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diet cabbage soup

diet cabbage soup

капустный суп
Cabbage soup for weight loss is the basis of the popular diet today, which allows you to lose an average of 5 kg of excess weight per week . Cabbage is one of the low-calorie and fat-burning products, so almost all dishes from it are considered dietary. Given that the recipe for soup does not require the addition of fats, the food is extremely light, and you can use it whenever there is a feeling of hunger, without fear of damaging the figure.
Doctors do not advise to lose weight with the help of cabbage soup for a long time,diet cabbage soup. because the diet on its basis is unbalanced and can not provide the body with all the necessary substances. In order not to cause harm to one's health, a cabbage diet is recommended not more than 7 days, after which it is necessary to take a break for at least 2 weeks, diet cabbage soup.during which to try to eat in limited quantities food from all groups.

diet cabbage soup: recipes

A positive aspect in the diet based on cabbage soup is that there are several ways to prepare it, so that a slimming person can choose the recipe of a dish that he most will like to taste. All soups made from cabbage with the addition of other vegetables are equally low-calorie and useful for the figure. Although it is believed that you can prepare a dish for weight loss from any varieties of this vegetable culture, the most effective is still white cabbage soup.
In order to prepare a classic cabbage soup, which has a fat burning effect, it is necessary to take:
  • Half a head of medium-sized cabbage;
  • 1 pepper (best green or yellow);
  • 2 fresh tomatoes;
  • 3 onions;
  • 1 small bunch of celery leaves.
All the ingredients should be washed thoroughly with running water, then finely chopped. Shredded products (except celery) in a large enamel saucepan with boiling salted water (it should be about 2 liters) and cook until they become soft. Greens of celery add to the soup after all the ingredients are cooked. The recipe prohibits the use of various oils and spices, otherwise the fat burning effect will be reduced to zero. If desired, the soup can be blended with a cabbage soup.
If the above recipe for soup for weight loss seems to someone too fresh, then the technology of cooking this dish can be slightly cabbage soup. In order to cook another soup, you will need:
  • Half a small head of cabbage;
  • 1 pepper;
  • 3 juicy carrots;
  • 3 onions;
  • A glass of young beans (it is better not to use the old one, since it is brewed for a long time);
  • 2 tomatoes or half a glass of freshly squeezed tomato juice;
  • 1 small bunch of celery and green onions.
  •  diet cabbage soup
As in the previous method, rinse all ingredients with running water and finely chop. Take a pan of 4 liters, fill it with water to half, add salt after cabbage soup. Pour the chopped vegetables and boil on low heat until cooked. When the soup is fully cooked, add chopped green onion and celery into it and remove from the plate. Some to add soup extra flavor add broth cubes to it. diet cabbage soup. It is better not to do this, because they contain glutamate sodium, which is dangerous for health, and many condiments that enhance appetite.
Cabbage soup for weight loss can be prepared with the addition of rice. For this you need to prepare:
  • 1/4 cabbage head;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 1 carrot;
  • Half a large tomato;
  • 1 onion;
  • 20 grams of brown rice;
  • A small bunch of green celery.
Cabbage, carrots, onions, peppers and tomatoes finely chopped. Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, wait until it boils, and add salt. Shredded ingredients carefully put in boiling water and cook over low heat until cooked. When the vegetables become soft, add the previously cooked rice and chopped celery leaves, give the soup another boil and immediately remove it from the plate. This dish of cabbage due to rice will be more satisfying than soups prepared by previous technologies, but its recipe is also considered to be cabbage soup.

Diet cabbage soup What you need to know about fat-burning soup and its use?

As you can see, in all recipes for making soups for weight loss, in addition to cabbage, celery is used. This product must be included in the diet, because it helps to reduce weight. Celery, added to the soup, enhances the fat burning effect of cabbage and thereby accelerates weight loss. Tomatoes, peppers, onions and carrots, used as additional ingredients for soup, diet cabbage soup/play an important role - they saturate the body of a slimming person with cellulose, which contributes to the timely cleansing of the intestines. The recipe of the dish can be slightly modified, experimenting with the proportions of the main ingredients, but it is forbidden to add meat broth, potatoes and fats to cabbage soup/
Soup of cabbage should preferably be cooked every morning in such a way that during the day it is eaten without leaving for tomorrow. diet cabbage soup/ In order to lose weight, you need to eat a small bowl of soup whenever there is a feeling of hunger, but no more than 6 times a day. Cabbage diet includes not only fat burning soup, but also some low-calorie products of animal and vegetable origin. If the restriction in food is given to a person hard, then he is allowed to add to the daily diet a small slice of black bread (about 50 grams per day). diet cabbage soup/Drinking regimen during the period of weight loss should be sufficient and be at least 2 liters of fluid per day. During the diet, you must exclude from the diet all fried foods, fats, sweets and alcoholic cabbage soup/

Diet cabbage soup methods of nutrition by day

In order to understand how one should eat a man who has chosen a diet based on a cabbage soup for his weight loss, one can cite an orienting menu designed for a week.
1 day diet should include several plates of cabbage soup eaten at regular intervals, and several fruits (except for bananas that contain a lot of carbohydrates). Drinking preferably tea or coffee without sugar, freshly squeezed sour juices and mineral water without cabbage soup
On day 2, except for cabbage soup, you can eat up to 200 grams of raw vegetables. For lunch, 2-3 potatoes baked with a piece of butter are allowed. In addition to water or tea, it is recommended to drink a glass of tomato or carrot cabbage soup
Day 3 - fruit and vegetable. Soup diet can be diluted with any fresh fruits and vegetables. diet cabbage soup/ The drinking regime should consist of water and unsweetened green tea.
диета по дням Day 4 like banana lovers, because the dietary diet of this period consists of cabbage soup and 8 ripe bananas. In addition to 2 liters of water during the day, you need to drink 2 cups of kefir.
On day 5 of the diet, a small piece of boiled meat of calf, chicken or fish, and 1 tomato can be added to each plate of cabbage soup. For the whole day it is allowed to eat up to 300 grams of lean meat and up to 6 cabbage soup/ Drink only mineral water (up to 8 glasses).
Day 6 includes cabbage soup for weight loss, a lot of raw vegetables and a large beef steak. From a liquid to give preference to water, vegetable juices and unsweetened green cabbage soup/
7 day diet - the last. On this day, the soup diet can be diversified with 2 small cups of boiled rice of unpurified varieties and lots of fresh vegetables. Drink water and unsweetened freshly squeezed juices from fruits and cabbage soup.
No matter how much you want to eat something delicious after a diet, it should not be done, because then all the lost pounds will return in a few days. Diet after a cabbage soup diet should consist of low-fat foods, which should be consumed in small amounts (not more than 200 grams at a time). Sweets and any high-calorie foods should be completely excluded from your menu. If necessary, after 2 weeks, the diet can be cabbage soup.

