diet for fat loss vegetarian
A vegetarian is always a thin person. Is it so? Or is it another stereotype? If this is so, then why do not we dream of a slim figure to take advantage of this. Especially because today the vegetarian diet is quite popular. There are different degrees of vegetarian stiffness.
In some cases, you can eat all kinds of foods other than fish and meat,
in other cases, completely exclude products of animal origin. Sometimes it is allowed to eat fish, milk and eggs. In general, different types of vegetarian diets are great. We are also interested in a vegetarian diet for weight for fat loss vegetarian
Vegetarianism in terms of medicine
Such a diet is needed not only to purchase a beautiful figure. This is primarily a step towards a healthy lifestyle. Doctors and nutritionists are still arguing about the harm and benefit that the refusal of meat brings.
But these are all global issues, but for each individual, this diet can
improve or worsen the state of health, depending on its lifestyle and
diseases. First of all, it will be useful to people suffering from frequent overeating and for fat loss vegetarian
For people who suffer from diabetes, moderate vegetarianism is also helpful.
When replacing an animal protein with vegetable, for example, legumes,
cholesterol in the blood decreases, body weight decreases and, as shown
by Western studies, the amount of antidiabetic drugs decreases.
It is believed that a vegetarian diet beneficially affects a person if
he is predisposed to such diseases as coronary heart disease and heart
attacks. Reduces the likelihood of hypertension and appendicitis, which requires surgical measures. A healthier diet prevents the ingestion of carcinogens (stimulating the appearance of cancers).diet for fat loss vegetarian
For people who have gout, too, a vegetarian diet will do good.
With gout, it is necessary to significantly reduce the intake of purine
bases in the body, which are contained in large quantities in meat of
old animals. They are contraindicated in fish and meat products, both in fried form, and broths.
Of course, people with any diseases need a high-grade diet, vitamins
and other useful substances that the body can get from plant foods.
Thus, vegetarianism not only cleanses our body and restores metabolism,
but also by getting rid of toxins, promotes effective weight for fat loss vegetarian
Vegetarian diet for weight loss
A special role in choosing this particular diet is played by the fact that it gives a feeling of lightness and improves mood. Of course, provided a balanced diet.
If the issue of vegetarianism does not concern moral beliefs, then do
not give up milk and eggs, because it contains vitamin B12, which is so
important for the reproduction of cells in our for fat loss vegetarian
Another controversial issue related to the negative effects of vegetarianism is food sources of iron. It is believed that iron, which is contained in plant foods, is not absorbed by the body. This question is most relevant for those who adhere to this mode of nutrition for quite a long time.
There is an opinion that it is difficult to keep a vegetarian diet. But what about people who for life refuse meat from moral or religious beliefs? There are also those who believe that vegetable food is too fresh or tasteless. But are not spices and spicy herbs of plant origin? Nuts, fruits, seeds and a lot of wonderful vegetable dishes, all these are the delights of vegetarian cuisine. diet for fat loss vegetarian.Moreover, they have been on shelves all year for fat loss vegetarian.
How to start a vegetarian diet?
1) You should not become a vegetarian abruptly. Exclude products of animal origin should be gradual.
2) Beforehand to think over your menu, so that the food was full. All the elements that used to come from meat products must now be filled with substances of plant for fat loss vegetarian.
3) Vegetarian food is not synonymous with healthy food, so you should choose only useful foods for yourself.
4) In order to lose weight, you need to limit the flow of calories into the body. Do not interfere and physical for fat loss vegetarian.
5) Duration is determined independently. Everything depends on the state of health and the timing of the for fat loss vegetarian.
6) To return meat to your diet, as well as to remove it must be gradually. It's better to start with dairy for fat loss vegetarian.
Vegetarian diet menu
When we refuse animal food in favor of vegetable, we should include in
the diet more legumes, beans and peas, nuts and seeds, as well as
vegetables - cauliflower, broccoli and for fat loss vegetarian.
- As with any diet, if we want to lose weight, then do not abuse sweets. After all, our goal is to cleanse the body.
This is facilitated by the consumption of water in sufficient
quantities, because metabolic processes in the body occur in the aquatic for fat loss vegetarian.
- Alcohol and cigarettes should also be excluded, since they will have an even more harmful effect during the diet. Do not buy and products that include additives, such as flavor enhancers and flavors. They only increase appetite and do not contribute to the improvement of the body. One of the advantages of a vegetarian diet is that it meets all the parameters of a healthy lifestyle in its spirit.
Physical loads within reasonable limits are not only not
contraindicated, but even on the contrary are welcomed, because we do
not want to lose muscle mass, but only reduce body volume, by burning
excess fat. And the work of muscles will help us in this.
If during any diet to lead a sedentary lifestyle, not only the
effectiveness of the diet itself decreases, but also, the body starts
using muscle tissue as a source of for fat loss vegetarian.
