When a person has health problems, especially those related to the work
of the cardiovascular system and high blood pressure, then, as a rule,
an increased level of cholesterol in the blood is detected during the
While a person is young and healthy, the excess cholesterol that comes
with food is not felt, as the body is able to maintain its level in the
With age, due to metabolic disorders, sedentary lifestyle,
malnutrition, bad cholesterol begins to be deposited on the walls of the
vessels, which leads to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques
constricting the blood vessels. diet for weight loss and lower cholesterol.
Reduce a high level of cholesterol can be a number of complex measures,
including a special diet, aimed at weight loss and normalization of
lipid metabolism, increased motor activity, smoking cessation and
periodic cleaning of blood vessels. Purification of the vessels , which was discussed in the previous article of Your Izyuminka , must also be carried out following a certain anti-cholesterol diet.diet for weight loss and lower cholesterol.
Who is showing the anti-cholesterol (lipid-lowering) diet?
This diet is indicated for people who have problems with the
cardiovascular system - angina, myocardial infarction, stroke, ischemia,
etc. diet for weight loss and lower cholesterol.
Similarly, those who are at risk - those with high blood pressure,
overweight, poor heredity, diabetes, varicose veins, the elderly, who
have high blood cholesterol , who smokes a lot.diet for weight loss and lower cholesterol.
It is also important for any healthy person to follow the rules of healthy eating. According to numerous studies of scientists, certain conclusions were drawn on this score:
People who regularly eat vegetables and fruits were less susceptible to
coronary heart disease (CHD) and cerebral circulation disorders.diet for weight loss and lower cholesterol.
- Those who in their diet are based on the principles of the Mediterranean diet , lead a more active lifestyle and live to the oldest age.
- Even the primary use of sea fish reduces the level of ischemia (IHD) by 20%.
What are the basic rules and principles of an anti-cholesterol diet?
- It is necessary to regularly use complex carbohydrates: cereals, cereal bread, pasta from durum wheat, vegetables and fruits. The amount of carbohydrates eaten per day should be 50-60% of the daily diet (approximately 0.5 kg per day).
Bread should be bought rye or bran and a day you can eat no more than
200 g. Fruits and vegetables containing a large amount of fiber, which
helps to cleanse the body and blood vessels, it is necessary to eat at
least 600-800 grams per day, with one-third of this amount should be
consumed Fresh.diet for weight loss and lower cholesterol.
The main sources of protein should be fish - 150 grams per day, cottage
cheese - 150 grams, and red meat low-fat varieties - no more than 100
g. Preference should be given to fish and white meat - poultry
(skinless), and of meat products only lean meat is allowed .
The method of cooking meat is also important: it is best to eat it in
boiled, stewed or baked form, and as a side dish choose stewed
vegetables or salads from fresh vegetables. .diet for weight loss and lower cholesterol It is in this version that meat will be best absorbed.
Eggs can be eaten no more than 2-3 pieces per week, and egg white can
be eaten in unlimited quantities, because only the egg yolk increases
- Sugar can be eaten no more than 50 g per day, and for people suffering from diabetes - 3% of daily calories.
- The use of dairy products should be moderate and you need to choose sour-milk products of reduced fat content.diet for weight loss and lower cholesterol.
- The diet should consist of 4-5 meals a little, dinner should be light and not too late - 2-3 hours before bedtime. If there is a feeling of hunger, then a glass of yogurt, curdled milk or a salad of apple and carrots is completely acceptable before going to bed.diet for weight loss and lower cholesterol.
People who are overweight need to monitor the calorie intake, reduce it
by eliminating fatty and high-calorie foods, sweets, fast food, etc.
from the diet.
Foods that need to be excluded from your diet when you are following an anti-cholesterol diet
What is prohibited at high cholesterol levels?
- Salo, margarine, culinary and pork fat, refined lean oil.
- All sausage products: sausages, sausages, ham, carbonate, ham, etc.