diet cabbage soup Pros and cons of losing weight on cabbage soup

The technique of losing weight on cabbage soup has its positive and negative sides. Its pluses include the following:
  • You can choose a recipe for soup, focusing on your own taste;
  • The diet consists of simple and affordable products;
  • Can lose weight in a short time by 5 or more kilograms;
  • There is every time that there is a feeling of hunger, so that the diet is easily tolerated;
  • Soup helps to cleanse the intestines;
  • After a short time, the menu can be repeated.
The use of cabbage for weight loss has the following disadvantages:
  • Cabbage soup for weight loss can not provide the human body with a sufficient number of useful substances;
  • The diet is very strict, does not tolerate abnormalities and indulgences;
  • Soup from cabbage very quickly bothers;
  • From the constant use of cabbage and other vegetables, a person develops flatulence;
  • The diet is contraindicated in adolescents, pregnant and breast-feeding women, people with anemia and gastrointestinal illness;
  • A similar diet is not recommended by nutritionists.
Reviews on the method of weight loss, based on cabbage soup, mostly positive. Most people who experienced this diet were satisfied with the results, because they managed to lose from 2 to 8 kilograms of weight during the cabbage soup

diet beta test

Diet beta test

Beta-carotene (provitamin A)

One of the main properties of Beta-carotene (provitamin A) is well known - it is a source of vitamin A in a convenient form of assimilation and in this capacity is used.
Carotene - fat-soluble
Carotene is an unsaturated hydrocarbon, an orange-yellow pigment. Therefore, it is found in fruits, leaves of flowers, which have an orange-yellow pigment (color). The protein associated with carotene is the most important factor in its chemical stabilization. In solution, especially when irradiated and accessed by oxygen, carotene is easily destroyed.
Physiological beta test/
This is primarily the possibility of reducing the carcinogenic risk from exposure and tobacco smoke through regular consumption of carrots. Part of carotene, which does not convert into vitamin A in the body, performs special protective functions. Already now, moderate and regular consumption of red carrots and juice can be recommended as a factor that reduces the risk of developing premature aging and tumors. (This valuable information about carotene was taken from the book of M.M. Vilenchik "Biological basis of aging and longevity"). diet beta test/ It is believed that carotene enhances the effect of sex hormones. The content of carotene in human blood plasma varies from 80 to 230 mg% and depends on the intake with food.
With some diseases (eczema, etc.), the content of carotene in the blood is 8-30 mg%. In the human body, it is deposited in the liver, heart, nervous tissue, bone marrow, testis, ovaries, skin, especially in the feet and beta test/
In the form of an oily solution, carotene is half as active as vitamin beta test/
An exceptionally important factor in the assimilation of Beta-carotene (provitamin A) is the presence of bile in the intestine. Children absorb it worse than adults. At very high doses of artificial Beta-carotene (provitamin A),diet beta test/ 1-2 percent is absorbed. In contrast to vitamin A, carotene in large doses is nontoxic and does not cause beta test/
The following facts tell us about the importance in our nutrition of vitamin A and carotene. According to the WHO, over 1 million men of 40-60 years of age become disabled due to ARI, rhinitis, otitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia due to lack of vitamin A. The formation of the salivary stone on the teeth, according to specialists, is an external sign of hidden pathological processes: the formation of stones in the liver and kidneys, as a result of metabolic disorders during the degeneration of the mucous membranes and the development of inflammatory diseases. Remember from the section on digestion, how fast the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract disappears, and if it does not fully recover, the most diverse diseases come. There are ulcers, indigestion, polyps, and malignant beta test/
The reasons for the appearance of vitamin A and carotene deficiency are many: malnutrition, low content in foods, impaired digestion or increased intake in diseases, pregnancy, sports training, in children in the period of intensive growth - 2-5 years and beta test/
As a preventive measure, regularly at breakfast, eat salad containing a lot of carrots, or drink carrot juice. This diet was maintained by Paul Bregg. Here is what he writes in his world-famous book The Miracle of Fasting: "About an hour after this, I make my first meal of the day, usually a salad of fresh vegetables based on carrots, cabbage and greens." It is in these products that carotene is beta test/
Daily rate Beta-carotene (provitamin A) 6000 IU.
About vitamin A and carotene in beta test.
Beta-carotene is an antioxidant or antioxidant. If you received an overdose of vitamin A, you may have side effects. Taking an beta-carotene you do not have an overdose, because the body will take from it as much vitamin A as it needs, the rest will act as an antioxidant.
Without vitamin A, there can be no smooth, healthy skin and functional mucous membranes. Our skin becomes rough, dry, sometimes bursts and stale, on the face there are acne, on the body is not often boils.
Vitamin A stimulates the production of mucus, which protects the finest shell from drying out. In damaged areas of the skin and mucous membrane, infection is quickly applied, dryness in the nose, throat, intestines and urinary canals beta test.
Damaged mucous membranes on the bronchi and in the lungs lead to the inability of their resistance to disease. Therefore, there is often "pneumonia" with a fatal beta test.
Without vitamin A, cells that produce mucus die off, cornified layers are formed in the lungs, stomach, intestines, bladder, genitalia, and also on the skin. A consequence of this can be pain in the stomach, digestive disorders, inflammatory processes in the genitourinary sphere and even cancer.
Vitamin A plays a decisive role in the functional activity of the organs of beta test. It is a component of the protein from which the retina consists of the eye; Under the influence of light, this protein is disengaged. As a result, the optic nerve sends an impulse to the visual center of the brain and the person sees.
If it is not enough, there is inevitably a visual impairment. The first sign of having poor visibility in the twilight and in the dark. In addition, the lack of vitamin A leads to the drying and hardening of the corneal cells, and then we lose the protective film of tear fluid. Cells peel off, tear ducts become blocked, and chronic dryness of the eyes beta test.
With a lack of vitamin A, there may be a slowdown in children. The growth of bones in the limbs mainly occurs in the region of the joints. It is the cells of the cartilaginous tissue, which are most actively involved in the metabolism process, and require a large amount of vitamin beta test.
Vitamin A strengthens the jawbones and thus prevents the wrong taste, increases the resistance of the gums to infections and inflammations, is necessary for hearing, liver (especially after Botkin's disease).
Our muscles are easily fatigued, a large deposit of sulfur appears in the ears, hair and nails become brittle and lose their beta test.
Vitamin A is also needed in such a delicate sphere as love, sex and the continuation of the genus. If vitamin A is not enough, then there is a deficit of spermatozoa (seminal cells) in men and a decrease in sex drive and infertility in beta test.
Signs of insufficiency.
Almost 30% of people have stocks of vitamin A at the "limit of risk". As a result:
- skin lesions - dryness, peeling, acne,
- susceptibility to infections, especially respiratory infections (rhinitis, laryngitis, bronchitis);
- night blindness with loss of visual acuity at dusk;diet beta test.
- dryness of the cornea of ​​the eye due to occlusion of the lacrimal canal, the epithelium of which is subjected to cornification;
- poor bone growth, arthralgia (pain in the joints);
- Damaged tooth enamel;
- weight loss, slow growth;
- Insomnia, a feeling of fatigue;
- delay in sexual development in adolescents and sexual dysfunction in adults.
Therapeutic and prophylactic value:
- inhibition of the aging process;
- antiatherosclerotic action (which means the prevention of the development of coronary heart disease and vascular lesions of cerebral vessels);
- prophylaxis of development of oncological diseases;
- use in patients with atrophic gastritis, a decrease in the secretory function of the stomach, peptic ulcer disease (in combination with food containing zinc);
- with poorly healing wounds, burns;
- with exacerbation of chronic respiratory diseases
And the urinary system;
- to maintain normal skin, mucous membranes
Shells, bones, teeth, hair, gums;
- for the treatment of furunculosis, carbuncles, trophic ulcers;
- helps to get rid of senile pigment spots;
- helps maintain normal prostate function, especially in men over 40;
- is necessary during pregnancy and lactation;
- helps to get rid of many vision disorders, restrains the development of glaucoma;
- increases the resistance of the body to respiratory and other infections, strengthens immunity;
- is necessary for the growth of bones, maintenance of the function of the testes and ovaries, embryonic development, differentiation of tissues (i.e., formation of the fetal cells of organs and tissues from the total mass of fetuses), for regulation
Who may need an additional appointment?
People who consume low-calorie or nutrient-deficient foods, as well as those who are experiencing an increased need for nutrients.
Abusing alcohol and drugs.
People suffering from debilitating chronic diseases or having a high temperature for a long time.
For a long time, they are in a serious stressful and emotional state.
For recovery after surgery or after severe injuries and burns.
Children with weakened beta test.
Natural sources.
Records of the content of Beta-carotene (provitamin A):
  • Sorrel, carrots and, especially, olepihovre oil.
  • Apricot is fresh.
  • Watermelon.
  • Mustard greens.
  • Courgette ground.
  • Cabbage for garden
  • Leaves of Lettuce.
  • Milk whole from the domestic cow.
  • Carrot.
  • Sea buckthorn oil.
  • Liver.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Asparagus.
  • Pumpkin.
  • Chicory, endive in its raw form.
  • Spinach.
  • Sorrel.
  • Eggs are yolk.