- To make a menu for yourself, you need to determine how many kilograms you need to say goodbye. Knowing your ideal weight, it remains to calculate the daily calorie rate. For men and women, these indicators may for fat loss vegetarian.
Vegetarian diet for 7 days / week
To ensure that our body does not experience a deficit in anything, you can use synthetic vitamins and minerals. In accordance with the rules of healthy eating, the advantage should be given not fried, but boiled and stewed food. diet for fat loss vegetarian.
Thermal processing of food also reduces its useful properties. There is a special direction of vegetarianism, where food is not even warmed up - it's raw food.
It relies on the fact that when thermal heating is more than forty-six
degrees, enzymes are destroyed, as well as some vitamins.
Option one
1 day
Breakfast: oats flakes or any other (25 g.); Fruit or vegetables, steamed or stewed; Lunch: potatoes in uniform (175 g); Low-fat cheese (25 g.); Dinner: vegetable stew with cauliflower (125 grams); Salad of fruits (apple, mandarin, orange, you can raspberries, melon, etc.);
2 day Breakfast: vegetable salad; Dietary loaves; Lunch: pasta, preferably from coarse flour with greens (75 g.); Tomatoes can be canned; Dinner: rice with stewed vegetables; Boiled string beans (125 grams);
3 day Breakfast: porridge (30 g.); Fruit or vegetables, for example baked apples; Lunch: canned or fresh fruit (peaches); Dietary bread (or a little bit of biscuit); Dinner: spaghetti with garlic (75 grams); Vegetable salad with greens;
4 day Breakfast: vegetables stewed; Tofu (or other low-fat) cheese; Lunch: squash caviar 125 g; Buckwheat porridge (40 g.); Dinner: boiled beans; Vegetable Salad;
5 day Breakfast: carrot casserole; fresh fruits; Lunch: stewed cabbage; Brown rice; Dinner: pasta; Canned tomatoes;
6th day Breakfast: cucumber salad; Rice with stewed vegetables; Lunch: potatoes in uniform (175); Low-fat cheese (25 g.); Supper: boiled string beans (125 grams, diet breads;
Day 7 Breakfast: baked apples; Oat flakes with dried apricots; Lunch: squash caviar (125 g.); Buckwheat porridge (40 g.); Dinner: boiled beans; Vegetable Salad;
Option of the second vegetarian diet
1 day Breakfast: a piece of bran bread; an Apple; coffee; Lunch: rice porridge (150 grams); Vegetable salad (100 grams); pear; Dinner: pasta (150 grams); Salad from cucumbers and tomatoes (100 grams); grapefruit;
2 day Breakfast: oatmeal porridge (200 g.); green tea; Lunch: legumes (beans 150 g); Cabbage salad with carrots; Vegetable juice; Dinner: vegetarian stew (150 g.); 2 kiwi fruit; pear;
3 day Breakfast: cucumber salad; Pumpkin casserole; tea; Lunch: buckwheat porridge with mushrooms (150 g.); Carrot salad (100 g); an Apple; Dinner: Spaghetti (150 g.); baked apples; Strawberries (100 g);
4 day Breakfast: bread bran; Vinaigrette (100 grams); tea; Lunch: bun; Banana (2 pieces); compote; Dinner: cabbage casserole with pasta (150 grams); Dietary loaf; Cucumber salad;
5 day Breakfast: a piece of bran bread; an Apple; coffee; Lunch: pea porridge (150 grams); Beet Salad (100 grams); orange; Dinner: pasta (150 grams); Salad from cucumbers and tomatoes (100 grams); grapefruit
6th day Breakfast: cucumber salad; Carrot casserole; juice; Lunch: cabbage stewed (150 grams); Vegetable salad (100 grams); an Apple; Dinner: Spaghetti (150 grams); baked apples; Strawberry (100 grams);
Day 7 Breakfast: oatmeal porridge (200 grams); green tea; Lunch: beans (beans 150 grams); Cabbage salad with carrots; Vegetable juice; Dinner: a vegetarian stew (150 grams); Dietary loaf; pear.
The main advantages of a vegetarian diet include that:
- There are many types of vegetarian diets, so you can choose one that is comfortable for us.
- Promotes the prevention of certain diseases.
- Clears the body of toxins, lowers cholesterol.
- Accelerates metabolism.
- Saturates the body with useful substances (carbohydrates, vitamins C and E, carotenoids, folic acid and others)
- Prevents the formation and development of cancer.
- Improves well-being, mood, gives a feeling of lightness.
- Promotes weight loss.
With this diet, for four weeks, you can lose up to seven for fat loss vegetarian.
A vegetarian diet is considered not particularly severe. It's not very difficult to keep, if there is not a lot of craving for meat.
As for the cost, the savings on meat products approximately compensate
for the increase in the volume of consumption of fruits and for fat loss vegetarian.
Thus, a vegetarian diet for weight loss is a very good way for healing and discharging our for fat loss vegetarian.