Diet Lesenka - a new super weight loss method, which allows you to lose 3 to 8 kg in just 5 days!
At the same time the result is kept for a long time, and weight loss
itself not only does not harm health, but even vice versa, it improves
it. Do not think that this is another trick or advertising trick. Diet laden really works, and today our site Taliya.Ru will tell you how!
diet chart for weight loss in 5 days
The essence of the diet is simple, like all genius - 5 days, 5 steps
(steps), which form a ladder leading to your new slim figure.
Every new day is a new stage, a new stage of the chart for weight loss in 5 days
The name of the first stage or the first stage speaks for itself. On this day, you will cleanse your body. The stage is very important and useful, take it seriously!diet chart for weight loss in 5 days. It helps to strengthen the effect of the following stages, gently preparing the body for weight chart for weight loss in 5 days
Plus at this stage, there is a good cleansing of the body from toxins and toxins. And as a pleasant bonus, you can already lose from 1 to 2 kg!
The second stage is designed to restore the favorable environment of
the gastrointestinal tract, which is also very important,diet chart for weight loss in 5 days. both for
health and for proper weight chart for weight loss in 5 days
At this stage, you will have to please your body with sour-milk
products, which after the "Cleansing" stage will be absorbed by the body
most effectively!
Since the diet of this day will be very low-calorie, you, in addition
to the colossal benefits for your intestines, will be able to lose
weight from 1 to 2 kg. Encouraged by their amazing results, move on to the next step.
The most delicious and pleasant step of the diet is chart for weight loss in 5 days
On this day, you have to replenish the energy reserves that the body
spent on cleansing and healing,diet chart for weight loss in 5 days. which is too fatigued, he was hungry and
missed the sugar. Therefore, on the third step you need to please your body with glucose, while he did not take offense at you. Glucose will be extremely useful (raisins, honey, etc.), so it does not hurt at all. In this "sweet" day you can lose weight by about 0.5-1 chart for weight loss in 5 days.
This stage was called Building not just. Its task is to help the body burn fat cells without touching the muscle chart for weight loss in 5 days.
Active supply of protein with food will help the body to conduct the
necessary "construction" work (after all, weight loss is a shock,diet chart for weight loss in 5 days.because of which many vital functions of the body slow down), but the
process of losing weight will continue! The building step will help you to say goodbye to excess 700 chart for weight loss in 5 days.
Fat Burning
Well, we reached the last final step! Here you will find useful fiber, which will help complete the process of losing weight. diet chart for weight loss in 5 days.
Fiber perfectly satiates and quenches the feeling of hunger, but on its
digestion the body needs to spend a lot of energy, and in conditions of
lack of glycogen after 4 days of diet, it will start to produce it from
fat, actively burning it. diet chart for weight loss in 5 days/
The last step of the diet Lesenka will help you to throw another 1-2.5 kg!
The diet menu for 5 days
1 day, 1 stage "Cleansing"
During the day you need to eat 1 kg of apples, drink at least 1 liter
of water and take 6-8 tablets of activated charcoal (1 tablet every 2
hours).diet chart for weight loss in 5 days.
Day 2, 2nd stage "Restoring" For a day you need to drink 1 liter of low-fat kefir and eat about 600 gr. Low-fat cottage cheese. Plus it is necessary to drink pure water or mineral water without chart for weight loss in 5 days.
3 day, 3 step "Energy" At the third stage, your diet for the day: 2 tablespoons of honey, 300 gr. Raisins, compote of dried fruits without sugar (replace it with fructose) and chart for weight loss in 5 days
4th day, 4th stage "Construction" Protein day - 500 gr. Poultry meat (turkey, chicken) is mandatory with greens. Meat can be boiled, baked, steamed or grilled. Be sure to drink water throughout the chart for weight loss in 5 days
5th day, 5th stage "Fat burning" On this day, you can arrange yourself a feast of the stomach. You can eat fresh fruits and raw vegetables in any quantities. Plus you need to eat about 200 grams. Oat flakes,diet chart for weight loss in 5 days. boiled on water and naturally drink water!
Only 5 days and you are the owner of a new slim figure!
For more stimulation, do not be too lazy to draw a ladder on the sheet
of paper, diet chart for weight loss in 5 days.on the steps of which each time celebrate their successes, and
they will, do not even chart for weight loss in 5 days.
The diet is easy and useful. So you can safely repeat it after a short break!