weight loss diet 9 kg for 7 days

weight loss diet 9 kg for 7 days

Weight loss up to 9 kg in 7 days.
The average daily calorific value is 250 kcal.
Sometimes it happens that you need to lose excess weight very quickly. Let's be frank, most nutritionists do not at all welcome such urgent ways of transforming the figure, in part because the lost kilograms can just as quickly return. Nevertheless, often representatives of both sexes are looking for a way to quickly transform the body before some significant event. If you are currently among them and are just looking for a method to minimize their forms as quickly as possible, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the options of a strict diet that promise weight loss as soon as possible. They last from 3 to 14 days and get rid of 4-5 (and more) kilograms.weight loss diet 9 kg for 7 days.

Requirements for a strict diet

weight loss diet 9 kg for 7 days 

One of the most severe options for a strict diet is a 3-day weight loss course. If necessary, throw off more kilograms, you can keep the diet for up to 5 days, but no more. Although it is worth noting that there are not many such interested people, since even a three-day event does not come under the force of many. If you decide to seek help with this technique, the whole dietary term you will have to eat oatmeal and fish. The company consists of one apple and a cucumber a day. weight loss diet 9 kg for 7 days.Power - fractional. Breakfast consists entirely of liquid and provides for the use of one cup of black tea. In the rest of the period, only pure water without gas is allowed from the drinks. As a rule, for 3 dietary days it is possible to throw 3-4 kg. If the diet of such a diet is too hungry for you, but its general principles are appealing, try a slightly easier option. Supplement the menu with a vegetable non-starch salad dressed with vegetable oil, which helps not only make the dish tastier, but also prolong the feeling of satiety after eating. But be prepared that in this case the results from the diet may be less noticeable.weight loss diet 9 kg for 7 days.
For 7 days of the second variant of a strict diet, you can say goodbye to 5-9 unnecessary kilograms. The sizes of portions are not clearly spelled out. You can eat until saturation (of course, on those days when food is generally allowed). However,weight loss diet 9 kg for 7 days. for people who are hard to stop in time during a meal, it can be a minus. Try to feel when you are full, do not eat for future use. Remember that you lose weight. The seven-day strict method of weight reduction provides for 7 various unloading days (mini mini-diets, and combined). When preparing and eating dishes, it is necessary to abandon salt, various kinds of seasonings, pepper, garlic, onions and, not surprisingly, sugar. In the extreme prediDetic day try to eat as easily as possible, refusing fatty, floury and too high-calorie products and having supper no later than 18 hours.weight loss diet 9 kg for 7 days. Well, if in the diet-days you can have dinner no later than this time. And an hour before sleep is recommended to drink a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of natural honey diluted in it. The basis of dietary rations are various cereals, low-fat or low-fat kefir, non-starchy vegetables and fruits (preferably seasonal), low-fat cottage cheese. From liquids on all days except the first, it is allowed to drink non-carbonated water in any quantity, as well as tea of ​​any kind without sugar.weight loss diet 9 kg for 7 days.
There is another variant of a strict diet with a duration of 7 days . Often, it is called dynamic, because it helps to dynamically say goodbye to the accumulated excess weight. The main goal of this diet is to cause a stressful situation in the body and thereby encourage it to lose weight.weight loss diet 9 kg for 7 days.
Since with strict diets the intake of nutrients in the body is dramatically reduced, it is recommended to drink a course of vitamins. It is better to do this before the diet, in advance to prepare the body for restrictions. But since most people take the decision to turn to a strict diet shortly before it, then start to drink vitamins at least simultaneously with its start.weight loss diet 9 kg for 7 days.
According to the rules of a strict seven-day dynamic diet, for which you can throw up to 5 kg, you need to eat three times a day. Focus on such healthy products as boiled or baked meat, freshly squeezed juices, non-starchy vegetables, berries. It is best to carry out this diet in the summer, since supper provides for the consumption of berries,weight loss diet 9 kg for 7 days. and it is the easiest to get useful products of this species in the warm season.
If your goal is even more weighty, and you want to throw off up to 10 extra pounds, it is possible, although you will need to show enviable willpower. In this case, pay attention to the 14-day strict diet. The essence of this technique is mainly that the habitual diet should be replaced by liquid food. The entire diet-period is to use milk of low-fat type, meat broths, various juices and broths. This concerns the first variant of the 14-day strict diet. If it is very heavy for you, you can turn to the second, in which weight loss can be less significant, but it is easier to transfer. weight loss diet 9 kg for 7 days.The basis of the diet here are rice, eggs, lean meat, non-starchy fruits and vegetables (that is, solid food). You need to eat three times a day. To salt foods is recommended minimum, and all drinks should be consumed without the addition of sugar. Avoid eating shortly before going to bed.