- Sauces and dressings of industrial production such as ketchup and mayonnaise
- Fast food products: chips, popcorn, French fries, etc.
- Confectionery products: sweets, cakes, pastries, cookies, crackers, etc.
- Canned food and frozen semi-finished products: pelmeni, cutlets, fish and crab sticks etc ..
- Carbonated drinks, such as Fanta, Spray, Coca-Cola, as well as alcohol, including beer.
- diet for weight loss and lower cholesterol
Products that should be limited with an anti-cholesterol diet (that is allowed to eat occasionally)
- Fatty grades of meat (pork, lamb, goose, duck)
- Milk and sour-milk products of high fat content (butter, sour cream, cheeses)
- Some seafood (caviar of fish, shrimp, squid)
- Sugar and sweets.
- diet for weight loss and lower cholesterol
What foods are useful and necessary to eat with an anti-cholesterol diet?
- Sea fish (cod, hake, sprat, haddock, ice, navaga), as well as fatty fish (herring, tuna, halibut, sardines, salmon)
- White meat: chicken, turkey.
- Vegetable unrefined oils: olive, sunflower, peanut, rapeseed, etc.
- Grain bread, cereals, cereals, nuts
- Vegetables, berries, dried fruits and fruits
- Vegetable soups
- diet for weight loss and lower cholesterol
Look at the picture, which shows the top of the 12 products, the use of which leads to a decrease in cholesterol.diet for weight loss and lower cholesterol
Menu with high cholesterol
1 day
First breakfast: 2 syrniki , freshly squeezed orange juice (60 kcal)
Second breakfast : vegetable salad (85 kcal)
Dinner: Bulgarian pepper stuffed with chicken and rice (450 kcal)
Afternoon snack: 2 slices of multi-grain bread with a thin slice of low-fat cheese, apple (250 kcal)
Dinner: vegetarian borscht with a tablespoon of sour cream (290 kcal)
2 day
First breakfast: vegetable salad (85 kcal)
Second breakfast: grapefruit (50 kcal)
Dinner: a piece of boiled brisket - 150 g with rice for garnish (560 kcal)
Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese -150 g (260 kcal)
Dinner: Dietary curd casserole - 170 g (450 kcal)
3 day
First breakfast: cooked from 2 eggs omelet (250 kcal)
Second breakfast: 2 slices of whole grain bread, smeared with jam, vegetable salad -200 g (200 kcal)
Dinner: a bowl of vegetable soup ,diet for weight loss and lower cholesterol. a salad of brynza, sliced with fresh vegetables (sweet pepper, tomato, cucumber and onions) (500 kcal)
Afternoon snack: muesli , seasoned with low-fat natural yogurt (325 kcal)
Dinner: fish boiled or baked - 150 g (250 kcal)
4 day
First breakfast: millet porridge with pumpkin (225 kcal)
Second breakfast: a glass of kefir or low-fat natural yogurt (125 kcal)
Dinner: a plate of pilaf with chicken and stewed vegetables, a salad of fresh vegetables (650 kcal)
Afternoon snack : banana (160 kcal)
Dinner: stewed or baked vegetables (230 kcal)
5 day
First breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with a spoon of sour cream, fresh orange juice (60 kcal)
Second breakfast: apple or persimmon (90 kcal)
Dinner: a plate of vegetable soup with cheese, lean beef stew or boiled - 100 g (560 kcal)
Afternoon snack: fresh vegetable salad with egg (200 kcal)
Dinner: pasta with grated cheese and chicken-150 g (300 kcal)
The main thing that should be considered for people who want to bring
the level of cholesterol into the norm - adherence to the further basic
principles of rational nutrition.diet for weight loss and lower cholesterol.
The balance of the intake of nutrients and the expenditure of energy by the body must be observed. Food should not only be varied, but also quality, it should benefit the body. diet for weight loss and lower cholesterol.It is according to these principles that the menu of the
anticholesterin diet was compiled and developed jointly by physicians
and nutritionists.diet for weight loss and lower cholesterol.