohydrates, the best supplier of which is considered to be cereals. A plate of vegetable soup will practically load you with calories, but it will actively stimulate the digestive tract. 2
cup low-fat kefir for dinner - a small load for the stomach and at the
same time an excellent stimulus for burning fatty deposits.liquid diet for weight loss at home
4 day.
- Breakfast: 3 apples, 1 glass of orange juice.
- Lunch: 1 plate of chicken broth. 1 cup of green tea without sugar.
- Dinner: A plate of oatmeal flakes filled with boiling water. After the flakes are boiled, eat them with water. It should turn out liquid porridge. 1 cup of green tea without sugar.liquid diet for weight loss at home.
of the ration of the fourth day: Apple cider vinegar, pectin fibers,
and a minimum stock of calories in apples will make breakfast the fourth
an excellent premise for fat burning. Orange juice will only accelerate the process of metabolism in the body. Chicken broth is a known dietary product, which helps to consume extra pounds. Green tea, which ends dinner, will only contribute to the loss of kilograms due to its dietary properties. Oat flakes for dinner - a small energy supply of the body in the compartment with a minimum intake of calories. Green tea for dinner will accelerate the departure of kilograms.liquid diet for weight loss at home.
5 day.
- Breakfast: 400 ml. Drinking yogurt (in the absence of drinking you can use the usual in glasses)
- Lunch: 2 glasses of any vegetable juice. 3 tomatoes.
- Dinner: A plate of oatmeal flakes filled with boiling water. After the flakes are boiled, eat them with water. It should turn out liquid porridge.
- liquid diet for weight loss at home
of the diet of the fifth day: Yogrut thanks to the high content of
fermented milk bacteria, will "wake up" the work of the gastrointestinal
tract. Due
to its low fat content, it will not endanger the figure, but on the
contrary, it will force the body to struggle with extra pounds with
great effort. Vegetable
juice and tomatoes will bring you a fast saturation along with
accelerated burning of the fatty layer of the body. Oatmeal for dinner
is the energy supply of the body plus low caloric content.liquid diet for weight loss at home
Observe a liquid (drinking) diet is necessary for 5 days.
The diet of the Liquid diet includes a lot of liquid dishes: from
simple juices and broths to vegetable soups and drinking yoghurts!
ATTENTION! As an additional liquid, you can freely drink water, still beverages without sugar, mineral still water. In these liquids you can not deny yourself.
Liquid diet allows you to significantly reduce fat deposits on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks. Numerically discarded with its help, the weight for the first 5 days will be 4-5 kilograms.liquid diet for weight loss at home.