Menu of a strict diet

Brweight loss diet 9 kg for 7 days

eakfast: a cup of black tea without sweeteners.
The second breakfast: one small apple.
Lunch: a portion of oatmeal (up to 200 g in finished form), prepared on water without the addition of salt. If you do not like oatmeal, it is acceptable to replace buckwheat. Or alternate them so that the same type of diet is not boring at all.
Afternoon snack: fresh cucumber.
Dinner: about 200 g of lean unsalted fish in boiled or baked form.
weight loss diet 9 kg for 7 days

Diet on a seven-day strict diet

 weight loss diet 9 kg for 7 days

Monday is one of the strictest days. You can not eat at all. Only ordinary water is allowed, but even its amount should be limited to 500 ml, which must be gradually drunk during the day. In the evening it is recommended to take a hot bath or visit the sauna.weight loss diet 9 kg for 7 days
Breakfast: porridge from your favorite cereal (in priority buckwheat and oatmeal), cooked on the water.
Lunch: rice and vegetable soup. For its preparation, use no more than four types of non-starchy vegetables. Make sure that there are more vegetables than rice. If desired, rice can be replaced with a small amount of potatoes. weight loss diet 9 kg for 7 days
Dinner: a glass of low-fat kefir.
Breakfast: any non-starchy fruit.
Lunch: an empty salad of vegetables and greens, which you can fill with a small amount of lemon juice.
Dinner: a glass of yogurt.
Breakfast: any fruit (individually or combined in a salad).
Lunch: vegetable salad with greenery.
Dinner: fruit.
Breakfast: a serving of boiled rice.
Lunch: tomato-rice soup without roast.
Dinner: a serving of boiled rice.
Breakfast: a portion of cottage cheese, in which it is recommended to add sprouted wheat; tea.
Lunch: select the lunch menu of any of the previous days.
Dinner: a glass of yogurt.
Sunday : on this day you can duplicate the menu of any day, which was given to you more easily and most pleasantly.

Diet on a dynamic, strict diet

 weight loss diet 9 kg for 7 days

Day 1
Breakfast: a glass of freshly squeezed orange-apple juice.
Lunch: up to 80 g of boiled chicken fillet; Salad of cucumber, tomato, parsley and other greens (100 g).
Dinner: a glass of unsweet compote from dried fruits.
Day 2
Breakfast: a glass of juice made from peaches and apples.
Lunch: 100 grams of lean veal, cooked without adding oil, plus the same amount of boiled non-starchy vegetables.
Dinner: a small bowl of fresh berries (if the season allows, it is good to choose a strawberry).
Day 3
Breakfast: a glass of apple-peach juice.
Lunch: low-fat fish fillets in a boiled form (about 60 g); 100 g of carrot and cabbage salad.
Dinner: berries (today it is recommended to eat fresh cherries).
Day 4
Breakfast: apple-blueberry freshly squeezed juice (1 glass).
Lunch: meat steamed meatballs weighing not more than 100 g; 100 grams of cooked vegetables (they should include beetroot).
Dinner: a glass of unsweetened compote from any fruit / dried fruit.
Day 5
Breakfast: 200 ml of cherry-apple juice.
Lunch: 80 g of low-fat meat meatballs; Lettuce leaves and any other greens at your discretion.
Dinner: berries (in the priority of raspberries).
Day 6
Breakfast: a glass of blueberry and apple juice.
Lunch: up to 100 g of boiled meat (it is recommended to eat veal now); A little boiled vegetables (it is advisable to include broccoli in the lunch).
Dinner: a handful of any berries and a cup of green tea.
Day 7
Breakfast: a glass of orange-peach juice.
Dinner: up to 100 g of fillet of any bird in boiled or stewed; 100 grams of lettuce from tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, greens.
Dinner: a glass of compote from any dried fruits.

Diet on a fourteen-day strict diet (option 1)

 weight loss diet 9 kg for 7 days

The daily menu should consist of the following drinks (all drink one glass at a time):
  • Oat broth (for its preparation boil half a cup of oatmeal in a liter of water and strain, leaving liquid for consumption);
  • kefir;
  • Unsweetened compote;
  • Vegetable juice, which is recommended to dilute half the water;
  • milk;
  • Low-fat meat broth, prepared without the addition of salt;
  • Unsalted decoction of vegetables.

Diet on a fourteen-day strict diet (option 2)

 weight loss diet 9 kg for 7 days

Day 1
Breakfast: rice on water (100-150 g); green apple; A cup of unsweetened tea.
Lunch: omelet from 2-3 eggs (cook without butter) or simply boiled eggs; Low-fat cottage cheese with greens (up to 150 g); Tea / coffee without sugar.
Dinner: omelette (as well as lunch) plus a savory hot drink.
Day 2
Breakfast: rice; tea.
Lunch: 200 g of boiled or baked lean beef; One small, fresh tomato; coffee.
Dinner: up to 200 g of beef (cook in any way without oil); Sea kale without oil; tea or coffee.
Day 3
Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, filled with kefir; tea.
Lunch: chicken breast boiled or baked; Empty vegetable salad with non-starch type and greens; coffee.
Dinner: boiled chicken fillet; broccoli; A glass of grapefruit juice.
Before going to sleep: for an hour or two before sleeping, eat an apple or grapefruit.
Day 4
Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal; An apple or an orange; tea.
Lunch: lean boiled beef (200 g); Sea kale without oil; tea.
Dinner: boiled chicken fillet and 1 tomato.
Day 5
Breakfast: oatmeal on water; Coffee with low-fat milk.
Lunch: boiled low-fat fish (a good choice will be pollock or hake); A little boiled vegetables (without potatoes); tea without sugar.
Dinner: omelet of three eggs, which is allowed to add low-fat milk (but vegetable oil is not desirable); Vegetable salad of white cabbage and cucumbers; coffee.
Day 6
Breakfast: rice with grated green apple; tea.
Lunch: boiled shrimps; tea.
Dinner: boiled chicken breast; Stewed zucchini with onions; Coffee with a little milk.
Day 7 provides only 2 meals.
Breakfast: buckwheat porridge; tea.
Lunch: lean boiled beef (about 200 g); Some canned green peas; coffee.
In the second week, just duplicate this menu.

