Text: Ekaterina Golubovskaya
Photo: TS / Fotobank.ru
Colitis is an inflammation in the intestine. There are different degrees of inflammation - acute and chronic. In any case, you will have to follow a special diet that can significantly alleviate the painful symptoms of colitis.Diet with colitis
  • Первое правило диеты при колите: питание при колите, как при кишечном, так и при язвенном, должно полностью исключать из рациона жареные, острые блюда, а также продукты с нерастворимой клетчаткой.
    The first rule of diet for colitis: nutrition in colitis, both intestinal and ulcerative, should completely eliminate from the diet fried, spicy dishes, as well as products with insoluble fiber.Diet with colitis

Nutrition rules for colitis: a light diet

Modern doctors agreed that eating does not greatly affect the development of colitis, but here a special diet for colitis can still significantly ease the course of the disease and protect against acute attacks. Especially if one of the manifestations of the disease is diarrhea (diarrhea or bear disease) . It is important to know what should be discarded in colitis, and that on the contrary - to include in the diet.Diet with colitis
Insoluble fiber is very harmful in colitis. Its sources are whole grain products (whole wheat bread, macaroni, cereal flakes and others), sweet corn, cabbage, peel from grapes and apples. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve completely in the intestine and attach to the walls of the inflamed colon. This factor only aggravates the situation and can cause an attack of colitis. Accordingly, from nutrition with any form of colitis, such products should be excluded.Diet with colitis
But soluble fiber, on the contrary, is useful for the intestines and enters the diet for colitis (both with ulcer and intestinal). It has the ability to soften the stool and improve intestinal motility. Soluble fiber can be found in vegetables and fruits (potatoes, carrots, apples and pears without skin), white rice and oat flakes. In the therapeutic diet 3 - a special diet, which is prescribed for patients with bowel disease - cellulose also takes a key role.Diet with colitis
Nutrition for colitis must necessarily include fish oil, fat marine fish. It is best to get fish oil from food, rather than with capsules, so it is much easier to digest.Diet with colitis
Dairy products diet in the colitis does not prohibit, but restricts. With an excess of these foods in the diet can worsen the condition of the patient. Therefore, a day is recommended to consume not more than 100 g of dairy products.Diet with colitis

Diet options for colitis

Since colitis can develop in everyone differently, the principles of the diet for colitis also differ. For example, a diet for chronic colitis, with persistent diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, flatulence, etc.Diet with colitis
Diet with mild attacks of chronic colitis
The purpose of such a diet is to restore the motor and secretory functions of the intestine. Such a diet can be called full-fledged with some restrictions on the consumption of milk, rough fiber, spicy foods and spices. The diet for this diet is designed for 5-6 meals.Diet with colitis
Diet for chronic colitis and constipation
In the daily diet, proteins and carbohydrates are present in sufficient quantity, and the amount of fats increases due to vegetable oils. This diet in colitis recommends eating beets, carrots, prunes, figs, dates, apricots. Food is also divided into 5-6 meals.Diet with colitis
Diet for chronic colitis and diarrhea
The purpose of the diet is to reduce the fermenting processes in the intestine and to spare it as much as possible chemically and mechanically. The diet limits consumption of fats and carbohydrates and excludes from the diet pickles, spices, milk, fiber and smoked products. The number of meals remains the same - 5-6 times a day.Diet with colitis
Diet for acute colitis
All dishes are cooked only or cooked for a couple, after which they are wiped. Soups should also be wiped, croup in them should be boiled, and vegetables should be finely chopped. It is also allowed to cook meals in baked form without a hard crust. Meals are also divided into 5-6 meals.Diet with colitis
Any diet for colitis should be strictly individual and proceed from the signs and course of the disease. At the first sign of colitis, immediately consult a doctor so as not to start the disease.Diet with colitis