Contraindications to a strict diet

weight loss diet 9 kg for 7 days 

  1. On any of the options for a strict method of losing weight, you can not sit with children, adolescents, old people, women in position and during lactation.
  2. Also, it is strictly not recommended to severely diet people with gastritis, peptic ulcer, stomach and gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes, endocrine diseases, disruption of the genitourinary system.
  3. You can not eat so in the postoperative period, when menopause occurs, when the body has not fully recovered.
  4. It is highly desirable to consult the doctor beforehand to be sure of the ability of one's organism to withstand one or another severe restriction in nutrition.

Advantages of a strict diet

weight loss diet 9 kg for 7 days 

The main advantage is efficiency. Already during the first week you can throw about 5 kilograms and quickly correct the body.

Disadvantages of a strict diet

 weight loss diet 9 kg for 7 days

Possible meeting with the following negative phenomena:
  • Fatigue, weakness, sleep disturbance;
  • Inhibition of mental activity;
  • Lack of useful substances in the body;
  • Burn not only fat, but also muscles, which leads to an unattractive change in the body (it grows thin, but can become flabby);
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Weakening of immunity;
  • metabolic disease;
  • Mood decay, apathy, an eruption.

Repeated strict diet

As for the repeated treatment of a strict diet, it is highly recommended not to try again its variants, calculated for 7 or fewer days, more often every 2 months. A 14-day diet does not need to spend the next 3 months, otherwise you can seriously damage your health.

vitamin d diet for weight loss

vitamin d diet for weight loss

Витамин Д, инструкция по применению "Ultraviolet Vitamin D" refers to a fat-soluble group. This name was given to this element because it is formed mainly during solar irradiation. Some part also comes from products of animal origin.
The main duty of vitamin D is to regulate the phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the body, ensuring the normal development of bones, giving strength to the skeleton and strength to the muscles.

Vitamin D - instructions for use

Official medicine is allocated only two elements belonging to group D: D2 (ergocalciferol) and, of course, vitamin D3 (or cholecalciferol). The latter is offered in pharmacies of any city as vitamin D. The application instruction says that it can be taken in the form of capsules, tablets, ampoules, drops and oily solution.vitamin d diet for weight loss.
Every day an adult needs 100 IU (i.e., international units, when 40,000 IU = 1mg) of vitamin D, but children need to be given more - from 500 IU (one drop) to 1000 IU (two drops). The thing is in the needs of the growing body and that in breast milk is only 4% of the daily needs of the baby. And here it is important to strictly observe the prescriptions: an overdose of vitamin D threatens with constipation, diarrhea, hypercalcemia, skin itching, pancreatitis, headaches and pains in the bones
He is prescribed to pregnant women at the 30-32-th week to prevent rickets of newborns. Drink the drug should be within ten days of a general course of 400,000 to 600,000 IU. Nursing mothers need vitamin D daily (oily solution or tablets - it does not matter), it's enough to take 500 IU once. Finished healthy babies are prescribed 500 IU once a day from the second week of life. Preterm need to take about 8000 IU per day.vitamin d diet for weight loss.
To treat the fragility of bones (or osteoporosis), Vitamin D Finnish is well suited, it is taken at 200,000 IU every 15 days by a course of three months. When osteomalacia (softening of the bones) you need up to 2500 IU, this dose is taken three times a day. For the prevention of these diseases, it is sufficient to take 500-1000 IU three times a day.vitamin d diet for weight loss.
Remember that you need to use vitamin D 3 only under medical supervision! Each quarter should monitor the concentration of calcium in the blood. And, depending on the data obtained, adjust the dosage.vitamin d diet for weight loss.
Has its side effects of vitamin D (how to take it in these situations, can only be solved by a doctor). Possible side effects include a decrease in appetite, renal dysfunction, allergy, myalgia, increased pressure, arrhythmia, exacerbation of the tuberculosis, changes in the psyche, mood swings.vitamin d diet for weight loss.
Another important point: vitamin D and calcium must be taken together. It is D3 that contributes to its absorption in the intestine. It is known that 99% of calcium goes to the normal development of teeth, bones and muscles, and 1% - to meet the needs of nerve cells. And if this one percent is not enough, the body will take it from our skeleton.vitamin d diet for weight loss.

Lack of vitamin D

 vitamin d diet for weight loss

Витамин Д, инструкция по применению So, the basic functions of this element are to ensure the growth of bones, the prevention of rickets in children and the fragility of bones in adults. Especially the lack of vitamin D in women is felt, because during pregnancy and feeding a lot of calcium goes away (especially for the baby's needs).vitamin d diet for weight loss.
In addition, the lack of vitamin D leads to unpleasant skin diseases, cancer and heart disease. In those geographical areas where there is little sun and not enough food with its content, the incidence of arthritis, atherosclerosis, and diabetes is increased. vitamin d diet for weight loss. This element also strengthens our immunity and prevents the weakness of muscles (including the heart muscle), affects the functioning of the thyroid gland, facilitates psoriasis, regulates pressure, restores nerves, prevents the development of cancer cells.vitamin d diet for weight loss.
Particularly feel the deficiency of vitamin D is elderly people, because its synthesis in the skin begins to decline. Its shortage is also experienced by vegetarians, since they can not make up for it in the cold season from animal sources of food.vitamin d diet for weight loss. Another category is people with dark skin (representatives of the Negroid race or simply tanners).

Vitamin D for children

It would seem that we should have long ago defeated diseases caused by a lack of vitamins, and yet the incidence of rickets among children is not so rare.vitamin d diet for weight loss. This leads to a shortage of sun, poor nutrition, lack of walks in winter. Therefore, doctors recommend buying vitamin D for babies already in the first days of life.
If the child is on artificial feeding, in its mixture and so this vitamin will be enough. But in cow milk D3 is practically not there, and it should be taken separately. When choosing vitamin D for newborns, give preference to the drug on an aqueous or oily basis.vitamin d diet for weight loss.
In the cold season, babies need a preventive dose - 1 drop per day, give it to courses. In summer, ultraviolet is enough to produce your own vitamin D.vitamin d diet for weight loss. For children, it is very useful to walk every day in any weather, except, of course, extreme. Even on a cloudy day, enough ultraviolet irradiation for half an hour.vitamin d diet for weight loss.
If the doctor has found the initial stage of rickets, he should prescribe a therapeutic dose of the drug and explain how to give vitamin D to the baby (at the tip of the spoon during meals, you can with water). Clearly fulfill the appointment, in case of unpleasant symptoms, stop taking the medication and contact your pediatrician.vitamin d diet for weight loss.

Where does vitamin D

 vitamin d diet for weight loss

Витамин Д, инструкция по применению Now consider where vitamin D. is contained. In small amounts, it is present in fermented milk products (especially cheese and cottage cheese), in creamy and vegetable oil, seafood, animal liver, egg yolks. A little bit of this element is in natural cow milk (shop pasteurized categorically does not fit).vitamin d diet for weight loss.
The main products containing vitamin D are fish liver (most of cod and halibut), fish oil, as well as herring, salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel and mackerel. As you can see, it's mostly food of animal origin, because vegetarians are at risk. It is believed that in plant sources it is even less, and in the case of lack of D3, the alternative for them remains only the drug form of the drug.vitamin d diet for weight loss.
However, there is vitamin D in foods such as potatoes, oatmeal, parsley. It is present in some herbs: dandelion greens, alfalfa, horsetail, nettle. Doctors also recommend paying attention to fatty butter and natural cow milk (it should be drunk at least 3 glasses a day).
The search for "what contains vitamin D" continues, and recently scientists have published data that the largest source of it are mushroom-mushrooms. They also contain mineral salts, selenium, folic acid, proteins and other vitamins. To replenish D3 stocks, it is sufficient to eat 300-500 grams of mushrooms per week.
Let's remind that this element belongs to a fat-soluble group, which means that vitamin D. can accumulate in our bodies. In what products we find it, it is very important, and it is equally important to know about the fine line between the normal assimilation of this element and the danger of its overdose .
About the relationship of vitamin D and absorption in the body of iron and calcium know not all (as well as that vitamin B12 is not compatible with vitamins B1 and B6). With the help of D3, not only calcium is absorbed, but also magnesium, but its excess leads to iron deficiency.
Now you know about it, and so you can make up your diet of health and beauty.

vitamin c foods for weight loss

Vitamin C helps to lose weight and slows down aging Vitamin C is the key vitamin for immunity. It supports youthfulness of the skin, reduces slags in the body and restrains stress. Moreover, he is involved in losing weight!vitamin c foods for weight loss.
Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is a substance absolutely necessary for life and maintaining physical and mental health. For this reason, you should not lose sight of it in the weight loss program.vitamin c foods for weight loss. Only a healthy body can lose weight in a healthy way.vitamin c foods for weight loss.
Unlike other vitamins and essential substances that are also necessary for health, vitamin C brings a few more benefits for your weight loss!vitamin c foods for weight loss.

vitamin c foods for weight loss

1. Most animals produce vitamin C on their own, while the human body is not capable of it, so it's important to get it from the outside.vitamin c foods for weight loss.
2. Vitamin C supports immunity and helps with viral, bacterial or infectious diseases (cold, pneumonia, childhood illnesses)vitamin c foods for weight loss
3. It reduces the amount of dangerous LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.vitamin c foods for weight loss.
4. It acts antioxidantly and neutralizes the effect of free radicals that trigger aging and tumor changes in cells.
5. It is necessary for the formation and maintenance of collagen, this is the second reason why it acts against aging.vitamin c foods for weight loss.
6. It stabilizes the brain functions - try after a drunken party take two tablets of vitamin C 1000 or squeeze juice from two lemons into a glass of water and you will see how water with lemon will clean your head.
7. It is almost impossible to overdose with Vitamin C - excess amount is excreted in the urine.vitamin c foods for weight loss.
8. Smokers are recommended to increase the intake of vitamin C, because it reduces the negative effects of smoking.vitamin c foods for weight loss.
9. Lack of vitamin can manifest fatigue, muscle weakness, joint pain and muscle, bleeding gums, scurvy.
10. The recommended daily dose of vitamin C for an adult is 60 mg.vitamin c foods for weight loss.
 vitamin c foods for weight loss

How does vitamin C help lose weight?vitamin c foods for weight loss

How Vitamin C Helps to Lose Weight First of all, vitamin C indirectly supports digestion, namely - it helps to assimilate iron. This mineral is necessary for the metabolism of the B complex of vitamins, thus it is involved in the formation of gastric juice and digestion. Therefore, diets on citrus are so effective - grapefruit , orange and others.vitamin c foods for weight loss
The biggest plus of vitamin C in terms of weight loss is that it supports the formation of so-called "weight loss" hormones such as carnitine, vitamin c foods for weight loss.often present in dietary supplements for weight loss and thyroxine, vitamin c foods for weight loss.which is involved in the formation of other hormones that eliminate fat stores.

Where to get vitamin C?

 vitamin c foods for weight loss

Of course, vitamin C can be taken from food supplements, but it is best to take it from food. Vitamin C is most in fresh fruits and vegetables, especially citrus, black currant, strawberry, pepper, tomatoes or cabbage. Thus, when losing weight, when you should focus on sufficient intake of vegetables, vitamin C should be slightly more than enough.vitamin c foods for weight loss.

vitamin b shots for weight loss diet

vitamin b shots for weight loss diet

The group of vitamins includes 12 chemical compounds, without which no human body can function properly. A poorly functioning body system can not support a person in a stable weight. Therefore, B vitamins are necessary for weight loss and normalization of metabolic processes.
As you know, the process of losing weight, the consequences of which do not threaten the loss of health and the rapid return of hated kilograms, is not based on a refusal to eat. In the acquisition and maintenance of optimal harmony, metabolic processes in the body play an important role: appetite, hunger, metabolism, loss of calories, metabolism, and others. Vitamins B are indispensable catalysts of these processes in the human body. vitamin b shots for weight loss diet.Consider the main compounds from the group of vitamins B.vitamin b shots for weight loss diet.
Thiamine, or vitamin B1, refers to the essential substances for the life support of the nervous system. It improves memory by supplying the brain with enough glucose. But, in addition to an even state of mind, thiamine is able to give a person energy, which is so necessary for the rapid pace of modern life. B1 is involved in the breakdown of fats,vitamin b shots for weight loss diet. proteins and carbohydrates. It normalizes acidity, which improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract, and increases immunity to infectious diseases. vitamin b shots for weight loss diet. And this is important for health and general well-being. Thiamine is found in grains of sprouted wheat, in bread from wholemeal flour, in nuts, beans, bran.vitamin b shots for weight loss diet.
Riboflavin (B2) is responsible for the normalization of the metabolism, as well as for the thyroid gland. Without riboflavin, it is impossible to assimilate many nutrients from food. He is involved in the process of metabolism - the splitting of fats and the release of active energy. The benefits of B vitamins in general, and riboflavin in particular, are undeniable for effective weight loss. The lack of B2 leads to chronic fatigue. Unlike thiamine, this substance is not afraid of heat treatment. It is found in eggs, liver, hard cheeses, fish, broccoli and spinach.vitamin b shots for weight loss diet.
Close to the characteristics of B2 vitamin Niacin (B3), which produces hormones of the thyroid gland and regulates the level of sugar in the blood. In large quantities, this vitamin is present in chicken, turkey, barley, brown rice, oats and dried fruits.vitamin b shots for weight loss diet.
A person is not able to store and store previously obtained vitamins. Therefore, it is important to always maintain a balanced diet, even by reducing your weight. During the diet, special attention should be paid to the saturation of the diet with different vitamins, especially from group B.vitamin b shots for weight loss diet.
Vitamin pyridoxine B6 enhances the production of the hormone serotonin, responsible for a good mood, sound sleep and a healthy appetite. vitamin b shots for weight loss diet. It would seem, to increase appetite during a diet to anything.vitamin b shots for weight loss diet. But the lack of this vitamin can lead to cardiovascular diseases. After all, it regulates the amino acid metabolism in the body and promotes the formation of red bodies in the blood, which is necessary for normal life. In addition, to absorb useful dietary foods, too, a good appetite is needed. And a man without a hormone of joy will be sullen and unhappy, even staying at the optimal weight. Therefore, B6, like other B vitamins, is necessary and useful to everyone. B6 is found in milk, by-products, beef, eggs and cabbage.vitamin b shots for weight loss diet.
It should be more closely focused on vitamin B12 - cobalamin. This substance promotes the synthesis of proteins and is responsible for the processing of fats, proteins and carbohydrates that enter the body together with food. In addition, this chemical compound, like other B vitamins, brings the nervous system in order, strengthens the immune system, and participates in the process of hematopoiesis. Regular absorption with food B12 promotes the concentration of vital energy throughout the day. Cobalamin is necessary for people who regularly experience physical stress. But the diet is powerless before the extra pounds without regular visits to the gym.vitamin b shots for weight loss diet. B12 helps to be always in good shape and not get tired during the day. It is found in products of animal origin: meat, fish, seafood, eggs, liver, in dairy products.vitamin b shots for weight loss diet.
Vitamins of energy include folic acid or vitamin B9. It normalizes fat metabolism and slows down the aging process. Folic acid does not tolerate heat treatment. When heat treatment of products containing B9, up to 60% of the vitamin is lost. To get the right amount of B9, you need to include in your diet onions, parsley and raw carrots.vitamin b shots for weight loss diet.
The benefits of vitamins B, all without exception, are obvious.
B vitamins are able to fight seasickness. vitamin b shots for weight loss diet. The use of alcohol leads to a deficiency of vitamins B6 and B9. Increase intake of B6 is also necessary in the case of a meal with a high protein content. This applies to those who wish to replace the fatty layer with muscle tissue.vitamin b shots for weight loss diet.
It is important to choose from products containing vitamins of group B, such that they will saturate the body with substances useful for its vital activity, without interfering with the process of losing weight. Vitamins of this group are widely represented in many products. To create a balanced diet to reduce body weight and preserve vital energy will not be difficult.

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naturopathy diet for weight loss 1 month

There is a joking belief among the followers of raw food that the history of the raw food itself began in the gardens of Eden with Adam and Eve. And they find confirmation of this even in the Bible. Well, let's understand what it is.

Raw food - what is it?

Сыроедение для похудения Raw food is a special food system that completely or in fact completely excludes human consumption of foods processed by heat (fried, boiled, smoked, steamed, pasteurized, etc.). By its principles, raw food is very close to vegetarianism.
The basis of all the foundations of the adherents of this food system is the assertion that under natural wildlife conditions in the human food chain there could not be foods that were fried or cooked in any other way. Also unnatural for humans was the use of animal proteins , ie, meat of animals and milk of other biological species.
It is believed that the most natural and natural way of eating for a person is eating raw food, and culinary delights are already a destructive influence of civilization that tore us from Nature.naturopathy diet for weight loss 1 month.

Basic principles of nutrition for raw food

Among the raw-eaters one of the most popular practitioners is the American Herbert M. Shelton - a doctor and head of a specialized clinic for the treatment of diseases by natural means. Shelton is the author of many works on the issues of proper nutrition and curative fasting. Its principles of nutrition are used not only in the environment of raw food, but in general for the correct human eating behavior:naturopathy diet for weight loss 1 month.
  • Eat only when you feel a natural physiological hunger, not confusing it with the appearance of appetite at the sight of food or the onset of lunch, dinner. According to Shelton, there are not hours at all: breakfast, lunch, dinner is a social habit that we ourselves develop
  • That the food is better assimilated, thoroughly chew it
  • Do not eat in a hurry
  • Do not eat before an important mental or serious physical exertion
  • Do not pass and do not force children to eat by force
  • Do not drink before meals and immediately after
  • Drink water and only if you feel thirsty
  • Eat food at room temperature (not from the refrigerator)
  • Ready raw meals do not store long
  • It is best if the breakfast is late and fruity, lunch - light, and dinner - early and as the main meal throughout the day
  • Nuts, fruit, eat before dinner for complete assimilation
  • If you are feverish, you feel unwell, it's better to abstain from food, and drink a little.
  •  naturopathy diet for weight loss 1 month
Правила сыроедения
And a few more items concerning a purely raw diet:
  1. Exclusion of any thermal, as well as chemical processing of food, pickling, marinating and fermenting food
  2. Preservation of the maximum nutritional value of products
  3. The maximum variety of raw food (to avoid exhaustion and lack of nutrients)
  4. Separation of products and their right combination
  5. Drinking water and freshly squeezed juices (purchased juices and tea are highly undesirable)
  6. Complete exclusion of alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee
  7.  naturopathy diet for weight loss 1 month

Types of raw food. Diet of the raw food

All raw food producers are united by the rejection of the heat treatment of products. And already individual preferences and taste preferences determine this or that choice of the kind of raw food and form its menu .naturopathy diet for weight loss 1 month.
Raw food is divided into several types. Each has its own menu and a certain list of products. Let's look at them in more detail.
Veal ripening
This species excludes the use of any food of animal origin. Only the consumption of raw vegetable food is permissible.naturopathy diet for weight loss 1 month.
Фрукторианство One of the rarest species. The essence of it is that the menu includes seeds, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables-fruits (tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.). Vegetables-not fruits (carrots, potatoes, cabbage, etc.) do not enter here. Fructorians believe that these species of plants also die when consumed in food.
By the method of planning the menu, the raw diet is divided into the following types:
  • Mixed - the products are divided into the composition and in a single use are used similar to each other (vegetables + vegetables, fruits + nuts, dairy products among themselves, etc.).
  • Monotrophic (cheese-making) - one product without heat treatment at one time, after a few hours - another product, etc.
  • Moderate - 75% of raw food, everything else is subjected to a slight heat treatment for steaming or light cooking.

The menu of raw food (as a percentage of total food)

 naturopathy diet for weight loss 1 month

  • Berries and fruits - 50%
  • Vegetables - 35%
  • Starchy products - 10%
  • Concentrates (dried fruits, seeds, nuts, cottage cheese, honey, etc.) - up to 10%
  • Seasonings (vegetable oils, salt, onions, mint, sage, parsley) - 1%

Raw food for the body and spirit

 naturopathy diet for weight loss 1 month

Польза сыроедения In practice, if such a model of nutrition is observed, there is indeed a loss of weight, especially superfluous. Weight is restored to normal in the case of long practice (if there was a drop below the normal level).naturopathy diet for weight loss 1 month.
However, many nutritionists believe that raw diet is useful as a temporary diet for weight normalization. And the transition to a hard raw diet (if there is such a desire) is recommended to begin no earlier than 30 years. And advise to adhere to all the same optimal ratio of raw and processed food - 60% to 40%.
Raw meat eaters believe that with proper dietary habits the correct functioning of the body's systems is established, slags are removed (although official medicine does not find them in the human body), body cells receive the "right" energy of plant food, putrefactive processes in the intestine stop, consciousness clears, aggression disappears .
The organism, in their opinion, ceases to be clogged with the "products" of civilization and the so-called disharmony disappears - food addiction, dependence on products.naturopathy diet for weight loss 1 month.

The beginning of all beginnings. How to go right to practice.

 naturopathy diet for weight loss 1 month

Практика сыроедения
Having decided to switch to raw diet, beginners usually face two major problems: psychological (fuzzy goals, lack of a concrete plan, habits, relationships with people and the pressure of others) and a complete lack of experience.
According to the familiar to us Shelton, the transition rules are as follows:
  • Go to a new way of eating right away and as completely as possible. At first, there will be a shortage of food, dizziness, weakness, weight loss. If before the transition you will spend a short starvation, this will facilitate the adaptation process.
  • Eat food simple and with a small number of foods
  • Start the day with juicy raw fruits
  • A day at least 1 serving of salad from 4 kinds of vegetables without seasonings
  • More nuts - there are proteins and digestible fats
  • Fats separate from proteins and in a minimal amount
  • Ideally, if all food is raw. But if necessary, you can process it.
  • Drink only cool water and as needed
  • Exclude seasoning and salt, and sugar, flour and rice (polished) minimize
  • Exclude preservation and avoid products of animal origin
  • Take it easy
  • Correctly combine food
  •  naturopathy diet for weight loss 1 month
But before the transition, you should be mentally adjusted and realize that this is really what you need, to take a deliberate and informed decision.

Menu and power plan tips

 naturopathy diet for weight loss 1 month

Raw food does not suggest a separate direction for weight loss. If you deliberately decided to take such a step, the weight in any case will change. Therefore, there are no specific methods. And there are general recommendations on the menu. In view of all the above (rules, schedule, basic principles of nutrition), you can adhere to such food (according to Shelton):
Меню сыроеда For the first breakfast (to choose from):
  • Orange - 3 pcs.
  • grapefruit
  • 1 apple and 200 g of grapes
  • melon
  • watermelon
  • Berries
  • Peaches
  • 2 pears and 8 pieces of dried figs
  •  naturopathy diet for weight loss 1 month
For the second breakfast (which will be lunch):
  • Any of the vegetable salads: raw turnips and rustic cheese / nuts and raw spinach / carrots, spinach and beets / sour fruits and nuts / lettuce, peas and carrots / fresh corn, cauliflower and cabbage leaves.
For lunch (which will be in the evening):
  • Any of the salads: avocado and Chinese cabbage / nuts, radish with leaves and lettuce / rustic cheese and sour fruit / spinach leaves, lettuce and cabbage.
  •  naturopathy diet for weight loss 1 month
Of course, this menu is approximate and rather tough, suggesting a switch to full raw food. There are many other nutrition techniques that you can study, and then choose a more suitable option for yourself. For example, a well-known naturopath C.naturopathy diet for weight loss 1 month. Jeffrey approaches the issue of raw food-supplying differently: by dividing products into 6 categories, he indicates the percentage ratio of these categories in the daily diet.naturopathy diet for weight loss 1 month.
Remember , products of plant origin are great, and raw food can be partial. Your diet with the right selection will not be scant.naturopathy diet for weight loss 1 month.
After all, there are a lot of recipes for raw food, and they are all diverse. Green mango smoothies
With this drink you can start and end the day. It is very refreshing and pleasant to the taste.
You will need: 1 mango (chopped), spinach (large handful), parsley (small bunch), celery (2 chopped sticks), 4 salad leaves (sort of romaine), 1 lemon juice, water (2 cups).naturopathy diet for weight loss 1 month.
All ingredients are immersed in a blender and beat until homogeneous. We drink immediately.
Bilberry Cowberry Soup
You will need: blueberries (1 glass), cowberry (0.5 cups), almond milk (1 cup), vanilla and honey for taste.
We bring the berries in a blender to the state of puree, add milk, vanilla and honey, once again whisk. It turns out 2 servings. And that's all, you can eat soup.naturopathy diet for weight loss 1 month.

naturopathy diet for weight loss 1 month

Reviews of people

Результаты сыроедов

2 months for raw food. With 90 kg my weight fell to 84. And I continue to lose weight rapidly. Still completely ruled out salt and bread. I noticed that my eyesight improved. The doctor said that I will not need glasses in a year.
Before and after
I switched to raw food after 12 years of vegetarianism. But while I eat dairy. I do not observe any drastic changes. Maybe because of normal weight (at 32 years 48 kg with a height of 163). I heard from many people that you need to go smoothly.
Completing our conversation, we will not repeat and say only that choosing raw diet for weight loss, be prepared for a difficult journey. Approach this step consciously and with all your heart. And then everything will turn out!

diet cabbage soup

diet cabbage soup Cabbage soup for weight loss is the basis of the popular diet today, which allows you to lose an average of 5 kg o...